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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. Not heard much from you TG! Was gonna message you. What’s been happening last few months? Still with the business partner?
  2. Result. Well done. (Yes, I must admit that at least 70% of purchases are from over 70’s, or from deceased people via their children-but I guess they’re the buyers of the local rag mostly.)
  3. A dreadfully depressing three only so far (after a good January). It’s a funny old game.
  4. And everyone knows you’llhave Three grand profit in yours at least! ;o)
  5. Good old bus. Still have a following.
  6. Good stuff. Glad to be of a little help. It's great when they take the time to appreciate you. Especially when they are nice people. Makes the job worth all the effort.
  7. Same here- shitty letter to renew my trade plate licence (singular) We have two sets. Gonna have to call them too I guess.
  8. I remember telegrams. No idea what an instagram is :0)
  9. Wow TV. It’s a different world isn’t it?! Totally different end of the messer spectrum. To be fair, the dealer could tell her to take her fake tan and shu-up and leave it Bianca & sell it to someone else. I’m comfused though- how and why did they list their margin? On the subject of no edit button, like, button or ability to start new topics: Admin appear to be on the missing list lately. If we were a religion, we’d be talking about ‘faith’ now rather than ‘proof of the creator’ as we appear to be self regulated and maybe rightly godless. :o) Some very good threads and topics since the last magazine, so I’m sure proof of life will be restored at the next publication.
  10. I don’t reply to texts but I do call the number. A lead is a lead.
  11. 'MILF lover/MILF hater?' ;0) I don't understand any of them little yellow things. All look the same to me. Apart from the Ninja one.
  12. A low mileage auto 75 D Estate is a bar of gold. Punters get gooey over the perceived wonder of it having a BMW engine in it -all be it fitted the wrong way round. I have a mildly mad (or probably should I say - delightfully eccentric-) punter in Southern Ireland, who has amassed his own little private Rover collection that he calls his museum. I have supplied him with a few gems over the years. Now I’m not talking about what we would call classic models, but rather 100s, 25s, 45s, 75s etc. One exception was a 60’s rover 75 :P4 is it? I don’t understand anything before 1970 -but I was told it wasn’t the right model by another trader in the know. He was talking about getting a P5 at some stage, last time he bored, I mean spoke to me and again, not the right one/not a coupe He’s a lovely guy, but proper mad and loves them.
  13. Oh right. Yes. Duh. Idiot. Pop up lights on the older ones.
  14. Dunno why I looked as not my bag, but I remembered this above result/ thread so might be of use to someone: MAZDA 323 MOT JAN 2020 RECENT SERVICE OIL FILTER NEW SPARK PLUGS AIR FILTER
  15. Great result. Well done! As it should be. It’s good to stand up to these small minded insignificant failures in life. They think they’re it because they are councillors or whatever pathetic job title they have. Usually little angry men with a Napoleon complex and a dodgy browser history Anyway, for me, your best action is to be your usual nice self and smile and wave politely when you see your idiot neighbour. You’ve gotta live and work there so no point in continuing the unpleasantness He knows he’s a penis, as does everybody else no doubt.. they rarely have any friends etc. Good luck and I hope you crack on well now with the cars. Condolences about your Dad.
  16. You were cool too! Was the sport much different? What did it get over or less than the Ghia? I had an Orion L (again with a noisy gearbox now that I think about it. That wasn’t so easy to change) a few cars in, so I didn’t get any more street cred.
  17. Ha OK. Figures. I don’t know anyone, and my comments were open honest and unbiased. Apologies if you feel threatened by them or think that I was having a go. I guess you’re having a bad day maybe. Anyway, good luck with it and I hope it gets sorted without too much grief.
  18. Best place for old cars is in the past. Nostalgia is a dangerous thing Terry. :o) MK 2 escort, you were cool! My first car was a Viva with a buggered gearbox. I put a Chevette one in it, whilst my old man moaned at me for taking up the driveway with old junk.
  19. My pleasure. Hope it solves the problem. Us 70’s boys have gotta stick together :O)
  20. Right, what a load of bollocks and a storm in a tea cup if ever I saw one. I just re-read the whole thread and I must say you have made it rather confusing to follow until you re-read it. So... Can we just start again (without bringing up people’s wives -after I’m sure what was to me a humorous comment)? Or getting odd over (as EPV once said) ‘somebody being mean to you on the internet’ (although I don’t think that is so, and you need to lighten up. We’re all on your side :o) You won’t get anywhere with Sainsbury’s, and I think the car park bit came from you mentioning the place. Anyway, you just need to be honest and give all the info you have. I had to take some points for 35 in a 30. It didn’t affect my renewal. I think you’ll find the onus is on you to prove you weren’t driving, but maybe that’s changed. At least you have an invoice and I hope their signature and fingers crossed, their real name Having a phone number helps too. We all make mistakes so do t swapeat it. This thread is warning to us all about doing the job properly. Take ID and note time etc Good luck. Keep it nice & keep us posted mate! Edit - don’t sweat it even. Stupid iPad. Who ever thought a glass keyboard was a good idea any way!
  21. There’s a few on eBay Mark. Looks like yours: (177432) Fiat Punto Evo Seat passenger red trim
  22. Where do they live mate? Can’t let these Punters go to a main dealer and pay for the glass boxes and pointy shoe tax.
  23. At least you’re buying some on the doorstep. Good luck mate(s). I still think a quarter is too small, but at least you can test the water. Depends how big the paper is too I guess.