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Why do I always get them??

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I sold a 20,000 mile Picanto Auto on May 6th 2019 for £4999. The lady in question turns up unannounced and the Picanto is right in the corner of the pitch, after speaking to her for a bit about the car she informs me that she needs finance but she only has her state pension to live off. As we all know the latest FCA buzzword is 'affordability' and I was thinking that I would probably struggle to get her financed, so I explained that I wasn't going to spend an hour moving all my cars then another hour moving them all back again when she hasn't got the money to buy my car. Or words to that effect, obviously I'm more delicate with a customer than explaining to you guys! Plus it was a sunday so I wouldn't have got a reply on the finance until the next day.

I explained that she could drive the car before I signed her up to anything, but I wanted to get her through first on finance before I start rearranging my pitch. So off she went and I propped her to my sub prime company, and surprise they turned her down on affordability because her outgoings were already too high for her income. I let her know this, and the she calls me back to say she's arranged her own finance through another company. So I did the deal with her and she test drove the car when she came back.

About 6 weeks later she calls to say that there is a squealing noise, so I'm guessing the auxiliary belts have gone a bit dry where I've steam cleaned the engine. I asked her to pop it back so I could have a look, then I get the usual I can't leave it with you as I need a car and the world will end if I don't have a car but I still want you to fix it for me. So she brings it in for me to have a look at and can't demonstrate this squeal to me, so I gave the belts a squirt and said see if that cures it if not then let me know and I'll look at changing the belts.

I didn't hear from her for another 6-8 weeks just at the end of her 3 month warranty when she decided to tell me that the squeal was still happening, so I said bring the car back and thought I'll just stick a couple of belts on it to keep her happy. Then we go through the end of the world scenario again about how she can't bear to be parted from this car whilst I repair it for her free of charge, and how she will have to wait around in the town whilst we do it. There was no squeal when she first brought the car in and I didn't hear it the second time either and neither did my workshop, but I fitted the belts anyway.

Then the week before last she rings me again having had the car for 5 months now and says she's not very happy, she's bought a new car (bullshit) and she wanted to get rid of the Picanto. She's been to WBAC and they've only offered her £2600 for the car which she paid £4999 for 5 months ago, she wasn't very happy about that but the reason she was ringing was because she hadn't had her V5 come back yet from the DVLA so she couldn't sell it to WBAC. 

I explained that I do the registration documents online and sometimes the customer doesn't receive their document, which is why I give them the Green slip and say it can be up to six weeks before you get the V5 but if you hadn't had it by then to let me know as I keep the old V5's for a couple of months in case this happens then I destroy them. So because she'd left it 5 months there was nothing I could do and explained that she'd need to send the green slip with a V62.

I offered to buy the car back from her when she got the V5 back and said I'd give her a lot more than WBAC were offering as I could sell that car all day long.

She called me again on friday with a completely different tone this time saying that she'd spoken to the finance company, wasn't happy that she was losing over £2400 in 5 months, it was also still my fault she wasn't going to have her V5 back until 4 weeks from the DVLA, I wouldn't let her drive the car until she'd paid for it, and that I'd held a gun to her head to forced her to buy it (her exact words!), and that she was going to reject this car under the CRA because of this squeal, and she wanted a full refund of the £4999 otherwise she will leave me bad reviews online, complain to the finance company and take me to court. I think she also blamed me for Brexit, Global warming, the troubles in the Middle East and the deforestation of the Brazilian rain forests during this conversation. 

I explained that I'm not going to be blackmailed in to giving her a full refund for a car she'd had 5 months, within an hour she'd left me a bad review on Google and then copied and pasted the same review onto car dealer reviews.

Basically I don't think she can afford the car, so she's gone to WBAC who have kicked her in the nether regions, then realised that she's not going to get back what she paid for the car to pay off the finance, and is trying whatever she can to get out of the whole thing and I'm taking the brunt of it when I've done nothing wrong. 

Then today I get an email from the finance company asking me to contact the customer regarding a problem with her car, and how they like their dealers to be able to work together with them to be able to resolve customers problems. Piss taking bastards. My first question to them in my reply will be exactly how much commission did you give me for this deal (sweet FA)? The second will be if the FCA know they are financing cars to people who can't afford them and have already been turned down because of this. They don't want to share the money they are making on this deal but they want me to dig them out of a hole! 

