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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 1 minute ago, Mark101 said:

    Depends, I don't have a company CC but I have about £70k limit on personal spread across about 7 cards ranging from £3,500 to £12,000 each.

    I never turn credit away and always use some to keep me in check.

    One of my closest mates is a multi-millionaire and has zero credit rating - he couldn't even get a store card at Debenhams - the reason, he has never had credit beyond his original mortgage.

    Better than an arranged overdraft I suppose?

  2. On 29/03/2018 at 1:09 PM, Earunder said:

    That why I love CC's.  As long as you are sensible with money, I'm a tight so and so, and you pay it off early / on time the rewards are great.  Air Miles with BA, always get a Business Class seat upgrade for me and the family whenever we go to Vegas.  Free flights around Europe.  Obviously depends what you spend with them but still worth it if you put everything on them and can get to 20k per year.  Fuel, Shopping, anything and everything goes on ours.


    Quite interesting, what sort of credit limit is on a card these days?

  3. 1 hour ago, RH Trading said:


    if it doesn't work cancel, no one is forcing you to advertise on the autotrader, I cancelled motors cause it didn't work, I'm not angry or mad about it, it was business, I cancelled findandfundmycar cause it didn't work, I don't complain, lesson learned (expensive lesson) I reinvested my money in something that worked better. I'm not delighted at the prices but am more than happy with my sales levels and profits generated as a result. cant understand why some dealers still use them if they're not selling cars and measuring the net profits returned - well done Arthur for being brave enough to cut the ties as he cant make it work for him. I have videos on all my cars, minimum of 50 great photo's 165, 5 star reviews. I'm not the cheapest but make sure I check my prices weekly as per my reps advice.  I'm not bragging but had a record January, not great feb and a very healthy March so far. Looking through my click dealer, leads and sales so far -  78% of them came out of area from leads generated by the autotrader. I don't advertise anywhere else as they don't work for me.

    as for prices being different, I have a different package then my friend over the road but we both have 35 stock contract. I pay around £600 more than him per month. I think I get more for my money than he does as he is daily whinging about autotrader, he tells me he sells between 10-15 cars a month from them but he's on a cheaper package so gets less. You pay for what you get.

    I'm old enough and ugly enough to remember advertising in the midland autotrader where it cost £30 for a double spot with 1 photo and 27 words, its a different world now and a different market but I'm selling more than I did then for less cost overall.

    if you can make it work, sell cars and make a decent profit then happy days. If not then there are plenty of other channels out there, pick one (or 6) and make it work for you.

    Sorry I think you misunderstood my post, I was being ironic. AT have no interest in who leaves, or whether you think they are too expensive, they exist to make money. Although, secretly I would like to hear what they have to say about pricing?:P

  4. 3 minutes ago, trade vet said:

    We need more proof,more  people to confirm  their deal with AT.It appears to me they are are abusing their dominant market position by operating what appears to be a random pricing structure.Traders need to complain to the Competition Authority,pass the word to other traders.I will be although I have no idea whether the CA will be interested,but I will try and persuade them.

    Perhaps Car Dealer Magazine can ask for a quote from AT in response to the hoards of unhappy customers leaving to advertise elsewhere?


  5. 7 hours ago, whitestone679231 said:

    No MOT and free tax, out comes my new smoker... maybe they will start giving me fuel vouchers next ;-) 13237863_10154195045813784_5314627824803884161_n.jpg

    Aaah the golden age of motoring, every journey an adventure? :D

    22 hours ago, tradex said:

    Defeating or altering an emissions related device has (should) always been a fail as far as I was aware, didn't stop VW finest though:D

    At plint of sale

    Every forum I know has threads about removing/disabling EGR/DPF. Looks like the games up?

  6. 1 hour ago, Lakeside said:

    We do a bit of ex-police stuff. All mega miles but highly maintained, customers like that, Ex fleet is probably the same. 

    I’m weary of private high milers though unless it’s 1-2 owners and good history

    Do you 'promote' the ex-police thing or play it down. We used to do a few back in the day but mostly ex CID/covert stuff, no white cars; a few MOD too?

  7. 4 hours ago, Trident said:

    We mostly, as in 90% buy online... we already have really low expectations of anything that goes through the block, so are always pleasantly surprised when they start on collection AND drive:huh:

    This sadly sums up online buying. The auction houses have managed to create a situation where most of us expect to be 'mugged off' and see it as part of the process. The auction houses could do a lot more to improve online purchasing, but choose not to. Sad.

  8. 11 hours ago, trade vet said:

    I am surprised you did not point out the Zafira to the auctioneer,I would,it’s not fair to online buyers who have to pay extra.

    Surely that's the game isn't it? "Knowledge is power", noticing something negative about a car puts you one up on the competition? We might all be mates on here, but not when we're competing to buy stock? 

    • Like 1

  9. The stuff I buy I have to go and see it in the flesh.

    I've mentioned this before but until the auction houses give us totally honest descriptions and declare faults there'll always be a cloud over online bidding. If only they have started right, on the lines of, for example Japanese auctions. that are almost totally electronic, but brutally honest with their descriptions. But sadly .....?

    • Like 1

  10. 55 minutes ago, MrC said:

    Its killing me to. If it gets shitty I will ask for pics, I agree forums can be dangerous places full of keyboard warriors. I'm not sweating to much and would happily go to war on an open forum to defend myself. 


    I'm not trying to worry you, but it doesn't take much for car forums 'experts' to unite in their hatred for 'dealers' 'trade' generally.

  11. 22 minutes ago, MrC said:

    I have not asked for pictures for that very reason. 

    I agree with BHM regarding the pics, but out of curiosity, I'd like to see the dent.

    But, sadly, you're part of the VW community and reputation is everything. Stories like this can get out of hand on forums?