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Everything posted by Dave2302

  1. Pic's go round the 4 sides of the Box, it's only the factory welds holding it together
  2. Job done, around an hour I guess taking off Coffee Breaks and the Saturday visitors Photo's show just how bad it was now it's outside and in better light, that MOT Tester should have this rammed up his arse I often use the "Ratchet Strap on Transmission Jack Feet" technique to pull suspension arms down out of the way so I can maneouver parts out easily
  3. Sage advice as ever, you'd be surprised how many "good used" Mercedes parts I see on EBay that are twice the price of Main Dealer Case in point, the plastic Boot Loading Trim in my S Class was scuffed a bit and had a small crack from Suit Cases, Boxes of Drugs, Dead Bodies etc being loaded, £50 on EBay with scratches and a chip, £37.80 from MB including a bag of 10 2 piece Plastic Clips for it
  4. While it was on the lift, I air gunned all the Bolts out, wire wheeled them then Copperslipped 'em ............. 10 mins ............. That wanker who did the MOT last year advised a CV boot with fuck all wrong with it, and a bit of rust on Front wings which is literally a few 5mm scabs around the Front Wheelarches !! This boils my piss, I have never been a grass, and I'm not about to get involved with this, aside from a tidy earner out of repairing it Buuuuuuuuut ............... Fuck me, fair enough if a tester will overlook say a crack in bottom left Screen, a few LED's out on a Tail Lamp for a mate ..................... And then there is this twunt !! EDIT :- Oh feck ........... btw, before I get some smart arses ............. 2 lines up that does not say BUTT FUCK ME (ROFLMFAO emoji)
  5. SD03MLL ............... Look it up, 23rd Feb MOT runs out !! I could weld it, if I had to, and it would be almost impossible for anyone to tell, but would take hours and hours, and have to be taken out anyways .............. I just paid £65 for a mint one from England VAG Breaker delivered yesterday, coat of stone chip black drying, I'll fire it in tomorrow Apart from S/F it is a really nice Car, guy's had it for a while and looked after it AFAIK it is Suspension and Steering Components that you cannot weld, like arms, track rods etc
  6. Yes, I think that's what we are all getting, but all the threads with (xyz Emoji) are amusing
  7. Nah, this is impressive .............. Passat Subframe, just put it on the lift ...................... This passed an MOT last year (fuckin wanker roll eyes emoji) ................ BTW I haven't bashed at that, this is exactly as the guy drove it in here, Gearbox mount and lower arm right side just about to let go !! So, Fort William area is the place to get your MOT's then fellas (crying emoji)
  8. Ha Ha , now you know fine well I moved up here 12 years ago to get away from all the Kuntish folks............... And over the last 12 years when visiting the S.E. has only got worse each time. Darn those typos (silly yellow face laughing it's tits off emoji)
  9. I should be ok then, mine was sent 10th December and like I say, I've had the renewal letter thingy, but still they haven't cashed chq
  10. Wankers !! Out of interest, have you, like some of us, had a receipt from them, or just a revoke ?? ................... I'm just waiting for my revocation now, I've had the receipt but cheque not cashed yet !! (little hand doing a wanker gesture emoji)
  11. If your like the rest of us, when you joined the PAM your like and edit buttons will have disappeared When I started this post it was because I thought I'd been a naughty boy and used too many emoticons (yellow face big grin) Doh !! EDIT ............... Thread not Post !!
  12. Yep, I remember Barry, sadly I don't have the correct emoticon lololol A lot of inepts are still doing that, and get sent on wild goose chases ................. Why ?? Because the vast majority of modules etc need version coding these days, specific to the Car, so you swap f.e. an Airbag Module, it has exactly the same part number, but it came from a higher specced Merc VW whatever of the same model, so you fit it, light is still on !! Why, because the car it came from had side airbags and your car does not, (or vice versa), so it needs to be version coded on Dealer Level Kit, also some very expensive Generics will do basic coding on some modules on some cars I'm learning every day !! Here's a good 'un ................. I Just sorted out an HVAC fault on a 2014 E Class, 2 Main Dealers and 1 Indie baffled, so they sent it to me They've had the Dash out twice, changed sensors, flap motors, blower control module, HVAC module etc still not fixed after £1000's. Anyone know what was wrong ?? .......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... Fluff etc in the UCP Temperature Sensors little tiny Fan, stopping it drawing the Upper Cabin Air through to the Sensor, 10 minutes with Vacuum Cleaner, and 8.5 minutes of that was getting it out from under the bench and plugging it in How did I find that ? .................... Sat in the Car for 10 minutes watching all the data with SDS Xentry as the heater was going beserk blowing hot / cold flat out / slowly etc etc A tenners worth of OBD reader certainly won't do that I don't think the guy believed me this morning when I said it was all fixed and ready for collection I'm not sayin' what I actuallycharged the Guy for that, but it was a helluva lot cheaper for me to actually fix it, than all the money he's already wasted with 3 firms who didn't actually fix it !!
  13. lol, sooooooo true ................ When I write my memoirs I'll send ya a free copy
  14. Sorry, Im done explaining this to folks, not on all makes it won't for all the reasons I have already stated on various forums over the years. I agree there is no excuse from the other garages, one of whom has Bosch KTS, but no twunt there can use it. That's why I'm getting busier by the day, and they're all welding up rust buckets and changing ball joints for "shopping money" A good techie will want to diagnose his own problems, not be told by someone else what is wrong ............... Newer the Car the less likely your tenner would be well spent.