It's just another day in paradise. :lol:

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I dont see how finance are getting you to dig them out of the hole.

Are you saying she told finance she will return car because its fkd because she cannot afford it?

Am sure if it was an affordability issue finance would have pounced on her long time ago and not sit on it for 5 months for late payments or lack of.

Even if she moaned to them car is fkd they would tell the old gilf thats not our problem nor its an excuse to pay our money back so you still have to pay us. 


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I'd write her a letter of complaint and threaten to take her to court for defamation if she doesn't remove the reviews within the next 14 days. It's £60 and probably worth it for a laugh. Dirty miserable old girl needs teaching a lesson.


Tell the finance company to fuck right off aswell.

Edited by Mojo121
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Back tracking to the v5, you, i assume, taxed it for her online, therefore it will already be in her name, when you also informed them of the transfer of owner, she needs reminding of this, and also that it is her responsibility of ensuring that the vehicle complies with the terms of vehicle registration, ie, dvla can inform police, tax, and other agents of the correct owner, not you .

If the car is in her name, already, and there are  no changes, then she should receive a fresh [ replacement] v5 in 5, yes FIVE days if she phones them and has her debit card ready, by post, could take up to 6 weeks.

this "squeal" from the belt/s is she just using the car for short journeys and the alternator can't keep up ? yes i read you changed the belts, maybe wants taking up a bit now they have "worn" in ?:)


It's just another day in paradise.

Edited by have a word with the wife

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As far as I can see you have no contract with her finance company and therefore no obligation to them.  You can quite happily tell them to do one.

I would then place it in writing that you intend to pursue her for defamation through the courts, that you have instructed your solicitor to begin proceedings and that she will shortly be hearing from them. Obviously you haven't, but it'll make her back door twitch a bit when she reads it.  

I had a similar thing about ten years ago, couple phoned wanting to trade a very tidy Freelander in for a 206 I had taken in part ex.  The deal made no sense to me at the time and to be fair I ignored their messages for a few days.  They were persistent so I did the deal with them, but thought they would be trouble. The wife was a proper stuck up cow, some sort of trophy wife.  They were a nightmare. Within 2 days the penny dropped this wasn't the best move they had made and so the messages began. First they wanted the old car back because she suffered with claustrophobia. I couldn't because I already traded the Freelander out.  Then they tore the 206 apart, found the most trivial of faults and plastered reviews everywhere.  I threatened them with court and the reviews were removed.   They also told me that the 206 had been over-priced and that there was a law against selling over priced cars.  She couldn't tell me which law it was but there definitely was a law.  She would "accidently" send me text messages meant for her solicitor. 

After a month of obscene messages from them at 2 am, refusal to let me have the car back to inspect, I think I refunded them around £500 as a goodwill gesture to shut them up.  I made them sign an agreement that it was in lieu of me undertaking any repair work due to our inability to reach agreement and that it was not a price adjustment. 

I made them come to me to collect the money and when the wife showed up this time she was rough as rats, no make-up and aged about ten years in a month.  Shame.

Going back to her moaning about the drop in the Picanto's value...….Brexit, tell her its all because of Brexit.  Probably why its squeaking as well.

Edited by CRW
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JT - just remember you're discussing this in a public forum. I'd suggest you try and get this removed and go to the private lounge. Not 100% unfortunately, but better than being completely exposed.

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Why? He shouldn’t be embarrassed about sacking off a chancer & the chancer’s self-appointed finance company. 

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  On 10/29/2019 at 11:34 AM, BHM said:

Why? He shouldn’t be embarrassed about sacking off a chancer & the chancer’s self-appointed finance company. 

Absolute Chancer, agreed. And more so the finance house. Just before JT says anything too insulting about her. I note that he hasnt so far.

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  On 10/28/2019 at 8:17 PM, TangoVictor32 said:

I dont see how finance are getting you to dig them out of the hole.

Are you saying she told finance she will return car because its fkd because she cannot afford it?

Am sure if it was an affordability issue finance would have pounced on her long time ago and not sit on it for 5 months for late payments or lack of.

Even if she moaned to them car is fkd they would tell the old gilf thats not our problem nor its an excuse to pay our money back so you still have to pay us. 


