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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 18 hours ago, have a word with the wife said:

    run on cooking oil perhaps ? everyone i know who ran one of these could peel a orange in there pocket :unsure:

    The old shoguns would run on anything but the mk3 are fragile in comparison. The pumps cant be rebuilt, they can go at any time. Its their achilees  heel and will write off a car. Rear camber (bolts sieze and usually explains new cheapo tyres on the rear) and chain tensioner is an issue too. I love those old shoguns. Ive had a few over the years, still in the club! Lol 

  2. On 28 February 2018 at 11:35 AM, Earunder said:

    Haha lol oh hell no!  It was from Merc Retail Group.  Old Shoguns are always a risk factor with difs, oil leaks etc but this ones pretty good for an old girl with 100k barring the rear bumper scratch.

    The injection pumps on those are a 'ticking time bomb'

    • Like 1

  3. I'm still trying to calculate the 'rough split' between my new and used sales?

    40 minutes ago, s and b said:

    ............the only thing going on is the rent

    In the words of the greatest rock song every written, "the legend of the rent was way hardcore!":D

  4. 13 minutes ago, Darkbluecars said:

    I remember years ago similar snow levels in Bristol. Radio full of school closures and people not being able to get to work. So off to Manheim with the expectation of having the place to myself...No chance, every bugger who "couldn't" get to work thought they'd have a day at the car auctions and bring their kids with them. 

    You're never alone at the block, there's always internet bidders?

  5. Sadly, as far as auctions are concerned, you are never alone with online bidders, real or imaginary?

    As a 'side note' has anyone else noticed how, as if driving in the snow wasn't challenging enough, trying to spot 'speed bumps' makes it a really exciting game?


  6. 22 minutes ago, Cornish Guy said:

    AA shares are in freefall. Closed at 75.52p. Down nearly 200p in a year! Might be closed by Thurdsay!

    Funny because I've seen a few vans getting cars started today. This cold weather could be their saviour:D

  7. 4 hours ago, Tadams said:

    Another post that's turned from someone asking a question to people moaning about AT... 
    I genuinely don't understand why people moan, no one has a gun to your head and force's you to sell with them, if you don't want to pay then it's simple don't !

    The fact that people complain but still pay just shows the value to your business of what they can offer or you would have already jumped ship, no ?

    I completely agree its expensive.. very bloody expensive but without it we certainly wouldn't sell what we do so can i moan .. no, We will grin and bear it until one day something changes with the way we advertise online or we knock the whole thing on the head ^_^   

    I think a lot of guys are expecting it to 'die' at any moment so they can dance on its grave, but it's still hanging on in there. I think I remember reading about an expert from AT talking at the recent Scottish motor trade summit thing? :unsure:

  8. 9 hours ago, trade vet said:

    Seeing Mel Smith reminds me of ‘fast flow nozelles’.Before service stations became self service,our petrol company Cleveland ( anyone remember them)had this bright idea to increase pump sales.I think there was a big advertising campaign before the nationwide launch.The driver would order 4 gallons and the attendant would set the pump and click on the nozzle to deliver the fuel ,then collect the money and ring it in and return with the receipt. What happened next,the car drives off and the hose and nozzle are ripped off ,damaging the car and putting the pump out of action.We had 4 pumps and one day by the afternoon,we only had one working.A few weeks later the sales initiative was abandoned because the attendants could not adapt to the new nozzelles.

    I remember the big lever on the pump to change between 3-5 stars, no diesel at the pumps though. You'd have to go and queue up with the HGV's for that over the back.:)

  9. On 23/02/2018 at 4:16 PM, BHM said:

    ........Unfortunately I don’t get a copy of the inspection but he told me what he’d written (no doubt with a few issues added) .............

    He's got to earn his money so there'll be at least £120 quids worth of findings? When they've successfully put the buyer off your car they'll recommend one of their own!

  10. 2 hours ago, Ocsltd said:

    I haven't seen the car, but what's annoying is it could just be something of nothing, a bit of overspray from a small bumper scuff, or something more sinister like it's had a whack on the corner..... Either way it doesn't read well.

