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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    my local hospice shop always has some bargains in the dead mens clothes section,only thing is they aren't allowed to sell belts anymore because the local MP had bought one stuck an orange in his gob and dangled himself from his wardrobe, so you will just have to find a bit of string to hold your kegs up with hth....................
  2. 1 point
    www.autojoy.co.uk good products and cheap.
  3. 1 point
    Exactly. Especially the drinks. Read a business story on Aldi and Lidl once and why they're cheap.... Its because they stock less variety of the same item so they buy one variety in bigger bulks and sell it cheaper. Eg heinz beans they dont stock and they got a cheaper version I believe. If you go to Tesco or Asda you got 10 different brands of beans and people always buy the expensive ones....so if you only got one brand people will just buy them
  4. 1 point
    Always used Jepsons - great support too.
  5. 1 point
    I guessing that cars rebuilt after being written off in Poland are not recorded as such? Probably explains why so much salvage goes there from uk to 'rinse' the paperwork?
  6. 1 point
    Ahh yes. I had it recently as a Turkish kebab shop owner told me he wanted £5000 for his Mercedes because “I paid £5300 for it 4 months ago & the man who sold it promised me it’d still be worth £5000 if I sold it in the first few months”!!! When I bid him “£3000 unless it’s a write-off in which case it’ll be half” he started getting shirty quoting the original seller - apparently his word was better than mine. I told him to take it back there.
  7. 1 point
    My dear wife buys ours , wouldn't have a clue myself . All this talk of shopping has given me the need for caffeine
  8. 1 point
    We are more or less 100% AutoSmart. I have got better, more important and profitable things to do than decide if one Nano polish has 3 extra beads of polymer than another or is 50p cheaper. Concentrate on the bigger issues is my advice Casper.
  9. 1 point
    I had the same debate but..... Once you have bought the Hardware and Software plus consumables, unless you're selling loads of cars (or plates), I don't see a ROI. I pay £19.90 for front and rear with my branding and it takes 5 minutes. The biggest issue though is all your "mates" saying "Can I just get a plate for XYZ please." Plus, I have already had one DVLA inspection, luckily, I am squeaky clean (same goes for HMRC, Insurance etc).
  10. 1 point
    A week last Tuesday we took a small batch of 9 cars in against a new fleet. When valuing we were nervous as they are all base spec in either black or white so we hit the values hard but full history and minimum prep. 3 16/66 118d Auto SE 4 16/16 A180 Auto SE 1 17/17 A180 AMG Auto Line Prem+ 1 15/65 Citroen C1 Feel 12 days later we only have the A180 AMG left. What gets me is our PCP payments were not far off what we do a new one for. To be fair 2 were outright and 3 went to 3rd party funders where the end user seemed to be a NINJA. It just shows that nobody can predict what buyers want, we were just going to trade the lot as they seemed so bland but decided to have a punt and it paid off. Have two latest shape Insignia Estates in next week, let’s see how they go!
  11. 1 point
    We use Hills, not sure they are the best value but the girls in the office have to use the machine and it’s the only one they get on with.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Thanks for the reply and advice funny you should mention Home bargains . Sometimes I pick up there cleaning products to mix in with the more expensive stuff in my valeting box and buy the little hanging air fresheners from there too there only 0.29 each and the fruity smelling isnt to overpowering like some of the more expensive ones I've used will pick up some tape and a set or 2 of mats next time im in never go wrong to have about the place all the best
  15. 1 point
    It's the same with electronic tailgates - I don't need the help! It's actually quicker to shut it myself. Same with these parking brakes. Why do they take so long to disengage? Grrrrr.