The finance company are asking me to contact her and sort the problem out for them TV, that's what I mean by them wanting me to dig them out of this hole. I don't think she's missed any payments or told them that she can't afford it, I think she's just realised that she can't really afford it and is looking for a way out. She's realised she will be well out of pocket if she sells the car to WBAC as she'll still have a big chunk of the finance to pay off, so she's looking for a full refund and the only way she can get it is to say there is a problem with the car.

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  On 10/28/2019 at 9:27 PM, have a word with the wife said:

Back tracking to the v5, you, i assume, taxed it for her online, therefore it will already be in her name, when you also informed them of the transfer of owner, she needs reminding of this, and also that it is her responsibility of ensuring that the vehicle complies with the terms of vehicle registration, ie, dvla can inform police, tax, and other agents of the correct owner, not you .

If the car is in her name, already, and there are  no changes, then she should receive a fresh [ replacement] v5 in 5, yes FIVE days if she phones them and has her debit card ready, by post, could take up to 6 weeks.

this "squeal" from the belt/s is she just using the car for short journeys and the alternator can't keep up ? yes i read you changed the belts, maybe wants taking up a bit now they have "worn" in ?:)


It's just another day in paradise.

It's a strange one with the V5 because I always seem to get the odd one go astray from the DVLA, it would have to be hers though wouldn't it! 

I agree about the belts may need an adjustment, it's a bit hard to adjust them when it's an 'intermittent' problem that only she seems to be able to hear. I'd like to try it from cold in the morning but she wouldn't leave the car with me to be able to do that, just to see if they squeal from cold. 

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  On 10/29/2019 at 1:02 PM, MattR said:

Absolute Chancer, agreed. And more so the finance house. Just before JT says anything too insulting about her. I note that he hasnt so far.

We all do our best to look after our billies, but some are clearly deluded. At some point you have to tell them to jog on - do your worst... there is no reasoning with unreasonable. 

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  On 10/29/2019 at 7:07 PM, tradex said:

The car runs, stops and drives OK, it hasn't broken down and, is fit for purpose. You have no need to converse with the finance company, and I wouldn't enter into any conversation with them, period.

Also, you can't fix what isn't broken and even if there was an issue you can't fix a problem if you aren't allowed reasonable access to the car. 

You just need to put this into writing and send it to her.

Wise words, and if it wasn't broken when purchased it's down to expected wear n tear associated with a used car........ Billies need to understand this from the point of sale, its their responsibility to maintain the car, their expectations should be befitting to the vehicle they purchased and the price paid. Our responsibility is to make sure the car was fit for purpose, safe and as described at the point of sale. Substantiate this with documented proof etc which the customer signs on collection. Do your job right, be reasonable and fair. Treat customers how you would expect to be treated in the same situation, look at it from their side. If they are unreasonable, tell them straight, if you give an inch they'll take a mile... I quote,  don't give an unreasonable moaner an ear.....

Edited by Arfur Dealy

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Re the V5.

If you do an HPi has it increased in owners?

I would imagine, from what you posted, that the car was invoiced to the finance company. Therefore your contract is with them not the customer.

Personally I would be upfront with the finance company and explain how you have tried to help the customer but they seem unwilling to work with you.


Edited by David Ayers

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It seems like Tradex & David Ayers have summed it all up.

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A lot of the time the buyers remorse goes up on a sliding scale with interest rate. The more they are paying the more it kicks in. 99% of Sub prime punters never take responsibility for anything its why they are sub prime in the first place.


Finance company have to ask you to respond. Its their job, duty and process. I think an articulate and well worded reply avoiding the use of the phrase fault or repair ( or else they will hang onto it that you have had your chance etc etc) anywhere will be more than sufficient to have them off your back.

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  On 10/29/2019 at 12:44 PM, andymc1973 said:

The RAT we have could alert them to this thread .... 

Wait, there's a rat in the private bit?:D

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I can't believe there's a rat in the private room, how could that happen? I thought your honesty and professionalism had to be unquestionable?

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  On 10/31/2019 at 4:22 PM, metcars said:

I can't believe there's a rat in the private room, how could that happen? I thought your honesty and professionalism had to be unquestionable?

No, that's Freemasonry -_-

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