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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 23 minutes ago, Mat C said:

    Hair grips, everywhere

    oh and 

    Make up on steering wheels/sunvisors/door cards/armrests/stereo controls/indicator stalks ...............

    Damn Mini's


    plus hair and stale make up smell

  2. Just now, Dlloyds said:

    Or if you are lucky 2 pound coins that I found last week, Very pleased with myself until I realised they were old ones and no longer legal tender. :angry:

    Snap, I found one yesterday. Use it in supermarket trolley! :D

  3. 1 hour ago, Tadams said:

    The fact that most if not all MPV's are full of broken up Quavers on the back seats pooled in the dents the baby seats have made !

    Never look under the back seat!:D

  4. On 18/01/2018 at 1:30 PM, tradex said:

    DSG ohh don't, HP Firenza's, Sports Hatches.

    That HP is one of my favorite all time cars, nearly bought one back in the late 80's, guy was selling it to pay for new shells in his DB5...bought a GP Beach Buggy instead, what was I f**king thinking? I had a 2300 Magnum Coupe in 1981/2, so the HP was the natural progression, built like a barn door those old cars.

    We don't go seeking Vauxhalls nowadays, always wallet busters for us but good for our mechs, shame as they were good news for us few years back.

    They're getting few and far between

  5. 22 minutes ago, sparky said:

    I'm surprised that anyone is surprised what stuff is making. We all know what January is traditionally like for buying stock, factor in this year's a lack of quality for obvious reasons  and you are left with even more Tom, Dick and Harrys fighting over what is left after the supermarket guys have filled their boots. Febuary will become the new January and things might ease off apart from the bills and then you are left playing Henry Kelly style catch up for the spring and summer. Nov and Dec folk will be stocking up for the new year and then it's back to square one and these type of threads this time next year. Can't wait.

    To be fair I was referring to the general auction price madness over the last 6 months rather than the usual seasonal peaks and troughs. But your point is a good one.

  6. 12 hours ago, Jimbo said:

    If quality p/x’s dont exist where are we going to all buy our stock :-(


    I'm having to buy less than quality and polish the profit into them. Personally, I got fed up with chasing the little nuggets of gold and paying way over for them. My current buying strategy is to be more open minded about taking on a little 'project' at the right price. A bit of paint or a clutch is not a deal breaker as long as it comes at the right price. You'll also notice there's less competition as everyone wants the car with no work, especially chancers/privates. When the world returns to normal and every car is a peach and under book then I'll be back on them again. Just my opinion.

  7. 47 minutes ago, tradex said:

    Paddock lost most of their quality venders years ago, a real shame.

    I wondered if it was a case of quality p/x's just don't exist period.

    48 minutes ago, MrC said:

    I got a letter off BCA on Monday, downgrading me to poverty spec membership as I have not given them enough money over a 12 month period. 

    This made my week.

    I've recently started using my BCA account after a lapse. The journey from blue to gold is a painful expensive one.

  8. ..... and what's surprising is that it's proper traders that are buying at these prices, not newbies? Makes you wonder what they're doing with them that they can make any money.

    I was at BCA Paddock Wood for the first time in years and was disappointed by the lack of quality stock. Years ago they got 'quality' p/x cars, clearly no longer!

  9. 31 minutes ago, sparky said:

    Concentrate on your studies, this really isn't a job you can do properly part time.

    Funnily enough, did you know. The founder of Lotus cars (Colin Chapman), was buying and selling cars part time while studying for his engineering degree at London University. He had about a dozen cars 'in stock' when the government decided to remove the private petrol ration and wiped him out, apart from one car which he couldn't shift and which he decided to modify for trials, which led to bigger things

  10. 33 minutes ago, grant8064 said:

    I'd be retailing that all day long. 2/3rd's of book retail. Advertise it very clearly with Cat D in the title, description, invoice etc and wait for the phone calls. Have it gone by the weekend no doubt.

    Interesting, there's always divided opinion with 'write offs'. You either love them or hate them.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Max Branning said:

    If its a nice enough car then just retail it as usual, make sure the buyer is aware that is been accident repaired.

    Cat d could be as simple as a cracked bumper ! No structural damage so not necessarily a bad car at all.

    As for price on an 07 its not going to make a massive difference maybe £300 less than a normal one.

    Thanks, It's had some paint anyway, not sure it's all from the cat D.

  12. I don't make a habit of actively buying write offs, but a '07 focus diesel hatch has landed in my lap on a CAT D. I'm tempted to get rid but its a nice enough old thing with history in black and a ghia. Is it worth 'punting', and what about price?