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Everything posted by metcars

  1. it’s times like this that the full horror really hits home!
  2. Sound like the driver was reading all that off a crib sheet? Especially all the stats? Usually when you ask a lorry driver “how’s it going” you’ll get a traffic report?
  3. If you are selling kebabs in a lay-by you more likely to get a visit from guys with baseball bats? Same as ice cream vans! Try and pitch up at the park and see what happens? lol
  4. Not sure if Christmas trees are the money maker they used to be? Lots of places round these parts had heaps left over when they usually sell out. I was in a farm shop last week and they still had a unit full of them? On the subject of mobile cafe, and again maybe just round these parts, but you need permission to sell hot food, and I don’t mean from the council?
  5. Although the Chinese have been able to move production in many cases
  6. depends where you’re based, but in London if you can have a small block of flats built for rental they are the gift that keeps giving? Six tiny ‘luxury flats’ at a competitive £2k a month each is the sort of pension I’d want?
  7. True. But lots of villages in China have already quarantined themselves without being forced too by the government. They are showing more ‘personal responsibility’ than other countries? Yes, there’s always someone making money? Even with something like this? Big corporations can win by betting on the losers?
  8. The Chinese government are dealing with it a lot better than you’d imagine. They can act quickly when they need to. Ironically home delivery take-away food is booming over there. All those affected by the virus are given a basic financial subsistence to buy food and pay bills! Lots of businesses have closed including supermarkets and grocery shops. People can’t commute as bus and rail staff shortages. I was listening to a news item about a guy in the UK who’d been told to quarantine himself at home for 80days? He said his firm had said he can work from home? I wonder how everyone else will get on that can’t work from home?
  9. I know someone that lives in wuhan. He’s a teacher and married into a local family. It’s been interesting comparing his version of events with our own news outlets?
  10. There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion?
  11. There’s always been cheap cars to deal with, what’s changed is customers expectations?
  12. Could it be coronavirus? I’ll shut the door on the way out.
  13. Just out of curiosity, what would be the point? Your posts and activity would still be left behind?
  14. Isn’t that called doing a ‘flounce’?
  15. Love the FB ads photographed on the back of a recovery truck, outside a traveller camp!
  16. But, the auctions do not want to return to what they would now describe as the ‘bad old days’, pre online bidding, when auction halls were crammed with stock but few buyers, apart from one or two ‘special regulars’ and nothing reached cap clean? No point reminiscing, those days have well and truly gone!
  17. I regularly have issues with their site. Considering it's just a basic database really. A sixth former could knock something up like that. But I'm guessing the real magic is at their end and what they do with the information they can sweep?
  18. Only the army seem to be able to make LR reliable/dependable?
  19. Just out of interest, are Land Rover products well thought of?
  20. I like it! Use their tech against them!
  21. So if I start a paper round will I get part time insurance?
  22. I don’t get the ‘part time’ thing. It’s not a job that you start and finish at fixed times like working a lathe? Your stock is insured 24/7, you’re advertising 24/7, the only real difference is that you have less opportunities to make yourself available to customers. But to be fair many of us one man bands are chasing the clock all the time too!