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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 4 hours ago, Scooby who said:

    Mmm...I had a Polish couple come look at a 14 Focus, had driven from quiet far away. Car had it all, a Titanium in nice blue with proper miles, nice wheels etc.

    After the boyfriend/husband telling me the date on the window glass was different on some of the doors (something I didn't know was dated in my 25 years in the trade) and claiming it might have been crashed. Which it clearly wasn't! They both drove it for miles while they spoke in Polish ( which is my pet hate with foreigners) 

    We returned from the test drive and they haggled on the price. I was anxious to move it, so dropped quiet a bit on the price. They agreed and we shook hands.

    The lady then asked me how I wanted payment, I said card, cash or bank draft. They agreed on a bank draft from the local bank 10 mins away. I gave her directions and they checked the route on their phone. That was a 2pm on a Thursday in August, still waiting for them to return!

    So from that day on I never ever let anyone away without some form of a deposit, whether it be cash, debit card, their jewellery, phone or spare wheel.




    I usually try and take them to the bank when paying, it helps them stop having second thoughts:D

  2. Depends what sort of day I'm having as to how I respond to offers. If I'm asked "what's your best price?" I reply "my best price is the highest price!"

    I also sometimes use, "if I'd wanted less I'd have advertised it for less?"

    Also, as above the Polish buyers are the best, no nonsense,knowledgable, straightforward. In comparison Romanian/Albanian lithuanian are hard work but come from a very different culture, imagine countries run by travellers.

    • Like 1

  3. I was at Manheim Colchester last night. It's not so much the prices were high but the cars were so awful. You'd have to be an expert to thoroughly and comprehensively f**k a car to the extent that a combination of broken bodywork/mechanicals and no MOT/service history left no saleable feature:D

  4. 5 minutes ago, Matt Reid said:

    how 'pure' is dealer auction? sure there must be some franchised dealers offloading their mates problems. I for one have been unfortunate enough to pick up a poorly described car - A diesel mondeo I didnt realise had 4 knackered injectors until I went to fuel it on the way home and it took ages to start! theres a lesson learnt.....

    I thought that DA had a thorough vetting system to make sure everyone was 100% Kosher! Sounds like the rot has set in and they're no different to any other auction nowadays.

  5. 13 hours ago, grant8064 said:

    Round our way they used to be the taxi of choice once all the old Octavias had died but everyone seems to be moving onto newer Diesel stuff now, ......

    The government are obviously in a difficult position with diesels. They must be working hard to find a way to 'spank' private motorists but not business users. I'm guessing if higher VED and impossible emission at MOT time doesn't work they'll have to apply some extra revenue on the pump prices that HGV's will be exempt from.

    Does anyone remember back in the day when the only diesel passenger vehicles were black cabs? Or having to queue to use a pump covered in diesel behind a line of lorries:D

  6. 44 minutes ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    I wouldn't touch one, it'll attract a the cheapest pocket most highest expectation type of buyer.......Beware

    Yep that's the dream punter alright, 'loadsa' money and low expectations:D

  7. Interesting that most of them have ended up as minicabs/Ubers etc. Maybe they thrive on hard use rather than pottering about on school runs?

    Although I noticed a minicab driver near me who's Prius is sitting in the road outside his house burnt out?:ph34r:

  8. I say Ebay. Copart is for 'dreamers' and breakers yards. I have also noticed a lot more traders selling non-runners on AT these days..

    Just out of interest, did you get it from Colchester's non runner sale? I used to quite like something to play with, but I've found that these days, non runners tend to be absolute basket cases

  9. 3 hours ago, have a word with the wife said:

    After the test drive everyones happy and theyre taking it now, come in and we will do the paperwork i say, watch that fire, stand next to it if your cold love, oooh its warm she says, whilst counting the conkers and answering questions all at the same time i noticed she had turned her back on the heater and there was smoke :huh:

    i gently guided her away with my hand on her back whilst catching a quick glimpse of the fur on her coat had melted into a blob :lol:

    well you just wouldnt say anything would you ? :D


    Must have been faux fur as real fur wouldn't burn like that:D

  10. On 01/02/2018 at 1:18 PM, ik1980 said:

    I have just taken in PX a Rover 75 estate, its pretty decent but not my thing. Any ideas on the best place to advertise it? I was thinking eBay, or a fan forum type site? Any suggestions?

    Probably a bit late now but a couple of Rover 75's are going through Manheim Colchester on thursday night. Could be interesting to watch

  11. 2 hours ago, trade vet said:

    Not necessarily Met,if you permit me to harp back to the past (again),Rover made the Princess or Wedge as it was known,it was slated in the tabloids and sales of new ones collapsed.They had fields full of them,so they were given to staff and probably hire companies who did a few thousand miles in them,then sold off in the block at 6 months old.The thing is,although they were shite to drive,the punters loved them because they could get a 6 month old one for 40% off the list price and they could impress the neighbours.

    Although the tabloids weren't telling readers that buying a Princess would kill the planet? The power of the government publicity machine press!

    But, I understand the point you are trying to make

  12. 27 minutes ago, trade vet said:

    Just keep slagging off diesels all you South East Guys.It might help to bring prices down for the rest of us who operate where punters prefer diesels because the traffic flows and roads are not constantly gridlocked....


    16 minutes ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    I current have 26 cars and 6 are petrol, I haven't noticed a drop off of diesels. 

    To be fair this thread is about how new cars buyers are moving away from diesel and its subsequent trickle down to us used car dealers. It's the punters that will decide about diesels one way or the other, but its still early days?