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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Police don't get Covid Only got to look in a police car , No Masks
  3. 1 point
    Had a police officer in buying a car today. She was retired actually. Didn't wear a mask. Was trading in a shitter PX.
  4. 1 point
    It will come to you , dont panic , just have to imagine every day is a school day I've been selling for best part or 50 yrs Salt and its always fun in my head , Customers change but their questions and expectations don't , Just learn to tell the truth and be firm , Don't let them rip your heart out , because they will have a go , no morals in the buying public , most rude set of people on earth , but you will learn the retorts that shoot them down , I do actually get off on dealing with the public though , one big competition and I don't lose Stick at it you will be fine
  5. 1 point
    Best of luck sir, you sound well 'sound' enough to do well.
  6. 1 point
    I wouldn't want to owning chunks of commercial office property at the moment.
  7. 1 point
    A very good friend of mine runs a cleaning business or did it’s now in total shreds, commercial offices closed, student let’s empty as no students have come into the Uk, even his private customers have cancelled due to most of them working from home and doing it themselves, even the window cleaning section of his business has been hit very hard with most of his clients saying its pointless having clean windows as all transactions are now carried out on line and there looking to reduce there overheads. The council was a big contract who have advised him there is no budget for his services at present. gone from 8 staff down to him and his wife in a matter of months.
  8. 1 point
    Thanks David, Matt, Casper, and all those above. I've cut the margins low and manual fiesta has civic hybrid have now both gone. I will however say I won't be buying another civic hybrid, their clientele have expectations that differ to reality! And appreciate the advice regarding the fiesta, although it sold quick it was due to the owners/history/colour combo that did it and the phone didn't exactly ring off the hook (2 calls and one person came to view and bought it). Space is an issue as I have off road parking for four cars, hence the query around the tax (I've read the 500m rule and would abide and none of the cars have any signs stating they are for sale). I do live next door to a church, so may approach them for renting a couple of parking spaces though... This life is a world apart to what I was doing in the past, and I can now first hand appreciate the effort, time, skill and knowledge that goes into it. Not to mention the public facing elements! All a learning experience and my thanks to you all again!
  9. 1 point
    There’s a guy who can tax any car without V62
  10. 1 point
    Hi Salt Welcome to the forum, a great source of info. You come across as a nice chap, make sure youre not too nice to the punters or they will walk all over you. How much space do you have? If you only have 4 cars in stock, in all reality you will only sell 2-3 cars a month. If youve got space, try and make the cash stretch to 8-10 cars, then youve a chance of earning a living. Fiestas are 10 a penny, (and at the moment book quite high compared to other small cars) so you'll need to be very competitive on price, have excellent pics and have good reasons to pick yours (be it history, ownership, colour etc) to even get the phone to ring. I think the hybrids you have are a bit odd ball but then I've never had one. There's good opportunities by sifting the private ads (facebook etc) if you find auctions tough. Good Luck
  11. 1 point
    had a bloke in this week,stopped him at the door as he had ignored the stop here wear mask signs seriously he said "it doesnt matter ive had it" WHAT ABOUT ME.......................................
  12. 1 point
    Yes, it’s not too difficult. It’s not a huge inconvenience when considering the potential alternative that we all know is coming over the hills towards us. Poor boris has spelt it out, like headmaster to the naughty kids! Here’s hoping!