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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    if we are quiet its our fault, We chose the stock paid what we paid and did the pics and put the add up online, Its our fault for thinking we are master of our own destiny when clearly we are not. Suck it up and stop moaning, There are others out there who are having record months,
  2. 2 points
    Just walked out of Aston Barclay Chelmsford. Wanted an a5 cap clean £7600 went for £8650 saw a lovely c4 grand Picasso in white wanted to pay £4700 went for £5800. i took myself and my coffee back to the car park pronto!
  3. 1 point
    Won what I thought was a cheap 17 seat Minibus online at BCA only to find it had all the seats taken out. My mistake for not reading the appraisal.
  4. 1 point
    £3300 loss on an accident damaged Focus Ecoboost. Engine was shot, traded it in to WBAC, unsure how sound the engine was in the end £3200 loss on a Jeep after repairing it for 4 years. So that was essentially tens of 1000s lost if you think how many times we could have rolled the money over.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I never offer them a glimmer of hope if the bid in stupid enough then i spell it out no point me taking your number as it will never happen. Otherwise they go away living in hope, often when i say thanks but no thanks they sit in the car mull it over and come back in sensible mode.
  7. 1 point
    That makes me giggle too David, they walk in, insult you, then offer their number for you to ring them. I always take their number and say I'll give you a call if I change my mind, they obviously don't realise that piece of paper is hitting the bottom of my bin before they are more than 5 yards from my office door.
  8. 1 point
    It indeed is tough at the top will have to change some things on the adverts I suppose Never then Suppose ill change some pictures, description etcs
  9. 1 point
    I think we all have or ups and downs As some say there having record months others say there quiet some say neither busy or quiet I guess its swings and rounds about . Some one may want a car you have and you could sell it ten times over and others at an another time may have cars like that At times everyone you speak to is not massively busy with sales other times they can't get the stock for love nor money and everyone is fighting over bca and mainheim grade 3s My advice hang on in there nacman it's tough at the top ... as a good friend and mechanic used to say to me who I worked under at the time he was workshop manager but is sadly no longer with us and had his life cut short by cancer He would say to me every morning it's tough at top kid .. to which my reply was always it's worst at the bottom
  10. 1 point
    Done three today , two lined up for Done three today all left the building , one gone out from yesterday and two lined up to view tomorrow with deposits . Turned an offer down on a little Auto with only 4,000 miles on clock , £6k on screen and the lunatic rings me four times today then offers £5k You have my number he says so think about it , " thought about pal NO " cheek of them ," oh and I don't ring back so don't sit near the phone waiting for a call " If your not busy Nacman its your fault , nothing to do with the economy , brexit , or any other lame excuse , Rule number one of business Nacman is blame yourself
  11. 1 point
    I am now a member of the Private lounge lucky me, I wont be having bailiffs i will be getting things sorted, My cars are safe, I was taken to court on as a sole Trader my cars are in the ltd company name but i wont be on call the sheriff's or cant pay wont pay
  12. 1 point
    Blowing 5 grand....Something different.(sorry a bit long winded )Long ago when everyone paid by cheque.The bank calls and says we are way overdrawn.I reply that it was not possible as we had paid in X number of cheques in the last few days.The guy says you need to pay in £x in the next 24 hours or we will return ( bounce ) your cheques as unpaid.So to remedy the problem I reluctantly agreed to trade a Merc if they paid pronto by bank draft.This meant blowing £5k which was big money back then.So I present the draft and the cashier says ‘ you should have just transferred money over from your personal account ‘ ( which usually only had £700 in it ) so that made no sense.It turned out that we had been mistakingly using a new style personal account paying in book for company bankings which the bank did not notice either.As the company name and our name is totally different ,I complained for compensation.The bank complaints procedure took a couple of months and the result was that we would not get any compensation because we were ‘ contributory negligent ‘ by using the wrong paying in book........You had to sell a lot to net £5k back then,so it was a big blow and I could not buy the Merc back as it had been quickly traded on.
  13. 1 point
    Hi - just watching the tumble weed blow past the office door and stumbled across this forum! Has made some good reading for me and reassuring (if not a tad worryingly) that I'm not the only one struggling to buy with the seemingly stupid prices , despite the market being flat as a turd!
  14. 1 point
    I’m intrigued. How on earth can you blow £3000 on a Zafira without burning it out?
  15. 1 point
    Actually Managed to win another one £1000 below cap. Never mind the fact its smoking like there is no tomorrow. Dont even think it was driven through the Hall I should point out i wanted it like this and was cheaper than i was hoping for aswell
  16. 1 point
    In a few days you’ll receive Form N24 confirming judgement with the payment due date (which will be 14 days from the date of the court hearing). After that the claimant is free to instigate whatever legal action they want and it will subsequently be added to your bill. If they have any sense they’ll take the High Court route & send in enforcers unannounced- it’ll take months but you’ll end up being raped. A genuine piece of advice - instead of making a twat of yourself dragging it out, pay it & put it all behind you.
  17. 1 point
    It’s either been parked up for years, abroad or an ex-police undercover car - they buy all sorts of ‘oddballs’ that Billy the drug dealer wouldn’t think is a police car.
  18. 1 point
    It's amazing me where there's a profit at the prices they are making. Absolutely insane, literally insane, I'm actually mind boggled. Don't blame you. Gonna veto this week myself haha. ======================================= Actual UPDATE!!! Just got one!!! First one in like 10 days haha Wasn't on my list but a little cheapy, DS4 HDi Sport in white. I feel like a fisherman that's just hooked it's first marlin
  19. 1 point
    Got 2 at the moment An Astra 1.4 Turbo burning so much oil I could stick an Audi/VW badge on it! Needs an engine probably £1000 loss A Passat 2.0 diesel blowing light smoke out the back after a couple of miles. Tried all sorts. Lastest guess is a DPF. Main dealer only, £1500 (that won't be happening) £2000 + loss I think I might be trying too hard.
  20. 1 point
    I had a customer spend £1800 changing from a 24,000 mile Fabia to a Citroen C1 or Peugeot 107 I forget which it was now, just so that he could pay £30 a year road tax as his Fabia was £130 a year. As he's only done 1,000 miles in the last 3 years the saving on fuel is negligible, but in about 16 years time he should start saving money on his road tax!!
  21. 1 point
    Wow , they must have seen where you parked the px cars and thought i know , Cheeky twats . Bet you still cant believe you fell for that trick , He would have had a visit from my reclaim adjustment team
  22. 1 point
    They would get more for scrapping it.
  23. 1 point
    Dont they pay fees ?