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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    In a perfect world, car dealers want their showrooms to be full of stock, with significant numbers of prospective buyers milling around, sitting in cars, test driving, chatting to sales-staff and then driving off in them happy with their new purchase. But today is not the perfect world and won’t be for some time. A number of clients are wishing to deliver cars to customers at their home (self-isolating permitting!). As this could be considered running an organised distance selling scheme, customers could have the right to cancel the contract for UP TO A YEAR after delivery if they are not advised of the right to cancel the contract. Car dealers can also be prosecuted by Trading Standards. Where a consumer (not a business buyer) has a car delivered to them and where they have not visited the showroom beforehand, we suggest the following is given to consumers either separately (in person at handover) as well as in your terms and conditions online. Ideally, you should retain a copy of this clause with their signature signalling that they have received the notice - to ensure that they know they have the right to cancel. Do note that the mile limit and fee per mile travelled over that limit is for each dealer to decide and this example is indicative only. You cannot, though, allow for a 20 mile limit and £20 per mile driven over that amount! Lawgistics suggested wording: Cancellation under the Distance Selling Regulations Ordinarily we do not run an organised distance selling scheme. However, due to the coronavirus outbreak we need to support our valued customers by delivering your vehicle to your home. If you have ordered and taken delivery of your vehicle without visiting our showroom and you are not buying the car in the course of your trade or business, the following cancellation clause applies: You have 14 days to get to know your new vehicle and to make sure it suits you. If you change your mind just let us know in writing by post [insert address] or in email to [insert email address] and to reach us by 6pm on the 14th day following delivery and we will come and collect the vehicle for a refund. We cannot accept a return of the car if it has been damaged, modified or altered from the condition it was delivered in. An excess mileage charge of £1 per mile for any mileage over 150 miles in those 14 days will apply. If you do change your mind you cannot use the car once you have notified us - but you must still tax and insure the vehicle until it is collected. This cancellation (change of mind) clause does not affect any separate rights given to you in The Consumer Rights Act 2015 or the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended).
  2. 2 points
    We did unfortunately have thieves last night aswell, not on the same scale though. We have 2 advertising smart cars that get kept at roadside locations. One for the workshop business and one for the sales. One has a large Kevin the carrot teddy as the driver and the other has a 6 foot teddy bear. Some wee idiots smashed both windows and stole the teddies. Slightly annoying but we decided to do good out of it by putting a funny kidnapped post on social media and it has had an overwhelming response so it’s almost been worth it from an advertising point of view. search our social media pages if you fancy some mild amusement.
  3. 2 points
    It will be interesting to see if Lookers stays open for business and have a future.One year ago their shares were £1,closing bell last night they were down to 11p.I think it is very sad as they were established in 1910,have 150 dealerships,plus parts distribution companies,employ 1000’s and appear to have been led downhill by ‘ Corporates’ with little frontline motor trade experience.I was going to buy the shares at 17p last week but held back,I am pleased I did.
  4. 1 point
    Still open next week (assuming retail isn't closed by then). Taking all sensible precautions with gloves, proper grade sanitiser, hand washing, safe social distancing, unaccompanied test drives etc. Open for business and ready for business. Priority though is looking after the guys we need. Paying all the trades; dent man, trimmer, painters and valeters same day they invoice so they're not stressing and trying to find them a bit of work here and there. Luckily we only have two staff but they're aware they can ask and have any time off they need for shopping, family stuff, emergencies or if they're just feeling a bit overwhelmed by this all (they're both too proud to accept help but the gesture's there). Can't influence any of what's going on but we literally are in this bollocks together so getting people paid on time and helping out where we can is the goal for now. That and concreting a few potholes on the forecourt Monday if T.Perkins are still open. (not nice to hear about the break in's guys...feel for you)
  5. 1 point
    I fully expect theft, and crime in general, to increase.
  6. 1 point
    I wish he’d just shut the country, half the ignorant twats are missing the point of social distancing
  7. 1 point
    I don’t work at the pitch myself anymore but apparently we had one person in all day who had a few more to see, not that we were overt bothered as he had only purchased his newish Corsa about 6 months ago on finance Would have probably needed the fire brigade to get him out of that.
