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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Got drunk at a BBQ Friday night (home at 4am), lost Saturday. Sunday, went in garden, lit a fire and sank a few beers. It was perfect
  2. 2 points
    Chancer. He is an absolute chancer. Ignore texts, and call him. If he doesnt respond, send him an email stating you will only correspond via that medium. That stops the text noise binging at you at 11pm and winding you up. He is only entitled to payment for work you have authorised. And you should be paying that directly to the VAT registered garage carrying out the repair after receiving an invoice. Make that part of your terms and conditions. As for an issue with the brakes at 100MPH? No chance. He has provided evidence of abuse of the vehicle. Think about it. Is this guy ever going to go into a small claims court against you when he has sent you that information? No. So stand firm, wait for an email back detailing his intentions and send him a firm one back. When you have control, he will shut up.
  3. 2 points
    Selling a car unchecked is asking for trouble though . Imagine a situation where something on a 300 pound car or any car for that matter has a serious accident due to a rusty brake pipe bursting causing a fatality you would be in deep with courts etc and as for living with the guilt I don't think I could as someone said earlier all cars should be checked regardless of it £300-or £30000..
  4. 1 point
    There's worse ways to make a living TV...…. having said that there are better ways too LOL
  5. 1 point
    You don't actually deserve to sell a car to anyone with that attitude pal , Taking money for a potential death is worth a good slap in my opinion . Every car we have bought needs something doing , and it gets done as well . People like you give us all a bad name . So i think you might be better looking for a shelf stacking job at Asda .
  6. 1 point
    Double bogeyed the last which cost me a couple of quid, had a lovely Sunday roast although that was slightly spoilt afterwards by watching the cheating Aussies win The Ashes.
  7. 1 point
    In Brief... As you're new with finance I would recommend a broker until you understand the breakdown on what to do with applications and have some experience. Evolution Funding, Close Brothers, Mann Island Finance are all good brokers that can help. When you have had a fair bit of experience go direct to lenders, you''ll need 3 to ensure you cover all basis of "credit scores". I wouldn't recommend any more than that as remember each search goes against their credit score so you have to be responsible with what you do.
  8. 1 point
    Ferrari won at Monza..................... your right it was a great weekend
  9. 1 point
    Are you based in Bradford/Birmingham out of sheer curiosity?
  10. 1 point
    Yes, they may be faulty, yes it's too expensive to have a mechanic check them, but hey, if they sell quick and I can rip people off for a few quid... why not? Money money. Honestly, you're asking this question in a forum? You sound like a proper piece of work. Go out, take some of people's hard earned with your unchecked faulty cars. Yes, you can do it, very easily. Cheap cars sell, if they're faulty or not, so if you can lie and hide it you'll make some money. Remember though, the world will catch up to you. To all the old, proper, members on here ---- don't entertain these threads in future. We're educating the kind of people we don't need in this game.
  11. 1 point
    you cant go straight into retail unless you are a finance assistant (ie not a proper motor trader you are just buying and selling a commodity) the real work starts by buying and trading on and increasing what is usually minimum start up funds this is why most of us proper motor traders started dealing from home after buying from main dealers /auctions peoples homes fettling and either trading on to an established business or reblocking to catch jo bloggs his missus and his cute daughter with no bra (can i say that) once you see that theres more money in retail if you can be arsed to do the detail its the next progressive step next step is car has fault can you repair yourself or pay to have it fixed its all down to time management versus funds versus diminishing returns so theres no answer really i started dealing very early in my life but buying cars from the block back then with proper proper dodgy full mots unknown till driven away by the way was a real curve ball learner as i had no one to learn from the mistakes had to be taken on the wallet
  12. 0 points
    Hi, I am new to this business and starting my first trades soon. I've read couple of threads here in this forum about what types of car we should focus. Is it a good idea to buy cheap cars (below £1,500) for the beginning as I need lower capital? I know that they may be faulty (and as they are cheap it is not practical to have them checked by a mechanic) but on the other hands they are selling more quickly. In my area Facebook is very popular for car trading and as I can see cheap car ads are removed sometimes in couple of days.