It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. Ive always been against extras as an incentive,back in the days pre immobilisor/ fiestas /astras /novas used to get twocked all the time so i bought in a load of steering locks and tried to upsell at pos i asked probably 15 nicker for them from a boy to a man every customer said i should throw it in free ,so i dont do anything like that except to remind them that im established been here longer than the man in the moon im always here to help and offer them a fixed price for their mot and service a year from now.Thats it ,i also always thank them for the sale once completed usually with a handshake,i only deal with customers i like mind.
  2. im still looking for the catch to open the boot up on the estelle ,im sure its not a dealer only option the yeti problem......... glue the aircon button in the off position with superglue tell customer you have had system refilled and it holds pressure but you cannot ascertain why it wont work fill sales invoice------------ in aircon not working at pos get customer to sign invoice and pdi as usual paint back windows black to keep the greenhouse effect down inside
  3. if a mechanic ever comes out with this line to me i know they arent going to be letting the customer purchase because they think they can go up the block after finishing their paper round monday night and think they will nick one as good for lots less and then they want to trouser the difference it was to yours they are a waste of space but fortunately most proper mechanics dont even want to be there at your place because helping people often kicks you up the bum
  4. at least your phones ringing im not even getting that or any tyre kickers,maybe i should buy some corsas with rattly engines flat red and 3 doors
  5. thank you for your feedback to my site,if you would like to discuss it further i would be more than happy to oblige ,i know a lovely quiet quarry away from the road,should we say 8.00pm?
  6. ha i repainted my alloy ones a few years ago and the patina is spot on now should sell 1960's a55 's really ,would look mint going up the old north road
  7. i cant thing is it would be i pack rather than 2pack so takes ages to cure with 2 pack you can heat gun the area up use the 2 pack and be cutting it in half an hour later and sell the car the same day
  8. what no datsuns? what about a nice 120y coupe? i had one of them,used more oil than petrol
  9. if putting metallic onto a basecoat scratch then ideally you want to put it on as 80% thinners 20% paint and even then its going to be hard getting the flakes to not reflect badly if it was say silver i would advise dont do it you then need to build it up touching all the bits in walking round and round the car,this way its dry when you go back to the first one if a dark blue fair enough once basecoat proper dry then top off with lacquer,again i thin it down and build it up i then let to cure for one full day then cut back with old fashioned 2000 and then g5 with the buff machine the easiest way is to blend in the damage with a gun going down to a 90% thinner mix then lacquer the whole panel,(posh people use fade out thinners i dont) this is why smart repair came about theres no real short cuts i wont be buying a denibber im a wetndry man through and through
  10. i had the sri version with the boot,spent 6 months looking for a nice one,bought it ran it a year took a real tumble on the price as everyone wanted hatches back then never bought a family booted car for myself since in what 23 years
  11. he who dares rodney..........i collected a non runner yesterday,guess what it had been nobbled it ran perfect, so its sometimes win win
  12. yes they want all the v5 for entering into the country be aware they usually dont tax and think they can get away with it but theres anpr on the road to holyhead so they get fined or the paper trail comes to you and you have to furnish details so dont be doing weddings (confetti)with the receipt when hes gone paperwork is everything
  13. AT is now click bait in my opinion and the only reason people use it is like using the same hand when going to the toilet,its a habit im off to get a bidet now
  14. thats brilliant just goes to show how the mot history can give a life of a vehicle if you know how to interpret it this car was obviously a pool dvsa mot insection car as they kept putting the tail light bulb in showing a white light rather than orange and messing with the mileage to throw mot garages off the scent then they parked it in a corner for 4 years it will need discs and pads now then
  15. i sold nasa the moon walk machine but as we all know its still in the nevado desert behind those shadows i sold my old 307 recovery truck and that went to africa too but only the cab bit as it had the rear chassis cut off so they got more than one in their container,i was quite sad really
  16. 18 months ago silver was still well on the boil its now basically unsellable unless you do a bhm and stick a dog turd on the roof to increase its all round council ghetto desirability with the drill down innit oh and dont buy red corsa either as they are even worse basically dont buy corsa
  17. agree its a nice car you will never replace and if you are right with the road tax too then pull every penny you can you can always go cheaper when punter there ,but you cant go up lets go for £4295
  18. ive never had an astra breeze classic,in fact im surprised theres enough room on the bootlid for all the words
  19. it works i have the blue tool ,it does work but you have to be very careful with it i got mine from power-tec the festool looks brilliant but im sure i would drop it and destroy it first time out
  20. to you................... to me.....................................
  21. i will post a guess the car when it comes in
  22. don't do it this is to the link shown,try this on say a mazda 6 and just cry afterwards matchsticks work well shave them down for very small scratches
  23. And what is your inside leg measurement in old fashioned inches
  24. So you could say it stuck to the floor then ps. try more hardener next time in the mix