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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Will the car be delivered in a bag I can reuse to send it back if I don't like it?
  2. Loads knocking about darn sarf now everyone is shitting themselves about ulez
  3. it was three years ago fella? you'll have to promote your software somewhere else im afraid.
  4. I bet they're like a miserable bunch of moaning buggers huddled round a table at the pub, trying to make a pint last all night?
  5. It's interesting reading everyone's thoughts. I am specifically after a reasonable 'all makes all systems' portable machine to carry on the road, not a machine for use at home. My old 'cheapie' obd scanner got knicked, and as handy as it was, there's room for an upgrade?
  6. Ive got a delphi kicking around somewhere already. The problem is having to use laptop defeats the object of a convenient scanner to carry in the train etc. fine if you only use it at home, but thats not what i need it for. Do you know what a collection caper is? You're probably right.
  7. I like the autel machines. Powerful enough to be useful and as a 7" tablet small enough to carry on collection capers. The WOW thing reminds me of my old Delphi which was not easily portable with a laptop etc
  8. I've heard about wow, is there a link. What worries me about ebay is when you ask if its a genuine machine with uk warranty card they ignore you x
  9. After a recent incident where my handy daily scanner was stolen im on the hunt for a replacement. I need something small enough to travel with me on my collection capers but be useful. I landed on an autel maxisys mp808. My problem is, where to buy one thats not a clone. Even the autel website itself looks sketchy?
  10. Hmmmm ? Those guys go straight from kart to single seaters. People think they are young to race but by the time they're 20 they've got 12yrs of racing experience behind them? And that's 'racing' not track days, there's a big difference.
  11. Did anyone turn up with their own overalls? Lol
  12. It's not my thing. Back in the late 80s I used to race, started with a couple of caterham's and progressed to a Mallock Clubmans series. Did it for a few years. But I have absolutely no interest in 'track day's' or go karting. To my mind, there are always too many guys who take these go karting events far too seriously and suck the fun out of it for everyone else!
  13. .... on a 2016 Renault traffic business energy?
  14. So when 'Mrs Patel' is in the dock holding her 4 month old baby the judge will expect her to have understood what a rattle from a dmf is and it's consequences? Good luck with that?
  15. Yes that's true. But also the chance of digging out a nugget of gold at a good price is higher. I suppose we have to assume that a px will get a more thorough evaluation when taken to a main dealer. The wbac/ukcgr guy could be more likely to focus on beating the punters down price wise, and miss diagnose the car? I don't think you should disregard everything because it 'might' be trouble?
  16. OP yes absolutely. Everyone knows how to adjust search options nowadays, no different to your wife looking at handbags on Amazon or you looking at car parts on ebay? Or the other way round lol! Seriously, price is king for punters and quality/service is taken as read?
  17. That's true for a small percentage, and problem cars are always floating around the system (don't mention DA). but the majority of wbac stock would just be bolstering up main dealer p/x's like the old days? What I'm trying to say is that UKCGR/WBAC stock hasn't arrived from a different planet?
  18. If WBAC/UKCGR, weren't around there would just be more stock at Allen/Gates/Perry's/Sytner etc etc? What's the difference, does the dealer sticker on the windscreen really make a difference?
  19. Don't they have to buy licence to trade and lodge a 'substantial deposit'. There local government are way stricter than ours and more proactive, even in small towns. They are all 'dobbing' each other in too! "The land of the free and the home of the brave" my arse
  20. that minimum wage increase won't kick in until '2025'. What will it be worth then? We just have to hope that our customers still have jobs and money to spend?
  21. I've recently started using FB and you can't help but notice the huge numbers of cars for sale that are clearly 'trade' with no mention of it in the ad. In fact it's a challenge to try and find a genuine private sale. There was one guy (pics taken on a traveller site) with about half a dozen cars ranging from £500 to £4000. All these ads are carefully worded avoiding the obvious. But FB seem to put the bar low for filtering ads generally. Fake designer crap, dodgy trades people and endless posts from people complaining about being ripped off from the same? I should point out that I just joined a few motorsport pages, I'm not posting pics of my dinner! Absolutely, round these parts weed is easier to get than a mars bar!