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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    nothing, you wont win, wipe your mouth and move on it happens every day all across the country, we've all been there, wanting to smack the "friend" right between the eyes, i usually find this "friend" knocks them on something mechanical, maybe he says clutch bites too high or theres a noise that nobody else can hear, the customers happy but the friend isn't, forget em move on, you will not win, and you wont hear from them again, because as you say, trusts friend more than "us". What normally happens is here you get angry when theyve gone, and on wednesday you sell the car and take a part ex on which you make more than the original car, the sales done in 15 mins, and you think hey! why did i loose my head on sunday with them shits !
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Without completing a new Mot and a signed PDI stating clearly the car must be returned for a “statutory” repair or rejection, you have left yourself completely vulnerable. He doesn’t even need to return it to you. You have no proof the fault wasn’t there at all the point of sale and you have no defence. Since the CRA 2015 it is absolutely essential to cover yourself with a new MOT and get a signed PDI with the correct terms. It might well be buyer remorse or age related wear n tear, but without you completing the correct pre-sales checks you don’t have a leg to stand on.
  5. 1 point
    are you sure he hasn't purchased it for free car hire for a week ie what mileage has he done has he got it on the mid is it showing as taxed etc you would be wanting to give it a proper inspection if you decide to give him a full refund as he might have even had things like gearboxes swapped over
  6. 1 point
    Fill the tank up on one of those it would take you from Brighton to Scotland easily.
  7. 1 point
    Absolutely agree, very good cars, just beware of the clutch otherwise bulletproof. I tend to get good PX's with them aswell
  8. 1 point
    Here! Here! Well done. It’s good to see someone standing by their deals & expecting the customer to do the same. F*** him, if the punter wanted more MPG for short runs he shouldn’t of bought a petrol auto estate. How refreshing after all of the ‘refunding’ nonsense many on this forum seem to think is the correct course of action - too many on here need a spine transplant for the rubber snake they obviously currently have.
  9. 1 point
    Tbh I don’t think how rough someone looks is an indication of whether or not they possess a full licence. What I’ve sometimes thought is about immigrants. I think they need to convert to a UK licence after a period of living here but I’ve no idea of the rules. Money talks & for a few mile test drive I’m not too bothered. Until something goes wrong
  10. 1 point
    Usual one we used to do was get a certain phrase or unusual made up words into the conversation when the customer was clearly not dealing or was messing about Had to stop once when a customer pulled up one of the salesman when he was dared to keep telling the customer about the new dufenspangloid system on the Citroen DS5, customer rumbled him immediately and wrote a letter to Citroen saying how we were taking the piss out of him.
  11. 1 point
    Call him a cunt then hang up.
  12. 1 point
    Was he from Scotland?
  13. 1 point
    Had one yesterday travelled over 100 miles to look at a car, test drove it spent ages looking through books and history, valued his px etc then he says " I don't like colour so will leave it" I said why waste your day coming all this way its same colour as in pics, he said oh I had nothing else on,,, I said well I fecking did....
  14. 1 point
    This reminds me of someone I knew that replied to; "That's a lot of owners" He said; "Was your wife a virgin when you met her?" How he never got a punch in the mouth I will never know!!!
  15. 1 point
    Politely sack him off, fuel consumption is his problem. If he starts whining then sack him off impolitely. As for Jocks whinging unfortunately it’s become a national pastime for them. I think they see sniping at anyone south of the border as a sport, I guess it’s the Nicola Sturgeon Effect. They used to be great but something has definitely changed in their attitude based on my experiences with them I’d reconstruct Hadrian’s Wall - out of the last five, 1 was great, 2 were arseholes who bought but I’d never want to see again & the other 2 I sent packing within a few minutes of them arriving. Funnily enough my worst ever customer was a Jock taxi driver from Edinburgh who bought a petrol Octavia estate - the most horrible greedy b****d I’ve ever met who expected the earth & was a cheeky twat. I only persevered with him cos I’d had the car for 6 months, although I did walk away at one point cos I nearly smacked him, his Mrs sort of apologised & said “he’s always like this”. F***ing horrible greedy c*** that still boils my piss whenever I think about him.
  16. 1 point
    Hi Stalker, it is for 90 cars, the vat is not relevant, but if your not vat registered you wouldn't know that. The bill is for £2944.40 for 90 cars split between 2 sites. The £1600 I quoted is the new price it's going up to per site, which will be £3200 plus vat (are you keeping up?) they are also saying it will be for a total of 74 cars instead of 90, so less cars for more money. I hope I haven't lost you, but if you want me to draw you a picture and colour it in let me know