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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I guess It's the same for every business and every job you get rewards if you put in the hard work suppose for a lot of us it's all we really know but I'm friends with a couple of people that spring to mind one has a haulage business and does ok due to his hard work in a difficult industry and also one who has a plant hire and property development business again does well because he puts the work in yet I've seen others in both industries that fail like I have people in the motor trade over the years due to not putting the work in but whatever road you go down I wish you all the best
  2. It's really all about trial and error mate have a good Christmas Richard
  3. Think it's still the same mark tvs I know I provided it when i opened my ones but to be fair like you they've been open years also have a lovely Christmas and new year
  4. Try think insurance last time I used them they got me a good price and have helped a few other traders I spoke to when starting out 08002218077 should be there number there also very flexible with motor trade policy types to get you the one most suitable like you I was getting quoted daft money when I first started out years ago and someone recommended them to me hope this helps
  5. I don't get it I would say that's below average 10-12 k a year seems about average I would say and even that's low now most we seem to see now are doing around 15 k
  6. Your forgot some are a bit of all that mix David it's just takes time richard you learn over the years all the best have a nice Christmas
  7. He can tell us and maybe we can buy some to but honestly wish the guy all the best ..
  8. We all were the same i know i was we had a courtesy 106 at one of my first jobs we all thought we were rally drivers lol
  9. As above but Same as tradex anything.around 4 has always been transported to the various businesses I've been involved with over the years
  10. Your still not a car dealer it was owned by a building company end off i would say whats to stop you buying a car for say an employee and putting in your business name doesn't make you a car dealer so wouldn't think you have to be treated as one
  11. lol I've a nice mountain bike here if he wants it ill sell it cheap
  12. All auctions care for the seller and not us the purchaser the manager at a local auction told me that although we all know this is it doesn't full you with confidence when you have a genuine compliant about your Account guess he went to a different business school manners cost nothing in the business school of life
  13. I may be wrong and someone in the know can correct me and-also im unsure why they would write it off with the value but with the new category doesn't it just mean that cat s the damage is on a part which forms the car Structure and cat n doesn't like bolt on doors wings etc and not really value related
  14. Not really related I remember a dealer near here used to bring a lot of stuff in from Ireland new and unregistered and also some newish stuff with irish plates i thought about it at the time but never had the contacts or know how back then was probably around 15 years now
  15. They would probably class the quarter as a structural part .
  16. Surely if its clearly stated on the pdi and invoice and signed that it was cat s and had been inspected by the buyer and inspected by an independent then he has no grounds for a refund Beat me to it but agree if it is described on there he has no grounds knowing what he/she bought in the first place
  17. Casper


    Im unsure of the pricing some stuff looks reasonable and other stuff seems high when you compare to local dealers
  18. Technically yes but what you could do is add your parent to the business as a business partner even as a volunteer part time and cover both drivers that way therefore not really having a main driver might be a loophole
  19. Happy belated birthday also sorry where is my manners
  20. Will you through in a hoover and mini valet or is that pushing it ..
  21. I know it's mad .also have a lovely Christmas when it arrives