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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Cat S = S. Structurally damaged repairable cummon, it’s got grief written all over it . You know what they say, if it’s too good to be true, it usually is,..... Either 1)not advertised /Sold correctly or 2) buyers remorse. I know what’s be said above but only the OP will know the truth so can act accordingly
  2. 1 point
    I know the CAT isn't the point of the post and the OP's question. However, if OP bought the car at auction, was it a private entry, or direct from the insurer? If a private entry, there's no shortage of backstreet cowboys who will fix up the majority of damage, then push the car through auction with half the damage repaired. No matter where it is on the body, damage as light as a ding, or even a good whack, can't possibly write off a £55k car. Then again, we all remember my Cat B flood damaged BMW post.
  3. 1 point
    You're spot on. They have also generally paid off their mortgages too so have lot's of lovely equity in their houses, and plenty of disposable income. The only real outgoings they have is having lunch at garden centers or National Trust properties, and buying Werthers Originals.
  4. 1 point
    The OP post said the sill, not sure if its linked to the chassis ? It's irrelevant anyway, because the buyer paid for it to be inspected and purchased on the basis of that professional inspection.
  5. 1 point
    So. He blew the computer up. Everywhere. (Gotta laugh). Thanks for the replies though everyone. Much appreciated.
  6. 1 point
    Interesting never thought of it like that, i attended a lot of land auctions and the revenue are very hot if the land is purchased for a single private person or as a trade.
  7. 1 point
    I think its possibly something which needs to be raised with the Office of Fair Trading. I suspect nobody has actually reported them (AT) to the OFT I do think that in all probability some of their practices are dubious to say the least. They can speculate whether a car is priced high/med/low in relation to the market but as it is a used item who's value is subject to condition, this could be construed as misleading unless made very clear that the price indicator assumes a particular standard.
  8. 1 point
    I often wonder, take CD5 for example who do an excellent job, why someone doesn't just replicate what they do. I am no IT boff but how hard can it be? Go to my website and you have similar search filters to AT albeit on a much smaller scale. Spend some money pushing that to the public and you're away. What is it they do (other than the brand) that no-one else seems able to replicate. I know I am probably being niave but surely it is just a much larger version of any one of our websites. Drive enough traffic to it and cars will sell. Could you imagine how much you could earn if for example you charged £10 per slot per month on a minimum 20 car package and how happy dealers would be to send you their £££'s. I still cannot believe how they get away with it but with people supporting them (myself included), we only have pourselves to blame.
  9. 1 point
    You do save a lot of money when prepping in house. I don't know about 78%. Our own workshop was the best thing we did instead of having to pay any external labour costs. You are right though the efficiency it leads to is where you really make the money. Cars back and out the door quicker.
  10. 1 point
    Can you take over AT and give us what we want from it please.
  11. 1 point
    Its much better to do in house. We've saved around 78% on prep costs bringing everything in house.
  12. 1 point
    From what i am reading, being a cat s in this circumstance is actually a help not a hindrance !
  13. 1 point
    I wonder if the auction houses will adopt AT's pricing indicator as a guide instead of using CAP/Glasses retail?
  14. 1 point
    I think there is an additional factor to consider. Diesel fuel is still very polluting, in the coming years there is a real possibility of governmental action to discriminate against diesel private cars, be it via fuel tax or possible restrictions to use, or other means. Not just the UK but elsewhere too, eg France.