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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Seems a little daft this time round . Work together , go to the pub till 10pm But its illegal to have my 90 yr old mum round for dinner twice a week . Work with my son and daughter but cant see them at their home . Sons building a wall so I'm the builder apparently .
  2. 1 point
    Its a balance though? Your mum going round for dinner doesn't do anything for the economy? But going to work does. How would you feel if you caught CV at work then gave it to your mum and she died? That's what they're trying to stop. This is a weird, new disease which is very dangerous for some; and asymptomatic in others. You don't know if you get it, and you can't get tested quick enough because its physically impossible to just magic the capacity/capability of the testing infrastructure from thin air. Sure its a shambles, everyone's guessing and nobody fully understands it. I'm sure we can all blame something or someone else. Apologies if it comes across a bit blunt, but there's a sense of frustration that we shouldn't actually be where we are today. I don't know what the solution is, I wish I did.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    So unless you register your house as a B&B with dinner gong and a small bar,you could get fined 10 grand as a business !
  5. 1 point
    I have been accused of wearing a mask for years now David !!!
  6. 1 point
    I don't get it, starting a rumour of a scrappage scheme just creates uncertainty in the market and some punters pausing their purchase??? If/when further restrictions come in, the car industry is well down the list of sectors of business the government will help.
  7. 1 point
    I've been wearing one when with customers since June. Its fine and works as a visual reminder for them to keep away from you. Customer goes, throw it in the bin and put a new one on when another turns up. Theyre peanuts now on Amazon, about £5 for 50.
  8. 1 point
    I think Pendragon and Cazoo are chasing the wrong things, I can not understand why they are not looking at opening their own Auctions especially Pendragon as they already have a supply of cars. If i were either of them thats where my attention would be focused as it seem a better business model then retailing cars. If you build it they will come.
  9. 1 point
    Good point MC,you would think he would know that considering he is spending £70m shuttering all the Pendragon purpose built used car sites to be replaced by new build mega sites.It was reported he wants to take on Cazoo but cannot be right as Pendragon is many times bigger than Cazoo. When new CEO’s are parachuted in to save PLC’s it does help that they put their money where their mouth is and buy a significant shareholding.From what I can see shareholders are still waiting for Mr Burman to do that.
  10. 1 point
    Of all the things to call trade vet I don't think hes a bullshitter or a jackanory.
  11. 1 point
    "I'm not a messer" "I'm in the trade" "My mates a mechanic/ In the trade" "Can you beat this fake finance quote with 1% APR even though I haven't worked in 5 years and have several CCJ's against me?" "I'm not looking to buy, just to test drive" "So are you a car dealer or just flipping these for a profit?" "Do you take paypal?" "Can I have it next week without leaving a deposit?" "Can I pay you £10 a week?" "Can I take it away now if I pay you half now and the other when I get paid" Take your pick