trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. I have just realised you are a ‘ doorstepper ‘,I agree with what you say.It also helps a lot if you have nice property in a desirable location when selling from the door.Late ex fleet stuff won’t work from the door,yet for a lot of pitch guys ex fleet is the best stock to have.....BTW I was doorstepping as a 17 year old !
  2. Which area are you referring to,house prices in long established good neighbourhoods rarely tumble.However these expensive ‘ help to buy ‘ boxes they are knocking up in doubtfull regeneration areas must be at risk.
  3. I have to tell you AWC that what is good stock for you may not be good stock for others operating elsewhere.Its horses for courses in this job,you must sell what the punters want and not what you prefer.In my experience it has always been a fact that the most profitable guys in this job sell stuff most of us would not touch....If you have found a niche that is good,but they never last.
  4. Wonderfull....I can recall a few main dealer ‘gobshites’ like him.
  5. It’s far too salty at £3150 for a door stepper.My old pitch have just done a higher spec similar one with under 50k for £2950.We even sold an old shape 100k 59 Picasso p/x ( stood £800 ) just last night.We had it 6 weeks and had to chop it. Before someone else asks,how much does yours stand you.
  6. You did well to get home at all.I do know about these as I used to sell them when I was 16 ! ( Regals that is ) Crap cars of course but I loved them because the punters also loved them.( like queaue all night for them ).I can still remember the last one I bought in about 89,it was at the local auction with my maiden bid of £150.I got laughed at in the ring.....I traded it without any bother,some guy from The Reliant Owners club and based in Southampton drove 300 miles with a trailer to buy it for about £400. I still think you got it wrong !
  7. That was a mistake,it was probably worth a grand.If it was a Regal maybe more.last year I was talking to a guy from I think the Worcester area who cobbles them together and gets up to 10 grand for them !
  8. You have done well and great voice over.....can you do ours please as we are hopeless.
  9. It’s not just these.We are set up to buy stuff at the door.Last week having bid people on their description,three people in 2 days turned up with cars on the hit list and claimed to know nothing about it.
  10. What I mean by under booked is that Cap Clean valuations are often wrong and don’t reflect the market.Most proper stuff is well into book.
  11. Hi. Stick to what you are doing Hargy.You are under the radar.Little costs,no VAT or premises and £45k day job.Try and do 2 or 3 per month from home I would say.There are plenty of car dealers out there with pitches,staff and debt to service who would love to be in your position.See what the others advise ?
  12. Hi Frankie You are very fortunate.There are no cheap buyers fees anymore.But it doesn’t matter because most stuff is under booked these days anyway.
  13. Hi AD, Something about the emissions when they are stationary doing business and still ticking over and also they are often parked near schools...........far more important to clamp down on ice cream vans than knife crime !
  14. No good in London,Sadiq Khan has banned them !
  15. Ha Ha Jason,I don’t think so,Uber dropped 8% on their opening day ! Meanwhile the original investors who risked many millions have made billions and Uber are still losing money !
  16. AT stock are up 50%,yes 50% in 12 months @ 580p.I thought they were too expensive at £4 a year ago,so I know little.The company is now valued at a whopping £5.2 billion ! They net £200m on £300 t/o ! mostly thanks to us ! It’s just Sell in May and go away advice.When you consider Dealer groups doing £300m struggle to net £1m.Investing in BCA might be a better idea at the moment if they drop to 180p but I doubt they will,they are on my watchlist.
  17. That’s the way to do it.Of course when company car tax was introduced I was doing 50,000 a year and my not cheap chartered accountant never told me to buy my own car and charge our company mileage expenses.I am still annoyed about that as both me and the company would have been thousands better off....Mistakes by accountants,they never own up to them.
  18. “Lease a car personally through ltd company “,I am not sure what you mean,could you possibly explain,thank you.
  19. Each auction seems to grade differently.We found this out long ago so at one sale we only buy Grade 5 because elsewhere it would be a 2 or 3.( note up to 5 year old stuff only).You get plenty of bonuses with on line buying.It is also beneficial to notice if there are strong hall bids when buying Grade 5’s online,that’s a bit of a giveaway.
  20. Sorry,only know about ltd company stuff.
  21. Are you a ltd company.
  22. I am pleased you appear to have been refunded.On 3rd March you did refer to a retired woman and £10000 and how they felt.As someone who claims to be studying criminology,criminal justice and psychology you appear to be offering conflicting evidence. Good Luck in the future and never again pay for a car unseen unless it is from M&S.
  23. Thank you Mark.As I work for ‘nothing now’,that would be an improvement !
  24. Coil springs weren’t made in China then.What about Mk 1 Cortinas,the bonnet catch would not hold and it was normal for the bonnets to fly up against then screen.We just straightened them as best we could and filled them with bodge and sold them on .150% mark ups were not unusual.As a 17 year old,my basic was £8 and used to earn £150 per week kidding....I can sense you guys cringeing .
  25. Hi CRW Sounds like you have the job sorted.