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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Good on her, these wankers are useless ......................... I have issues atm with them, our village is a 40 mph limit, and every bloody day, more so Saturday and Sunday there are post Covid lockdown zombies coming through here in droves, most are over 60mph, and the bikes, well they are at least into 3 figures. So far 3 pets killed, including one of mine, a fuckin Volvo on top of an E Class through my neighbours wall, and a few years back there were fatalities. We all have pets and children / grandchildren, it's gonna happen one day, I got threatened by a Biker the other day, which even though I'm 58 yrs old was a very very bad move on his part ............. After he had picked himself and his bike off the floor, he fired it up and fucked off narrowly missed getting hit by a Camper van I ran his number plate afterwards, yeah, he was on a 1000cc Blue Yam, plate came back as 1998 Red 50cc Honda,no tax and no VOSA MOT cert ever, meaning it had been scrapped before it's first test !! Took 2 days to get hold of the Cops, in the end I used 999 because they wouldn't answer any other numbers, did they do anything at all ????????????? DID THEY FUCK Myself and another local garage have a plan, currently collecting a few scrappers then we gonna abandon' em in the middle of the fuckin road at peak times Sat and Sunday, that'll get noticed, only we will know fuck all about it
  2. 2 points
    Oh I dont think so , my daughter is a viper , down the station when she got back , complaint went in to the sergeant , written in complaint too . Inside sources say hes gone for re training we have two retired cops who drive cars for us , they asked the question
  3. 1 point
    Had an/ well got an SPM Number plate making machine for a while now . always buy their plates and backing reflective's off them £500/£600 a time making 60 /80 pairs of plates a month . , spent over 5k 2019 , 3k this year with the lock down , but its picked up so plate stocks are low now , you have to spend £1,500 she said , BUT I do and I pay you don't i no you don't yes i do was the argument ? had a right go at me because i said I was going to write about them on here then phoned me back saying they had confused me with another customer hahahahahah F@@K OFF was their answer . On the termination letter they sent they put the other garage on the address part , so i rang them , they spend over £1,500 too , they've chucked it in as well LOLthe guy was fuming What fool can ring a customer up now days saying we don't want your money anymore One phone call has cost them 8/10k a year on plates . Stupid world , proper stupid it is . New company installing on Friday, they are happy with new business and we had a laugh about SPM So if your looking at plate machines , I don't recommend S.P.M in Leeds Ohhhhhh No
  4. 1 point
    Me to. CAP valuations are often as useful as a chocolate fireguard. I paid 2.5k over Cap clean the other day and I don’t think the car was dear.....
  5. 1 point
    retail figure back is the way to think forward in simple terms Look at a car , find its retail value from various sites like ebay or autotrader , take off fuel costs , service costs , warranty costs , advertising costs , valet costs , MOT Costs , Your intended profit margin and the figure left is your Buying price . Pay more and you earn less its that simple really .
  6. 1 point
    What was that Manheim / Cox Automotive guy with the corporate jargon called who used to post on here ( until we pissed him off ).Get in touch with him.He had some contrived title like ‘global head of blue sky thinking ‘ or something.
  7. 1 point
    Oh Dear ,You still might hear from them !
  8. 1 point
    I got pulled over last week for the tank to be dipped for red diesel checks, then had to spend 15 minutes explaining why I was on trade plates, where I was going, both the plates and the car was on mid, I was using our original set of plates which are actually the original metal ones that dvla used to supply donkeys years ago, police actually checked to see if they were real as he had never seen any like this before.
  9. 1 point
    My daughter got pulled last week for NO Insurance , Plates in window , Plates on MID . Stupid Copper said plates only cover TAX , NO they don't yes they do argument took place for 20 mins before my daughter called the bloody police from the coppers car Can you tell this twat he doesn't know his job she said
  10. 1 point
    Funnily enough, I have a card issue too. Sent them two emails. Effectively I can’t buy at the moment. But I think they know they can call the shots really? But I also sent an email about deliveries and that’s been ignored too. Interesting with all that ‘business partner’ nonsense! All I can say at the moment is good old manheim!
  11. 1 point
    AFAIK they have to be on your Trade Policy MID, they do according to my Insurers, otherwise you will flag an ANPR, and potentially could get a Car impounded if you get an arsey Cop
  12. 1 point
    Would you mind introducing yourself and telling us about your business first please.
  13. 1 point
    Don't worry - that's simple - I can't speak for others, but mine are on my trade ins policy, maybe a thought?
  14. 1 point
    Always been an asda man myself and can say the bags for life never rust
  15. 1 point
    that,s what i said when they said they,ve another to look at...............facom.