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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/16 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    They don't want an actual valuation, they understand you need to see it. Of course they do. They just want a ballpark figure. Just a ballpark. That's all they want. Just to see if they are on the right page before they make the 5 mile journey.
  2. 3 points
    'Please remove me from your database. I do not wish to have anymore contact, email or otherwise Kind regards Rob' After a couple of emails back and forth I found out that this was based on a valuation provided to the customer by guess who? Yes, you're right.. Auto Trader Car valued by them - £1180 Cap Clean - £1600 Proof if ever it was needed!
  3. 3 points
    I've tried it and definately did not work for me ! just a quick example it tells me the hottest cars to buy are Corsa / C1 etc as they are the fastest sellers in my postcode/area, ..Guess what I have Arnold Clark main Vauxhall dealer , AC Supermarket and AC Biggest in europe centre with all with 5 to 30 Mins drive who sell these these like hot cakes - now do I want to compete in that market ? will they be profitable cars for me to buy ? .. A Lot of other cars I looked at using the 'tool' I couldn't buy for the said value but obviously paying more according to the tool I couldn't sell for 'the suggested price' ! I'm stick with my own knowledge and experience Thank you.!
  4. 3 points
    ...and they're all called Mrs Chismer. Alma Chismer. As in... "Alma Chismer car worth? If I was to PX it." "So, we're going to be helping you to buy a car today?" "Maybe" "What car are you looking to buy?" "I don't know yet...errrrr...how about that black one on the corner.... Alma Chismer car worth against that?" *sigh*
  5. 2 points
    Chris they are ruining the trade!
  6. 2 points
    Danny best thing you can do is tell your AT rep to take a run and jump! Sorry but unless I can be proven otherwise it is just regenerated historic data sold as a package by people who have never sold a car in their lives! IMHO
  7. 1 point
    i like the polish,they say,'you take this price' theres no negotiation its either take their money or no sale,i often take their money because its obvious they've done their homework and know they are only people interested in the car,sad really i used to do this when i started out a million years ago in barny hubbles car
  8. 1 point
    hahahah jim i wish you was then you can share the wealth i keep telling them i dont want it but my rep does not stop being pushy i said if you have just a desirability tool il take it on its own but the whole thing no mate. also jim i need to get big on Facebook any tutorials you can point me in the right direction of kind regards danny umesh great response as usual !
  9. 1 point
    Here's an idea save your self a few hundred pounds per month, and I'll give you a second opinion free of charge :-) His reply...."jim hasent been with us for a while" " he just wants every one over to social media" WHY would I want everyone over to Social Media lol, oh that's right, I'm on referral schemes with Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn making £80million in selling shares over last 3years! Does that sound familiar?
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I don't use auctions and from hearing so many horror stories ( But guess the bad news always gets talked about more than good ! ) what do they see as a way forward to 'help ' dealers - more accurate descriptions, help dealers who have bought a car that was clearly not described correctly ? stop 'public' ' Non trade' buying and make it 'approved VAT registered dealers only ' to help the industry ?
  12. 1 point
    Why is the guy I'm bidding against always stood behind me
  13. 1 point
    I had it for 6 months or so and my thoughts on it are similar to RH Trading. I ignored the pricing aspect of it but the 'desirability' tool was quite handy and again, like RH, I bought cars that I wouldn't normally have bought and they sold in pretty quick time. Agree with RS though, the pricing aspect of it is a joke and that's why I binned it as I was only using half the product.
  14. 1 point
    Ive had it for about 10 months now, in all seriousness if you use it as a guide to back up your own instinct and experience on the whole its worth having. since taking it on I wouldn't say I've sold more cars but I have changed what I'm stocking slightly, bought cars I would never have dreamed of stocking in the past and sold for a decent margin, kept on top of the prices and noticed I'm selling cars quicker. I used to have the old problem of cars sticking like glue to the pitch without even a sniff, takes a while to get into it but its not a bad little tool and saves me a lot of time
  15. 1 point
    I always work on 7 days for standard deposit, anything over that I'd want at least 1k or even 50% of car value.
  16. 1 point
    Not done any local rag for years but put a quarter page in on Friday for the reasonable price of £100, had 2 calls and sold 1 so good return, main thing it reminds people we are still here, not everyone searches the internet and the one I sold was a Honda Jazz so speaks for itself. But that ad is now chip paper ;-(
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    hahahahaha jim to be fair thats what i thought i even told him you keep banging on about helping us dealers but you make huge profits and still put our prices up each year. Then i swiftly moved on to the subject regarding your open letter and guess what hes response was "jim hasent been with us for a while" " he just wants every one over to social media" my response was jim is a dealer just like me and the rest of us whos sick and tired of getting ripped off because they know auto trader works for some of us etc etc im seriously fed up with them but ebay and motors are not great i think i need to start pushing more on facebook !
  19. 1 point
    had every man, his dog, his wife and her lover in yesterday, total waste of time and effort.
  20. 1 point
    'I'm looking for a car for the daughter/son' when said offspring is nowhere in sight. Yes sir, I'm sure 18 year old Kylie who's just passed her test but is working in {insert fast food retailer name here} today so she can't come and view is going to love that gold Micra 5 door...
  21. 1 point
    What about punter who turn up and want a trade in valuation for their vehicle which is still at home!
  22. 1 point
    ...according to this Pulitzer Prize candidate... linktorubbisharticle Is it just me, or is this article absolute cobblers? Meaningless, irrelevant nonsense, with no specific facts to back up the claim, no examples, no conclusion. In fact, no actual story, just a bit of pathetic attention-seeking. It doesn't do the publication, or Carsnip, any favours in my eyes.
  23. 1 point
    There's enough veiled bullying on the internet already. This forum isn't going to tolerate it.
  24. 1 point
    Much rather stick that type of money towards Facebook! The beauty of FB is if you put a car on for say 7 days but it sells in one day, then you can just cancel it, your total outlay would be so minimal.
  25. 1 point
    Everyone thanks for the advice believe me I aperciate it massively I am acting on it not just words actions. sorting out my new website as we speak Iv told blue sky is they don't get there act together and sort it I'm moving to g forces. regarding the spelling mistakes I have got dyslexic like genuinely no bullshit there so my new website I just outed the content. apart from the website what does everybody else think of the stock priceing etc. i do aperciate your help and I don't get offended by the truth. Just for the record Rory I am trying. kind regards dan
  26. 1 point
    I just had a look at your reviews and I wouldn't worry. All the other five star reviews are so clearly genuine and his doesn't come across as a real review, plus his is filtered to the bottom for me (might be different for other viewers though). From a customer perspective I tend to disbelieve bad reviews that don't give detail. If someone has had a genuinely bad experience they'll vent exactly what happened!
  27. 1 point
    I have replied stating the facts as best as possible. Its not made much difference and will give me a kick up the backside to get more people reviewing. I don't even mind a bad review if we have failed or let a customer down but touch wood we usually do resolve things before that type of thing happens. Nice to have somewhere to sound off anyway, onwards and upwards.