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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    This young guy just arrived from over 100 miles away , no call , just turned up . rang the number on our door , " Hi I'm outside come to see the Golf you have " So we lets him in , there's the car , he wants to test drive it . Need a deal setting up first my friend I say , as hes mentioned a PX outside . 56 Plate 112,000 miles Zetec S in white , Bit Rare he goes so don't look at yer values on this one , I want decent money for it . " Wont be buying the Golf then one thinks " HPI /Experian reveals his car was born BLUE then changed to WHITE in 2010 , Its also got 14 previous owners , all odd tyres at 2mm , MATT Paint , Wrapped Bonnet , Kerbed wheels No History , says hes had 3 years but he'd had it March 2020 . What do want for it then i says 3k mate he goes I printed CAP and autotrader out for him £270 & £295 came out , so how do you value it 3k then , Cos i need that for the deposit on finance . Its not how it works though , tried explaining but he didn't actually get it , had zero concept that his car had a value based on ,condition , service history ,Provenance age and miles . He argued the fact that he wanted 3k for it based on the requirement of a deposit to get the payments down to what he could afford . Plus he had driven 100 + miles to get the golf . But you cant afford it I say based on what i can give you for the Fiesta . Its not rare , its been to friendly with to many owners , its not been serviced , its changed colour , it wants scrapping . Go sell it yourself . "Tried mate no one rang bout it " mmmmm wonder why Whats best you can do on my car then he asks now realising the reality of the valuation system . £50 i say his mate says that's what that other guy said Hes gone to sell it himself , rare cars those old school Zetec S 's , be zero tread on tyres now as he wheel spun down the road They have NO Clue nowdays at all , I remember being 11 yrs old and knowing cars had values based on condition .
  2. 2 points
    Is it just me, or are the people that say I’m not a messer, the biggest fucking messers
  3. 2 points
    Heard this on Saturday,punter on phone asking all sorts about N/Leaf then says it’s not for me it’s for my 17 year old son.Was then told ‘ he ain’t going to want a Nissan Leaf ‘.
  4. 2 points
    "I'm not a messer" "I'm in the trade" "My mates a mechanic/ In the trade" "Can you beat this fake finance quote with 1% APR even though I haven't worked in 5 years and have several CCJ's against me?" "I'm not looking to buy, just to test drive" "So are you a car dealer or just flipping these for a profit?" "Do you take paypal?" "Can I have it next week without leaving a deposit?" "Can I pay you £10 a week?" "Can I take it away now if I pay you half now and the other when I get paid" Take your pick
  5. 2 points
    Best one we had, fair play to the guy, asked us for a valuation on p/x so we just sent him WBAC value and said we’d match it. He got offended and sent us back the WBAC valuation of the car we was selling ,which was less than half of retail, and said that was all he wanted to pay for ours then.
  6. 1 point
    Anyone noticed cars being marked as sold and going back through a day or two after or going straight onto buy it now? I smell some bidding up
  7. 1 point
    Why would anyone that ISNT a messer have to say ‘I’m not a messer’ - they wouldn’t and just crack on and buy any customer that makes reference to ‘not being a messer’ will turn into the biggest messer of all. Fact
  8. 1 point
    wouldn't it be nice if they came in said I'm a nob can you help me please "I used to do this job" is my altime classic from the nob jockeys
  9. 1 point
    I really want this car, I don’t want to leave a deposit but can you keep it for me till Christmas?
  10. 1 point
    Will you keep it for will my 06 corsa be work 3 grand in px the list goes on but mostly the same ones as Mikey ..
  11. 1 point
    Seems its dependant on what BCA it is in my opinion . One says its got to have an assured report to drive it , then it turns up being driven anyway without a report . Some say its only 3 at a time to get it on a lorry , we've had three cars on three lorries last week on same day all from same BCA but one went to my house then rang me to say he was stuck in the culdesac with a full double decker transporter , who'd turn into a little close with a lorry that big . Don't be in a hurry if you do get them delivered either , what a joke , 0 to 10 days they say ,We bought 30 cars in three weeks then only 12 came inside 10 days , Had delivery charge refunded for the rest " best part of £1,200 " , still waiting for paper work for some others ,Lost service history and spare key on one , sent us £500 back then it turned up two days later . Another turned up with a whacking dent in the bonnet from the transporter , driver said not me mate , who did it then the bonnet fairy , BCA gave us £1,080 +VAT towards fixing it . Total loones at present BCA are, don't know if they are turning left or right ,
  12. 1 point
    They don't understand though the concept we have to earn a profit do they . I ask what would happen to their wages if their boss at work failed to make a profit I'm pretty sure they don't have a clue how it all works half the time .
  13. 1 point
    Yes, it happens. Vendors need certain amounts back for cars... what can you do? Best thing to do is only pay your maximum and if it keeps going don’t get emotional - it’s not meant to be. Plenty more fish in the sea.