  8. 1 point
    My phone is most definitely OFF tomorrow. I’m sure some of you will make a sale but the great British public is bored and are looking for various forms of entertainment. It won’t be at the expense of my time.
  9. 1 point
    From what I see the problem many of the large companies have is that they’ve taken on debt and returned operating cash to shareholders and management. So share prices driven up artificially whilst putting the business in a vulnerable position that only worked whilst the carousel kept turning at speed. Not a situation an owner/operator would let happen. I’ve learnt over a variety of experiences in recent months that accounting tricks and deception is far too widespread to ever invest in the stock market again, unless as a tracker. Fortunately my losses are minor compared to many.
  10. 1 point
    On Monday, after much haggling I accepted £4100 for an 18,000 mile Hyundai i10 Auto that I would normally have got screen price for. Traded out 2 p/ex shitters for a combined total of £400. And that is my week. And everyone please all stay safe especially when dealing customers. I spoke on the phone at length, with my cousin in Italy yesterday. The conversation left me cold. His only advice to all in the UK is, do not ignore the medical advice, it is not exagerated, and do not under any circumstance underestimate this virus. It is frightening how easily and quickly it spreads. Going home and opening a few cold ones now.
  11. 1 point
    Open. 6 calls / emails during the week. 1 Came loved the car, left a deposit, then changed their mind in light of "everything" 1 made an appointment then called to cancel in light of "everything" 1 turned up AND was instantly approved by the finance company but could not find a way to pay the £3000 negative equity on their part-ex so no deal 1 more made an appointment then called to cancel in light of what "Boris just said" 1 call from Zuto on a car that was sold 10 days ago in another deal through them. Offered a similar to their customer. Fingers crossed. 1 is on the way right now on Sat late afternoon.
  12. 1 point
    That's very kind. For those interested here are what suppliers are doing to help you out now https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/suppliers-cutting-costs-offering-free-trials-help-car-dealers-now/188179
  13. 1 point
    Hi BIGNIT, This is NOT distance selling but it is a contract concluded away from the business premises and that is subject to the same cancellation notices, periods and rights as distance sales. It's called an 'Off premises sale' which was originally designed for unsoliceted callers. This is not the case now as the legislation also applies to those who are invited by the consumer. Off Premises Sales Checklist for Car Sales All the following information must legally be made clear to the consumer BEFORE the customer is bound to make the purchase. All are required by law but failure to comply with the cancellation requirements (marked with an *) can lead to a fine and criminal conviction.  Each vehicle’s main characteristics. Be aware of pre-populated descriptions as these are likely to give the customer a reason to seek a refund or price reduction if an item is listed but not actually on the vehicle.  Your correct trading name.  Your geographical address, telephone number, fax and email address.  If you are acting on behalf of another trader, that traders geographical address and identity.  The address for any complaints.  The total price inclusive of VAT.  Any delivery or actual or potential additional charges.  Payment and delivery arrangements and timescale.  Your complaint handling policy.  *Conditions, time limits and procedures for exercising the consumer’s cancelation rights - see model form. NB Failure to provide this information can not only lead to the cancellation period being extended to 12 months but it is a criminal offence under Section 19 of these Regulations.  That the consumer will have to pay the cost of returning the vehicle and your reasonable costs if they choose to cancel  If you believe there is no right to cancel (and be very sure about this as you could end up with a fine and prison sentence if you are wrong) you must tell the customer that they have no right to cancel.  A reminder that you are under a legal duty to supply goods in conformity with the contract.  Conditions of any after sales support and/or warranty terms.  Any code of conduct you must meet for example, as part of a trade membership.  The conditions of any deposit to be paid by the consumer.  Details of any mediation service you are bound to offer under any Trade Association Membership. Once the contract is signed you must give a copy to the consumer and it must have all the above information as part of it, unless you have already given the above information separately. Once the contract is signed you must give a copy to the consumer and it must have all the above information as part of it, unless you have already given the above information separately.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Thank you very muc LawJaw. This is a good help for many dealers on here.