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Posts posted by metcars

  1. Exhausted. Just had four Romanian guys here looking over a car. Only one spoke anywhere near reasonable English. Their mechanic was very good. But they spent 30mins inspecting the car and nearly an hour haggling and horsetrading. Funny how their negotiating style is similar to our 'traveller' community

    They arrived in a battered silver Passat on Romanian plates which in itself is borderline cliche☺

    • Like 1

  2. Drug dealer rims and gangsta glass!

    Seriously, make sure its got an 'aux' socket in it somewhere for them to plug in their phones!

    3 hours ago, Mojo121 said:

    Gotta let dem 'hoes' know your coming!:D

  3. 1 hour ago, tradex said:


    So long ago they had a VIP restaurant.:D

    "if you use a dolly type vehicle so two wheels of carried car are on the highway then this car needs to be taxed and mot"

     My understanding is that the 'tow' is treated as a trailer, thereby it is one unit, but all axles of a 750kg 'trailer' need to braked.

    But, as soon as you unhitch on the highway then the usual caveats apply of MOT and Tax.

    I concur that driving with a loaded Dolly or A frame is not something that fillls me with joy.

    Agree. With a car on an Aframe you've effectively got an 'overweight' unbraked trailer. Plod could take you to a weighbridge if he wanted. 

    The big issue is that many of us have grown up with using these things and staying under the radar if we were sensible. But these days plod is far happier putting their focus of attention on these 'minor' traffic violations rather than chasing bank robbers Sweeney style, and who can blame them?

    Also, I hate towing anything

  4. On 14/10/2017 at 3:32 PM, justina3 said:

    Umm i think you misunderstood what i said or i wrote it wrong, i am far from not affected, fed up of people through the nose and out bidding me on cars, my stock is half what it normally is which must have an affect on my sales, however i refuse to pay over the odds just for it to sit there and wait for me to reduce it down so i make zero on it.


    No I understood, and in an ideal world we never pay more than we have to and always sell well like its our mantra! BUT, I think there are a lot of guys in this position, and sadly they can't hold off buying stock any longer. :unsure: Retail prices are on the up to reflect the increased wholesale prices, but some areas are more affected than others it appears.

  5. 5 minutes ago, grant8064 said:

    We've suddenly got really busy...punters literally rolling over on sight.

    At first I thought it might be a positive sign but then realised that our stock that we've had for a couple of months is now super value given what stuff is making in the block...anything even half reasonable that I write down is still bringing near retail so it's making our stock on the forecourt look very good value to anyone that's paying attention.

    Yes, this is something I've noticed too. I was going through my stuff last night and making some 'adjustments'?

  6. 34 minutes ago, justina3 said:

    Not down my neck of the woods people are panic buying over paying then having the stock stuck up there jumpers i call it sheep mode, you often see it when stock gets thin on the ground, i would rather have 10 cars owing me the correct money then 20 being stuffed up my rear end. 

    Your logic is sound but in practice i have never seen it work like that in real life.


    You're in a great position if you are unaffected by the market at the moment. It's always interesting to hear about others experiences and there are certainly a lot of opinions around at the moment regarding the state of the market. And the market is in an interesting 'state' at the moment regardless of where you source your stock.

  7. 24 minutes ago, justina3 said:

    I think unless your buying right up in the year stock then Glasses guide and similar no longer have any reference to what is going on in the real world i was watching three traders fighting like there lives depended on it over a 55 plate fiesta this morning bought over double cap clean, My point being if i had my trusted little book and went to auction hoping to buy stock in a certain older range the book would be pointless. 


    But presumably if the shortage of stock means that the wholesale prices are rising then so are the retail?

  8. On 10/10/2017 at 2:15 PM, grant8064 said:

    I've always found that the potentials that want you to come in on a Sunday or hang on until 7pm are almost always hassle. We sell cars Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm. If you can't/won't take a couple of hours off work or skip a trip to Ikea on Saturday to view then you're not serious about buying IMO. It's a business, not a favours for strangers club. I'd say about 20%-30% of booked appointments don't show anyway.

    No texts either...why on earth would you give someone free reign to phone you during your evening off. It's one of my pet hates...always think it looks desperate.

    Because most punters dont want to feel under pressure and want to do these things at their own speed, rather like a visit to the supermarket. Just imagine if you had to book a visit to Asda? Then there's the 'drive by' or sending a mate to look. Only when it passes all these preliminaries are they happy to 'engage' in the ritual dance of negotiations:D

  9. 16 minutes ago, Mojo121 said:

    This is a good point and what I've been thinking about. I have noticed prices at the lower end sub £5k actually going up. Cars we would have retailed at £1995 now £2295. Cars that we're £2495 now £2995.

    I wonder whether it's a case of we have to adopt or be left behind; it just doesn't feel right paying more money for cars I bought cheaper a year ago. The risk is paying more and prices drop, left with a forecourt full of then overpriced cars. I think I'll wait a bit longer before deciding.

    Spot on! I've been doing some local research and prices of 'cheapies' are on the up here. The prices of vehicles over 10yrs old are now actually hitting cap retail?:unsure:

  10. 39 minutes ago, s and b said:

    write the reg's down, check in a few weeks if its been tested and or taxed?

    gives you an idea then

    dont go mad though or your brain implodes:lol:

    To be honest, if I lose a car to another trader (that I know) I always follow its progress!:D

    I'm wondering if all this price madness at the block at the moment is going to be incorporated into the 'guides'?

  11. 19 minutes ago, tradex said:

    Beans?!? Luxury, when I wa a kid....


    yup, deader than dead thing that's been murdered that goes for brand new, late or old.... counting the years to retirement now, can't wait to get out of this game to be honest.

    I'm with you there. In fact, I've spent much of this year making some pension 'adjustments';)

  12. 1 hour ago, twerp said:

    They used to cover Walsall / Measham / Nottingham but tend to stay South now.

    I knew an independant buyer who was instructed to buy anything 'cheap' for them.

    They must make a fortune.

    Good luck to them, just out of interest, this wouldn't be an 'Asian' setup would it?

  13. 21 hours ago, twerp said:

    Yes he also buys the cheap stuff at Bedford

    He must get around, there's a few from Enfield branch on there.

    I always thought it inappropriate to take photos of stock while the cars are still on the auction site with the screen 'top', but there you go

  14. 1 hour ago, BHM said:


    True & true plus it always seems to be a desk jockey with no experience who feels that they can get to grips with this industry milking us for information with the intention of creating either software or an advertising website that will be the new panacea. 

    I love all of these theoreticians, the think every industry can be sorted from a desk space in their bedroom because they have little understanding of the mechanical & human aspects. 

    They should get themselves to the block, buy a few shitters, get them sorted, advertise them & then deal with a greedy idiot who values his 03 Fabia p/x at £800 - write me some software for that!
