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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 13 minutes ago, BHM said:

    Sorry, but I don't believe half of the stuff on the internet & I'll add this to the list. Who the fuck is going to pay more than a few grand for a shitty 1.3 Nova with side stripes on it, never mind two (remember it's an auction)?

    I'm told these are modern classics but I've also read that "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" :D Not sure how that would sit in your car collection next to your Ferrari GTO, but each to their own.

  2. Just out of interest, with a 'brokering deal' who takes responsibility if there are issues down the line. Can the broker sidestep any responsibilities? Are warranties given? Who does the inspections and are they insured against the usual? If that 'Ferrari GTO' turns out to not be a matching numbers car who is liable? Vendor, broker, inspection agent, warranty?

    I was also under the impression that 'brokers' tend to operate in the upper price levels of classic cars/boats/planes

    • Like 1

  3. 1 hour ago, Scooby who said:

    I always wonder why Hydrogen cars never got developed. I believe the oil companies had something to do with it NOT getting anywhere.

    Gas powered cars worked fine during WWII and yes I would imagine the oil campanies have a lot to do with other technologies lack of developemnt. Probably the solution to the worlds energy crisis is locked in the safe of Mr Oil executive?

  4. Being of a 'certain age' I remember when MGB/TR/Spitfires were in their first flush of youth and not 'restored to pieces'. In those days most open sports cars had hood 'issues' as standard, and the hood's would leak a bit as standard. All part of the charm having a pen stuck in it while parked in a car park.

  5. 4 hours ago, grant8064 said:

    So how about a Leaf as a used car purchase?

    One of the ones with the fully paid for battery?

    I've been considering one for commuting as the range wouldn't be an issue and I can charge it at work during the day. Our local rooms have quite a few 13/14 plates for around 5k with a paid for battery.

    I don't really know much about them and haven't investigated it properly but your thoughts guys?

    I've mentioned this before but so many of these hybrid vehicles are used to death and/or used for cabbing. I think it's going to be a difficult market to find good ones with life left in them

  6. 12 hours ago, MattGM said:

    1990s - "Petrol combustion is bad, very bad, you need diesel.... diesel is the future. We're going to tax the arse off you if you don't use diesel"

    2017 - "Diesel combustion is bad, very bad, you need petrol.... petrol is the future. We're going to tax the arse off you if you don't use petrol"

    You just know that in the 2020s/30s, some new research will reveal that some new technology is available that will save the planet, and render the  government's previous fossil fuel of choice obsolete. :rolleyes:

    Nothing will change until the last drop of oil has been extracted. But oil from the middle east is a huge subject in its own right

  7. 7 hours ago, Mojo121 said:

    +1 on this. Bought an absolute shed last week. Worst car I've ever bought

    That's not a burn on BCA, as in fairness, Manheim also have sites where all the old shit seems to end up (Wimbledon). I was a Manheim Northampton today for the first time in about 8yrs, I still don't know why they start at 1.30pm instead of 10.00?

  8. 1 hour ago, Stephen said:



    Just picking brains as usual so he should have just put trader plates on and everything would have been ok?



    The Police now actively hunt for untaxed/unregistered cars as scumbags tend to use them as pool cars. I don't think trade plates would cover "family emergencies" or we'd all have one every day?

  9. As above pay up. You picked the wrong place to drive an untaxed car. There are ANPR cameras from many agencies on major routes into London, that explains why you weren't clamped. If you're lucky they'll just make you pay a years tax, but if they find out you're trade you're likely to get a fine and they can fine you heavily.

  10. 41 minutes ago, NoMargin said:

    They have loads of people abroad bidding up the cars, and some of the prices they go for are absolutely ridiculous, plus there's so much hidden fees. My friends dad has been buying from them for over 10 years, so he has a strong relationship with them and always seems to get the decent unrecorded straight cars. 

    As far as buying to resell, does your friends dad run as a business or hobby?

  11. 3 hours ago, tradex said:

    it's a dark and murky world rebuilding write off's.....I always wonder how they make money from it, from what I've seen the cars are never cheap enough anyway?

    We never retail anything on the hit list, it always goes off to the block.

    A lot more are appearing in AT over the years. In fact one of the questions I'm often asked is "is it a write off" so I know where they've been looking? I'm at the cheaper end of the market and there is far too much customer resistance to buying a write-off than makes it worthwhile for me. I suppose you can blame those consumer programes, although it's the same programes that encourage punters to buy from auction because apparently, there are "huge bargains" and little risk?