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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/17 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    No not at all - the customer has to PROVE it was there at the time you supplied them the car. It they can and you indeed did supply them a car with a major fault then yes they can reject We must have been over this 50 times
  2. 1 point
    Hi Trade Girl,you have had good advice from experienced 'hard boiled' car dealers.If you got this much advice from a solicitor,it would cost you a grand! Don't dither,unwind the deal,move on ........
  3. 1 point
    I have been battling auto traders belligerent team for weeks, telling them that sponsored adverts are killing my response from my dealer portal. there response was simple, it is your stock etc, even managed to sign me up to a higher level package, still no more phone calls, my cars that used to sit on page 1/2 are kicked to page 8/9. I finally bit the bullet and gave my notice for cancellation, will use my 4k a month from this saving and use alternative methods, I know that they are a premium site but this is going too far,they want me to pay extra 3k for sponsored adverts, I already pay them more then I pay my landlord. I hope that a few more traders join me and give notice for cancellation. Let them make a business decision, do they want big boys (car super markets and main dealers) only or bulk of there trade small to medium dealers
  4. 1 point
    With regards to stock, it really is trial and error i think. Have a nosey round your local dealers, used car sales centres. What are they stocking? They will know what sells and what doesnt. Also think, if every sales place near you are stocking 3 year old clios/corsa's etc is it worth competing? can you?, what can you offer to get peoples business off them? Whilst you are looking there, keep an eye on what has moved and what hasn't. Are certain cars coming in and going straight out? or are a certain make, bodystyle etc sitting for sale for months? What works for one might not work for others. A place local to me does a great trade in Mini's, yet i have always struggled to shift them. Also, keep your eyes peeled when out and about. Whats in the local Tesco car park? Are they nearly new cars, old bangers etc? Get a feel of what your locals are driving. If you need a chat, just ask its a quite week and im lonely
  5. 1 point
    I keep seeing this hoary old chestnut trotted out time & time again. No offence, but this opinion is years out of date. The planning regulations were changed in 2014 to clearly reflect the changes in people's working practices (I.e. Self employed & home workers). The government's planning portal is clear on this. Obviously this is a substantially abridged version but the salient points for this discussion are; 1) your home is still primarily a home. 2) your business activities don't drastically increase traffic (pedestrian or motorised). I'll add that few visitors per week is NOT a drastic traffic increase before any idiot suggests otherwise. 3) your business activities don't disturb neighbours at unsociable hours. 4) the home building, outbuildings & curtlidge has not been physically changed in any way. This can catch people out - if you erect 1 shelf in your home to support your business then that could render you liable to apply for mixed us as a dwelling/business. Likewise a garden shed is ok, but a garden shed erected for your business means you may need change of use. 5) you cannot actively advertise at the premises (I.e. idiots filling their front garden with bunting, price boards & windy men with flailing arms) ANYHOW, BEST OF LUCK TO DLLOYDS. YOU'LL NEED IT IN THIS GAME BUT IF YOU'RE STILL MAKING A LIVING IN 24 MONTHS TIME YOU'VE CRACKED IT IN WHATEVER MARKET YOU CHOOSE TO BE IN.
  6. 1 point
    "I have an inherent love for cars " that will fade quickly. But good luck