It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. double front wishbones and rusty to hell before 3 years old,i used to gmf anyone who came to see me for a tracking or bang the spanners around and just charge them for a job not done dont you just love the 80's
  2. dammmmmmnnnnnnn i was in all those areas last week ,wish id gone to an auction now,i likes a challenge
  3. If the car is staying put and noones about to turn up for a viewing i always use ive also tried those ebay covers but they are brilliant at first but then they decompose and rip and defeat the purpose the plastic sheeting is good as its pennies and sticks to the car so car is still mint when unwrapped it doesn't let car breathe if its just wet valeted though
  4. whilst i have no idea what the op values the car at i fail to see where your 300 nicker comes from, personally if it was a tidy car and had sensible mileage then the sticker price in my head is £595 or even £695 and it would be sorted too at this as obviously i would have taken it in in chop for a oner getting back to you get what you pay for then im afraid you obviously come from a different age to me as i remember not having fuel for the fire in winter and playing find the meat in the stew and to add ive sold cars to ladies who do things like home help who are on minimum wage have no savings and someones pranged their car so if i could sell them a safe lockable clio for £300 i would and have but then thats me
  5. come on that brexit i see it as an advantage as im surrounded by eastern europeans cutting my throat i will do the same next year as i did this year and all the years before head down buy the best make them better offer a proper service back it up and count the lolly
  6. hi ive done some homework on this and it appears its a body computer fault and swapping one out from the scrappies wont work unless you do the keys too etc as they are coded on an 04 these clios were only done in certain colours and the earlier ones had a drivers door lock so it would be fairly easy to buy a door in same colour from a breaker if you have one and either make your key fit by filling the tumbler fingers down or maybe a local locksmith can do it or obviously get a key with the door this way you can unlock the drivers door and lock it so customer will be happy, because no matter what the price of a car people can only pay what they can afford and so bhm's post is in my opinion unhelpful, so good luck whatever you choose
  7. the key is having what people want they wills travel a bit then see
  8. just reminded me of the lada samuri i remember why it was called this as i nicked a 3 year old one from a blokes house 5 days before christmas and drove it to the block,i never made it as it dropped a big end on the way with no warnings lovely christmas.not
  9. can you see light flashing in key when buttons pressed? if not then its either a flat battery or more likely the microswitches have broked,very common it was too look on utube for fitting correct battery /procedure,be careful cheese on these is the word
  10. site now changed again surprised you guys are literally buying used washing machines on wheels but not willing to do a slight in depth investigation of the cars history i guess im one of the few that can read much more from the dvsa site than your average trader
  11. you can only charge reasonable costs so driving to portofina for a martini is not allowed
  12. really needed to sit in a lada riva today to have a proper warm
  13. when i lift the lid on any fiat and i see that multiair plastic box that tells me to run as they have electronic valves and are totally dependant on quality regular fully synthetic oil so an abarth at 20,000 miles i too would be looking to trade on rather than retail
  14. if you check in on the mot .gov you can tell them why you are on and inform them that the mot garage history would be nice to see again,thank you linky link
  15. Είναι όλα ελληνικά για μένα. και εγώ
  16. hi leeds trader read PDI without mechanical knowledge and decide if you need the money/hassle
  17. you must get them to sign whatever you propose and get it right so you don't take away their legal rights basically use as many words as you please but get them to sign it that it is a legally binding contract and no signature means no sale you are better to walk now than 10 months down the line if you are having second thoughts
  18. have you tried putting your left leg behind your neck as you sing waltzin matilda worked on the old spitfire trying to get back to blighty toodle pips ......................
  19. split the keys as one may be the clone of the other one ,ie leave one key in key box and start afresh
  20. wow just wow that combination must drive like a 3 wheeled trolley jack
  21. dead this week but it has been bally cold not seen a wet sausage so far today
  22. an insignificant or an old focus both go to council estates,they are the equivalent of the old montego cavalier vectra etc so im sure if you offered it for a roll of old lino and a bag of snot someone on social media has one better cheaper innit mate anyone can buy this old shite at the block and try to bubble up what is your usp and dont say price because running to the bottom rarely sells cars one little tip afore yee buy think whos gonna buy it off you i wont buy anything unless i see profit in the window landmarks i leave for holiday soujourns have you considered joining the imd something that might help?