  15. Hi Paul, Yes, he had scanned it himself, but the crucial thing is this, on the more complex Cars, (= most these days), the humble Generic Code readers will only have 80% MAXIMUM code access, and not on all the Cars ECU's so a good tech needs Dealer Level or a very very expensive Generic to get all codes (all = dealer level / almost all generic) from all or almost all systems, for an accurate diagnosis This guy said his £50 "OBD Pish" Scanner had told him there was "a misfire" ................ Yeah, right, FFS I could have told him that as I was sat in it rocking gently, and listening to the Exhaust note going " 1 (bomp) 4 2 6 3 7 8 .......1 (bomp) 4 2 6 3 7 8 ....... 1 (bomp) 4 2 6 3 7 8 " etc etc .................. Obviously only on 7 Cylinders. My JLR Machine told me "Ignition Coil "E" Primary Circuit Failure, so read between the lines before just buying a coil .............. This could be either Coil or Wiring to cylinder #5, swapped the Coil to #7 cylinder, and the Misfire moved to #7 .................... 1 Coil and a set of Plugs .................. Misfire gone Hopefully this will make it clear why the cheaper the machine, the less info it is telling you ............. This is where all the "guesswork and parts darts" starts creeping in with the ill equipped, poorly trained / in-experienced Mechanics Also, on this particular example, Jaguar have used 3 different ways of numbering their cylinders, so unless a techie is clued up, the next thing goes like this :- "well mate, we've changed the Coil and Plugs but it's still misfiring, now we need to test all the wiring", (= hrs) ............... "The wiring is fine", it must have low compression, we'll fit another engine" ........................ "errrrrm, it's still misfiring" etc etc etc. Our local Garages are certainly not clued up, hence it got sent here in the first instance, hell, they are still working with Points Condensers and Carburettors mentality !! LMFAO !! Here's a bit of research for you ................ Ask 3 Mechanics "exactly what is a CAN Bus ?" lol, you'll get 3 different answers and most likely not one of them will be correct HTH
  16. These ppl only get one text from me ................. "Phone Me on ................."
  17. They are registered at time of sale on Autel site, so if one of mine got nicked, I'd get it blocked for updates Listen, not telling you how to suck eggs, but anyone who comes to me, whether they've read a car on their own "whatever" I will still want to run it on my own machine(s) so therefore I'd still charge for diagnosis, Dealer Level Kit has to be paid for, as do even modest generic diagnostic machines................. I had a bloke last week tell me his V8 Jag didn't need going on a machine for a running issue (misfire), so told him to take it somewhere else, of course there is nowhere else without him going 120 mile round trip to Inverness Main Stealers so I got the job
  18. /\ /\ /\ Ditto So what eejit told OP it was a Cam Sensor then, I'm afraid I'm usually to busy to look up code numbers, I base my forum replies on what is reported here
  19. Dave, ask your Factors about buying a full of gas (half sized) bottle, most do this now, so you pay £80.00 first one, absolutely no other fees apart from swap it for a full one about £35.00 when you run out. I was, like you, paying Air Products and BOC rentals, until the local factor started doing these
  20. Forget the laptops, unless you are going dealer level, some s/w can be a beast to install, I know, I've done 23 dealer level machines now, all on Dell D630 / 830 platform. If you get just a Reader / Eraser / maybe with Live Data you cannot possibly screw anything up no matter what you pressed, the worst you will do is Erase Codes before you have written them down / printed them !! I recommended an Autel to a guy before, I'll go see if I can find it Here you go this:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Autel-MaxiCOM-MK808-MX808-OBD2-Car-Diagnostic-Scanner-EPB-SAS-BMS-TPMS-DPF-IMMO/254056843281?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D56003%26meid%3Db573d3bce4df4c4a8962eefb4c567255%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D182784245348%26itm%3D254056843281&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 Or if you really wanna cheap out, (it won't do nearly as much), but this :- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Autel-ML629-OBD2-Scanner-Fault-Code-Reader-Diagnostic-SRS-4system-AL619-ML619-PC/263901481269?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D56003%26meid%3De9acf948947b4ab39cf39082751ae0b1%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D273154898846%26itm%3D263901481269&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 And here's the polisher I've got:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SILVERLINE-180MM-1200W-CAR-POLISHER-SANDER-POLISHING-MACHINE-BUFFER-264569/182719808326?epid=21018385440&hash=item2a8af30346:g:nwAAAOSwioxZlFiq And it's Orbital Version :- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/240V-Orbital-Car-Polisher-Buffer-Buffing-machine-Sander-Silverline-110W-261362/221676247634?hash=item339cef1a52:g:hM8AAOSwm8VUyjgp HTH That is Delphi by the looks of it, with Wurth WOW Tech Data, can be a bear to install if it's a cracked Chinesium version which most are, I have Delphi on a Dell, it does some makes and models that Snap On doesn't also with an extrat lead set mine does 24 Volt trucks / buses, which generates me some income and saves local operators driving the big stuff to Inverness, but I don't work on HGV, just plug 'em in and print reports at £60 a pop So yeah, Delphi is a good generic if you are good at configuring IT
  21. Isn't that why they have filters and chlorine LOLOLOL
  22. I got Fiat for peanuts in 1979 'cos it had failed on sills and Inner Floorpan edges, nicked it off a local skint guy I wore that "Clarke" Mig out on all the Mini's and Escort 1's and 2's I had back then :laugh: My S/C Merc S Class has Pulleys, Carlsson Back Boxes and De Cat, that thing sounds evil on both overrun and WOT
  23. LOL that car, at the age of 17, was when I bought my first MIG, plus ponced a CO2 Bottle and regulator from a local Pub and learned how to Weld and Paint Cellulose Oh happy days lol