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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    It's true! Official confirmation just received and story updated here! I hope that means we'll get it now... https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/small-firms-missed-10k-grants-benefit-new-600m-government-scheme/191497
  2. 1 point
    I don’t believe this story.I think that what has really happened is that Lookers has got a third party to float the story in the hope a white knight will rescue them.They are a household name with a lot of freehold property to sell off or maybe sell and lease back,and they are cheap.
  3. 1 point
    I tried a 348 & a Mondial 3.4 a few years ago and they both felt horrid, like thrown together kit cars. They drove like shit as well & didn’t feel particularly quick. Funnily enough at the same time I tried a 928 & my conclusion was it was just a boring 2 door Mercedes. I just don’t ‘get’ those sort of cars, and while I’m on it them Honda S2000s are shite and further down the rung MX5 are diabolical. Mind you, 348s seem to be on the increase so another ship has left the dock without me.
  4. 1 point
    Have a guess . A fellow trader asked similar; “What if we come to collect & the car’s knackered?” Manheim’s response was “Don’t worry, we’ll sort something out”!!!! Would you trust them #+*^s?
  5. 1 point
    Not bad. Delivery was quoted at 10-20 days and came in about 14 days. Think I should maybe go into the PPE business rather than cars. I think compulsory mask wearing is coming - there'll be a market for millions...
  6. 1 point
    That's not the way it works. Judging by a query from you about Jaguar disc sizes (and being reluctant to take a wheel off to measure) I suspect you are not involved in the service side. Sadly there are an awful lot of people who can't afford to properly maintain the £15k cars they are driving around in. We meet them every week. They max themselves out buying a used Merc or BM and then have nothing in reserve for maintenance. We see them with Chinese tyres down to the cords, pad warning light been on for weeks... Just before lockdown we had a 5/6 year old X5 in with a £1500 transmission fault. The owner outright told us he had no money to fix it. Was going to have to look for a loan.
  7. 1 point
    That is totally unfair, let me tell you why was on here till late, i was doing invoices, signing cheques, generally making sure i can keep my company afloat by checking all recent gov uk sites for updates, scanning news journals trying to get a general idea looking at other countries ways of going back, and coming on here to set people straight to the best of my knowledge and research. Let me set you straight on point number 1, the main point of this ! the extension of the mot was to to help prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).NOT [ your quote] for key workers, to keep traffic off the road, quite simple thing to do, x amount of mots due in the next 6 month, x amount removed from the road on journeys, simple. If i am wrong and this is not extended after 6 month from 30th march then i will eat shit, but, let me remind you and others what was said at the daily meeting, a point many missed, this exemption will continue until the end of lockdown, if you want confirmation i will find the link ! quote =Some of us pick and choose who we sell to. every customer who comes through my door is qualified, if your trouble or i sense trouble in the future you will not be sold a car, it is my car and yes, and i sell to who i beleive is right.some may slip through the net, a hazard in many jobs. quote = Not every buyer is a stingy tosspot. and yet you are asking how to measure discs so that you can buy on-line and cut out someone's profit ? and boasting how you got your son cheap insurance ? quote = If someone is forking out £15k for a motor they will look after it. If you're selling a £1500 banger then stick with your mr mechanic know it alls. well i find quite the opposite, walk round any supermarket car park and look at the tyres on these big lumps, handy because many are on full lock, see the cords hanging out on the edge, living beyond there means, 2 cars in drive and f*ck all in fridge is the saying, and yet the banger market may at least consider part worn to keep them legal. now, where is that crossword i have not got the time to do !
  8. 1 point
    What’s the recipe for Home Mad Soup?
  9. 1 point
    That’s my stock profile & there’s no chance at all for me. When the world first went tits up Manheim tried it for a week. They ran up everything - to my mind showing they have no comprehension of the issues buyers face buying blind based on their totally inadequate descriptions. They think the likes of me are interested in a few scratches & wheel scuffs when, quite frankly, I couldn’t give a toss about them. It’s the mechanical aspect that concerns me which they don’t cover.
