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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    Given the choice, I would never drive a manual again. Someone said to me when I was 18 (in a new classic Range Rover) - once you've driven an auto, you'll never go back. That was 27 years ago and that person was spot on and other than for the purposes of this trade, I have never wanted an "own use" car with a clutch (except my Transit).
  3. 2 points
    Wouldn't have revved my car to redline without leaving the door of the building very very quickly "preferably horizontal" . Don't let them remove caps , dip sticks or start cars when cold " period " Not qualified in my opinion " On test drive if they do anything remotely stupid I terminate the drive in an instant and drive back with them as a passenger . All about being in control . Take control from the start and they know their place .
  4. 1 point
    So far Corsa's, fiesta, C1, Micra, Alto max ive had in stock is 3, I now know that as a doorstepper at this level, I'm nowhere near being able to call this a job Already planning on changing approach Mark, no more "only first cars"
  5. 1 point
    Don't sell Vauxhall's, they attract the pond life. I dislike Vauxhalls with a vengence, infact I would rather drive any other make than a Vauxhall. If you are going to sell small cars, go for Civics, Jazz's, anything that doesn't attract penniless pricks........
  6. 1 point
    No, I think you'll find that giving sweets to kids is universally frowned upon, wherever you live!
  7. 1 point
    Here is a very honest option: BUY IT. I don't understand the need of people to "see how" a 7 year old car drives. Mine could drive great, another could drive s***, a third could be remapped and have much better performance, a fourth could have a blocked EGR valve and feel sluggish. They don't need to test drive them all. Test drive one that you like the look of, buy it if you are happy. If you don't like how it drives TELL ME. Don't say stupid things like I have to talk to my wife and I know where you are now...
  8. 1 point
    If it's good as the OP says it must be worth the extra £600 he is paying. Hopefully the only surprise he gets is the fast sale. P.S. I LOVE 12 year old Bimmers. It's the 6 year old "low mileage" ones that scare me.
  9. 1 point
    I recall giving a value :-)
  10. 1 point
    I had an 'expert' looking around a 2009 Focus for his mate last saturday. He spent a good few minutes trying to find the bonnet release catch inside......
  11. 1 point
    i think most of us have the fcuk it if it dont sell it can sit there attitude on some cars, but sitting there does them no good and costs in bits, ie battery dies, damp gets in electrics and money could have been earning, but we all do it.
  12. 1 point
    Get the car back. I’ve learned this the hard way. Don’t do anything other than get it back. Get it back and have it properly diagnosed and go from there.
  13. 1 point
    Boys, this is a one owner (11) years, clearly cherished example It’s a VW......
  14. 1 point
    I think Arfur Dealy has the best method of weeding out tyre kickers / test pilots.....
  15. 1 point
    Looks like AD just got his purchase price back on that minger
  16. 1 point
    You could feed an African village on the leftover McDonald’s in that. Imagine what their houses look like. Probably dead animals wedged down the sofa. “I haven’t seen tiddles for a few days, have you?” ”no luv, pass me another bag of crisps will ya?”
  17. 1 point
    ‘It can sit there forever etc until I get 2 grand profit on it’,....I have to say Mr C that is classic peripheral car dealer speak you often hear around the auction ring.Why not just trade it to someone on here and get on with your job.You have had a descent starting bid already.
  18. 1 point
    I get all sorts, which is why EVERY car now has this displayed below the price board. TEST DRIVES ARE ONLY PERFORMED AFTER A SALE HAS BEEN AGREED IF DURING THE TEST DRIVE THE VEHICLE DOES NOT PERFORM OR FUNCTION PROPERLY YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO COMPLETE THE SALE The Focus ST was the catalyst (test pilots and they're not even quick, infact I hate the 40 year old chav mobiles). I judge the punter accordingly and if they appear genuinely willing to deal, I void my notice and offer a test drive.
  19. 1 point
    I said "what are you hoping to find by smelling the coolant"?..."oil" he said.."but you would see that wouldn't you"...."not if it's semi synthetic" he said!!!! The fuckin idiot