    Exactly, and whether you like it or not 'punters' will now require an explanation if they see something like that in the MOT history; and probably quite rightly so. Perhaps MOT testers should just make their observations to the person that presents the car rather than jot them down as advisories as this gives them more gravitas?

    32 minutes ago, Ocsltd said:

    Yeah it’s a shame as it’s quite a desirable car, 2010 Renaultsport Clio 200, 20k miles, desirable Cup pack and Recaro’s which aren’t worn!! Good history, grade 2 etc, but probably best avoided as it would plant that seed of doubt with any potential buyer, especially on that type of car!!

    It’s a UKCGR car as well which rings one or two alarm bells....

    is UKCGR the BCA equivalent to Manheim 'auction plus'?

  11. 2 hours ago, Ocsltd said:

    ............ it's a great big dirty stain on the mot history now...

    This. Because of how MOT guys can use advisories to make 'notes' on a car you have to thoroughly check MOT history, because any 'howlers' will leave a car sitting dead in the water as punters make their pre sales 'checks' through it. For example, last week I ran a check on a Scenic auto I fancied, and its last years MOT the tester noted "auto box not operating correctly"? Hmmm?

  12. OP, expect a chancer with a knackered old van to arrive 'when he likes' usually 10mins before you are going home, and spend about 2hours fucking around with it, then send an undisclosed list of imaginary faults to the prospective purchaser.

  13. 40 minutes ago, Stephen said:

    Its a joke really you can sell a house for 150k you have to answer questionnaire, If its heating what kind when last serviced doesn't mean its going to work, hob yes never mention 2 rings don't work, built in f/f yes no mention that freezer doesn't work. No come back at all. Buy a car for £1000 find a problem and get full refund, seems like the card trade regs are excessive compared to other industries, bearing in mind the values

    We'll all need to become "agents" then you relieve yourself of any responsibility?

    • Like 1

  14. 2 hours ago, trade vet said:

    A few weeks ago I posted that as an exercise,I paid mental money at BCA for 57 Fiesta 1.2 ,3 dr,14k,Fsh,1 lady etc etc...... I think guys on here were valuing it at £1200 ( probably right ),Anyway it cost £2175 inc the tip ,it was PDI’d ,valeted ,bit of paintwork then put on the pitch.It was sold in less than a week for £3250,so not much net profit,but it just proves how book prices are way out .This just emphasises you should not be frightened to pay way over for the right stuff.Our guys mostly do ex fleet and paying £1000 over Cap Clean has been quite normal for a while.

    Book prices are a joke? I thought they were researched from all over the motor trade?

    I've mentioned this before but if the wholesale price rises so does the retail. Or at least down here in 'nutty' London? There is/was an assumption that a lot of guys were/are buying way too much for stock at 'the block' but not when you look at what they are being sold for on AT? Tear up the book at the moment?

    Where is that CAP bloke when you need him?

  15. 10 hours ago, EPV said:

    I've got a 118D M Sport on a 58 plate that has had a couple of bites in 3 weeks but no firm action. It is red though. 

    I'd expect in White, in the right area (its diesel so possibly not London) it would be hot property.



    Yep, I smell a business opportunity with diesel! Buy in London sell in the 'sticks' kerching, until the anti diesel thing start spreading

  16. On 17/02/2018 at 9:40 AM, arslan2468 said:

    I’ve had this quite a bit, I trade from home so only have limited stock, and when I get offers of nearly 2k less than asking price it is really discouraging and makes me stress that I’ve priced the vehicle wrongly and I’ll potentially take a huge loss on the car, it is really annoying, 

    or when the customer asks £1500 less than asking as two tyres are wearing low but still In legal limit, 

    You have to try and remember that the internet encourages 'chancers' because of the anonymity if provides. It's fun for them to skim through the classifieds making ridiculous offers never really expecting any success. It never happened in the old days when someone would have to look you in the eye