  10. 1 point
    It’s all spin.Yesterday they were claiming tests had increased to 100,000 per day.Do you believe that when the chemicals to do the tests are in short supply ( quote Gov.Como New York State ) We now have a big virus testing centre and a hospital 4 miles away have now got the equipment to anylise 6000 tests per day.Where are they being done,240 miles away in Milton Keynes by a private company.The explanation given,De Loitte are advising the government on carrying out tests. On Thursday,the chancellor said there were now more than 25% of businesses on lock down ( sounds better than 70% ) and 4 million workers were now furloughed ( sounds better than 15 million). A local company on telly were complaining that NHS were messing them about regarding buying their protective visors and they had made thousands.So they were now just selling them to the US who wanted them yesterday. I think it might be better if the army were put in control.
  11. 1 point
    You will be popular with your ‘client’ then.Expecting a main dealer to do everything right,that is very unprofessional if you don’t mind me saying. I think you should do the proper thing and refund your ‘client’........ha ha !
  12. 1 point
    Know a couple of people with 570 / 720, one uses his most days without problems, the other two are keen to get out of them as unreliable and lots of defects with paint etc. Warranty is essential on these but annual renewal is just shy of £5000. As for main dealers, purchased a car 2018 car for a client last year from a main dealer, paid just shy of £180k so expected it to be right, has been back several times for things that should have been sorted pre delivery and in March this year found out the year one service was not completed.....
  13. 1 point
    I’m the same Casper, all my staff are like family. One of my guys my missus even makes him dinners and sends then up the road with him as he lives himself. We all get on well and all come and go and help one another out and that’s the way it should be. With regard to the mots my own car will still be getting done on its 12 months as the gap in the history would annoy me. My car is well maintained and would pass so what’s the cost of a test fee? Wallies. ps hope you and the family are well Casper.
  14. 1 point
    McLarens have just never enjoyed the strong residual of Ferrari or Porsche Models. Lamborghini hold fairly strong but a little behind the other 2. McLaren are a long way behind. Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini will always buy a car back off you. You will take a hit but they will buy it to keep the market high. Having that amount in a car I’d be looking for that get out and liquidity and reassurance. McLaren don’t even want their own cars back.
  15. 1 point
    Yes but no. What I mean is the govt don’t want it but unintentionally that’s exactly what they have authorised. All of the ‘but your car must remain roadworthy’ counts for sweet f.a. with many motorists. I suspect the decision makers on govt policies such as this are well paid, live in reasonable conditions & keep their newish cars well maintained. Their decisions have mistakenly been made based on their standards. They should of come here yesterday & seen the state of the tyres & a brake pipe on the old Fiesta I presented for MOT. I only mention this because purely by chance last year it was ‘my’ tester who passed it - only 12 months later it’s a death trap.
  16. 1 point
    I have not done any sales since lockdown, think it is well documented on here that i will not deliver, so, by holding onto my stock, some ready some not, and dealers reporting can not get stock, i have done the right thing, because i know for a fact that delivering cars is not economical, both in money and sanity ? so, in theory, purchasing will be more expensive after lockdown, and by holding on, my stock should raise in value ?
  17. 1 point
    The main issue with staffing in the automotive industry is that any good mechanic sooner or later realises working for £13/14 is pointless when they can work as an aircraft engineer and make close to double that. For such a skilled job it’s seriously underpaid.
  18. 1 point
    Interestingly, a month after having closed their website, I got a call from our Motability rep to say they were going to list 200 cars at 09.00 this morning. I forgot about it and only just logged on. 99 of the 200 have been sold. They're all stock cars held at their refurb centre in Stoke so should have minimal prep. Having a look at the prices, many of them are under May CAP Below prices with free delivery! Is it time to fill boots, or is this going to be the way prices are going?
  19. 1 point
    Sorry, but what you have written there is jumbled-up claptrap. The Paris Agreement sits above the EU. The EU is a signatory to it, along with 188 other states. The Paris Agreement is operationalised by the Katowice Rulebook (set up by the UN) which sets out how all the different countries will meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement. The EU is responsible for implementing it within the EU. After Brexit the UK government will be responsible for implementing it in the UK. I highly doubt that the UK will break ranks with the rest of the world after Brexit. Don't expect any changes.
  20. 0 points
    My sister is a nurse and had to buy her own as they had none left to supply in the ward so your still in front .
  21. 0 points
    ^ Think you need some help. You dont need to be doing invoices that late... You had the last 6 weeks... What the hell are you doing during the day? You're not open are you that you need to do paperwork at night? And if you were actually doing paperwork then you should have been doing it and not having tantrums on here. Like i said too many have you have become too negative in this little lockdown... Not good for your mental health. Get a bike and enjoy the sunshine