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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Brilliant.Jags to Holland and Yanks back.There was a big Yank pitch near us early 70’s in Newcastle and late 60’s there was a guy from Warren St came up every week to buy Jags.He dressed like Arthur Daley and smoked cigars and just ignored me. Can we have more stories from the golden age please Marcus.The millenials won’t believe them.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Always appreciate your comments and stories trade vet ive only been in the trade since 1999 on and off with other bits and bobs in between mainly property and construction so keep them coming You too Marcus
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    I'm paying £7200 on finance for a £15K car, how could there be a balloon...........
  6. 1 point
    Agree on the fitter part most deffo.. not just with JLR but also many industries ..
  7. 1 point
    I used to love the old Jags, I've owned every model since the 1950's Mk 9 and still have two E types, one of which I've had since 1982; so that's lasted longer that the 1st wife Back in the day, late 1970's, we used to buy up well used Mk 2 3.4 and 3.8 Jags for a few hundred and drive them to our buyer in Holland who'd pay £1.5-2k after they'd had a quick blast of paint from 'Ron Respray' !! Then that buyer would take us to the Utrecht auction, where 3 year old American cars could be bought for around a grand as nobody wanted them there that old back then, buy as many of those as drivers who'd taken a Jag over would bring one back each for any necessary work to tidy them up and MOT, then leave them with a central London dealer on SOR and he shifted most of them pretty fast usually between £2-3k. Life was so much easier, not to mention profitable, once you found a good money spinner before the internet came along. Today I've no interest left in the modern Jaguar, and Range Rovers, most especially the popular RR Sport, after 3 years they have all to often been bought on finance by people trying to live a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget - so minimal maintenance after that 2- 3 years warranty period for many of those. When a RRover is good it's great, but having one in stock with the constant worry if yet another warning light would miraculously come on after standing locked overnight is too rich for my blood ........ My biggest gripe, and not just on JLR is that we used to have mechanics, now most of them are just what I call 'fitters' who do what the software tells them; often wrongly!! As for this guys 4.4 mil bonus, it's a disgrace, JLR should not get a penny after that - and overall, the TATA group as a whole are not short of cash ....
  8. 1 point
    Dont normally buy pendragon stuff but took a punt on a stop gap vectra diesel 3 years ago in person at the auction for under a grand for a Friend as as stop gap not really something id buy for stock turns out it was owned by a father and then and son or vice versa same address on the log book b5 . 3 years later its still going strong apart for basic servicing and brakes etc its never let him down we took it a six hour round trip last year and it never missed a beat good pendragon stuff is rare I agree although i guess some good older trade in must slip through the net rarely although i do mean rarely comes with experience i guess .
  9. 1 point
    Thats the life time experience too Pal . Pendragon is all rubbish , always has been always will be .
  10. 1 point
    Pendragon online with a BCA description ? Good luck.I would only buy Pendragon stuff if I could see it,listen to it and smell it and it would still be a risk.
  11. 1 point
    It will be a NO on that one for sure , Be three weeks down the road too before you hear anything so get holding your breathe , then your just three weeks later doing anything about it . Assured reports are just pure extortion money , just times x 25,000 cars by the charge and see where the money involved is , its why they wont stop it .
  12. 1 point
    Photograph the listing before you bid on a bca car. Photograph or record the sale if possible. Download assured and condition reports. Photograph auction sheet in 'Your Purchases' post purchase. Notify them immediately if a car arrives missing a spare key/service book/V5. Dont just email claims notify the auction and cc in auction manager and sales staff as well. If I buy a car with a spare key and it doesnt arrive then they are ordering me a new one or giving me the go ahead to get one organised. I can stomach the hassle of getting a new key coded. Theres no such thing as insurance that pays out easily so you have to get the facts to back your case and be persistent until you get satisfaction. On the baldy tyres, an insurance company could argue that you are sending them a random picture of another car. Pull out your phone take a 30 second video, full view of the car and reg "This is KK19OOO, purchased from BCA yesterday with an assured report stating 5-6mm across both front tyres". Get a close up and use a tyre depth gauge if you have one to then show the car that arrived as only 2-3mm as stated.
  13. 1 point
    That will be right,you are forced to pay for BCA Assured static inspections yet they want you to supply a video.I would send them a video of the tyres while putting them on notice that if they don’t meet your claim ,legal action in the Small Claims Court will follow. It works.