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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Your friends PAY you to find them cars? Mine almost expect everything for free AND will say stuff like "Look at how shiny and clean your other cars are" with a tone that suggests theirs should've been fully prepped also.
  2. 1 point
    Had two calls today , yep TWO on same subject . Hello I bought a car off you last year , One in Aug one in Oct 18 Both want to sell me their cars back , not refund as no complaints , just want to sell their cars as one is planning to buy a house , one is moving to London . Turns out that they want the full retail price back they paid for it One was £9,495 bought in August last year on Finance HIM " I had a 3k px and £6,495 on finance " so when I come do you pay the finance off and give ME the 3k or does the finance send the 3k to me OMG Me "whats the point of me buying the car at what you bought for ? Him " its what you do isnt it , sell cars Had to explain the meaning of PROFIT Half hour later I get another call " hello its Olly , Hello Olly how can I help ? Need to sell my car I bought last Oct cos I'm working in London from next week , When can I bring it back ? me , How much you looking for then , er £3,995 cos that's what i paid you Oh and to top it off , some pratt brought her car back for her headlight to be replaced on warranty , BUT WE didn't sell the car to you did we , No she goes but the other place is shut , ME !!! that's because they are in Spain for two weeks So your not going to do it then she says , NO, unless you pay us , I'll leave it then and storms out Must be mad peoples day out today , so after explaining the meaning of profit AGAIN twice and refusing warranty on someone else's car I'm going home , its windy raining and I'm hungry Always tomorrow
  3. 1 point
    Hope you have the type of coffee I like when I come to view the Kia Mark
  4. 1 point
    Yes - can you imagine the trouble of identifying a decent £450 car. It would never end. I was more insulted that he thought I would provide a days work for £50, when he clearly wouldn't entertain it himself. I'd have rather he asked for a favour (free)
  5. 1 point
    Friends and Family - You almost have to charge them more than anyone else let alone do mates rates. Never hear the end of it and they are never grateful. Had a few of these lately who bought from places within the last few months/ weeks ( this always makes me suspicious) and they don't mind losing a few hundred quid. If you make that much of a mistake on the second biggest purchase you are likely to make in life its probably going to cost a little ,more than that.
  6. 1 point
    you guys are soooo nasty next you will be saying you drop the bonnet from a foot off the slam just as a Akhta walks to you in da block
  7. 1 point
    This is a forum for car dealers. But, since you asked; why don’t you let the dealer do his job, get the (likely) small issue fixed and stop being such a fucking melt? You’re welcome.
  8. 1 point
    Must be the day for it. I even had a close friend kindly offer me £50 'commission' to take a day out and buy him a banger
  9. 1 point
    First rule of business Akhtar is this . If its not working for you ITS YOUR FAULT , Got it, ITS YOUR FAULT . You are doing the job WRONG , Its no one else to blame . I would outbid you at every turn , I will make you Puff & blow and call me a pillock at the block , , But its because I know my mkt and KNOW I'm going to make a handsome profit . Years of self critique have learned me lessons I don't forget . I also do NOT work for peanuts either . I also sell 20/30 units a month , Money in the metal and bolt ons too Aurfur Daly has said we are pro's at what we do and he's right , You have to learn the trade and an auction catalogue is NOT where its at either , I don't need a catalogue . You have to ;learn how to bid , when to bid , when to stop , when to go higher , what sells , what doesnt , how quick they turn and how slow , Know the stocks faults and how to fix it , How to sell , how to present yourself , What to say to a customer , Know EVERY THING about the car your selling , How to prep it , where to sell from and were not to sell from. Some people are born sellers , other are not .and this makes a huge difference , Come here and you would leave with the car ,that i would promise you . Some cant sell , some cave into letting the customer control , Some cant prep , others its natural , Lots to learn in this job Akhtar , its not BCA Gold card + Catalogue + Wave arm in air + get car and sell it . YOU Have to work at EVERY part of this job and it has to run in your blood veins . Good luck by the way , All the very best .
  10. 1 point
    I don't want to make you all jelous, but we are cruising around in a Chevrolet Tacuma 1.6. Seriously though, we just use the shittest car we have taken in PX to run around in - we're lucky enough to live only a mile or so from our unit so its only a 10-15 minute walk, and the PX is there if we need to go anywhere.
  11. 1 point
    You seem a little obsessed with getting to Gold. It makes a small difference but that’s all it is really. Small. It ain’t the difference between making it pay and losing money. There is no “secret place” where a select few get clean stock a grand behind book. We all buy from the same place. As others have said, i’ll say it also, with the greatest respect, if you can’t turn a profit on a car or two after 2 years at this, then put your sheepskin coat away and find something you are good at. Speaking from the point of a relative newbie, you either “get it” or you don’t. Like most things in life. You’re good at some things and crap at others. Focus on your strengths.
  12. 1 point
    Exactly this, To be fair it’s nobody’s fault but yours for paying to much for cars. Do your reasearch on the cars you are loooking to buy before you get to the auction and have a fixed amount you are willing to pay. You know how much your fees are so do the maths. I understand it’s easy to get caught out with unexpected costs but you are in control of the intitial purchase price.... Anyway, best of luck and listen to the guys on here...
  13. 1 point
    your main cause of loss is paying too much too start with, not the other factors mentioned. be more open minded on brands, if you don't like certain brands other customers sure will. the cars you mention are saleable but you are not really likely to earn anything from them in the price range you mention- if buying from auction. you need to understand what the market is wanting / buying, and you simply need to be able to value cars better. you need a rethink, also, being part time gives no excuse or reason to be incurring certain costs (valeting) or paying others (delivery), find time to either go to auction yourself, (leave buying online to the more experienced), or explore finding stock elsewhere, ideally locally. as others have said, with respect it might be that after 2 years trying this job might not be for you.
  14. 1 point
    Maybe the main issue is 'part time' if you're committed to it full time then you'll be focused on 'making profit' and running a business and not playing!
  15. 1 point
    Roughly 15 minutes, it doesn't like being run constantly as they get too hot however it comes with two batteries. I would use a larger mains powered mop for a whole car but for contained areas or areas you would struggle with a larger tool they are ideal.