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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 6 hours ago, NoMargin said:

    My friends dad has been buying insurance right offs for as far as I can remember, he buys from copart, don't know how he does it, with all the shite on there... Hes currently driving round in a 6 litre Bentley

    I don't know about you guys, but around here I see a Copart lorry delivering a few times a week? Nobody I know in the trade has anything to do with them. But, they're selling big numbers and 'someone' is buying them?

  2. 37 minutes ago, Dealer research said:

    Hi Tradex and Metcars....

    I did say....." Anyone that is interested be kind and honestly (considering we are a business) tell us how long this free period should be"

    You tell me? 

    On other posts BTW i've said im here to offer a free period in return for feedback



    Maybe you should put some more meat on the bones and let us decide if we would 'want' to invest our time and experience before we discuss "free trials"

  3. 15 minutes ago, Gavin@Rousdon said:

    A company needs to come in and copy what autotrader do but make it better

    Define 'better'? I assume you mean better for the dealers not for AT:D. I can't imagine anyone taking over from AT and running hugely differently. AT's mistake was/is that they squeezed too much. But dealers will always be squeezed by advertisers, its a business too right? Yes new replacement AT can offer a few months free or a 'pen', but once the dust settles and the honeymoon period is over its back to normal. I am concerned that many guys feel this brave new world is going to be wonderful, I'd wait and see.

    PS: I don't advertise on AT, just my opinion as an observer

  4. 1 hour ago, BHM said:

    They normally take them abroad to sell abroad - have you seen the price of secondhand cars in Eastern Europe!?!!! In Poland all of the mega mileage shite from Germany heads over the border to Poland. Although the Polish can only register LHD cars (there was talk of accepting RHD sometime in the future) it's worth them buying our cast-offs, taking it 1200 miles across Europe then ripping out the dashboard, steering gear etc. & still make a good profit.

    I once saw on a side street, amongst the communist-era apartment blocks, a couple of back-street boys starting work on a RHD Octavia that had been absolutely pancaked - the A-post was totally collapsed on one side! One weekend with the aid of scaffold poles & ratchet steel ropes (whatever they're called!) they eventually got it back into a vaguely Octavia-shaped roof then began ripping the guts out of the front & installed LHD running gear. God knows how on earth they ever got the doors to fit & it must of been finished off with about 200kg of body filler! Honestly, it was only fit for melting down into baked bean tins but as these boys presumably bought it in Blighty, dragged it across Europe & grafted like dogs on the piece of shit I guess it was worth it financially.

    Interesting, the cars I see locally on eastern europian plates are usually top line stuff. Often wondered how a guy could walk into a showroom in Romania (cars on dealer plates), buy a new/nearly new German performance saloon then drive half way round the world to work at B&M?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Mat C said:

    So that the green slip can be used ( properly ) to tax it for the new Keeper when you sell it. I'm pretty sure once you tax it on the slip with the proper doc ref code then it cant be done again. Or something like that anyway!

    Oh, right. I'm really surprised it goes through with a 'wrong' number?

  6. As I've mentioned before, the Polish guy at the end of my road has been rebuilding newish German Performance saloons in his front garden for a few years. He's a mechanic and has some sort of contract to service commercial vehicles for a few local delivery companies. My road is usually full up with various vans in various states of repair. Every now and then the council put stickers on cars but they're all taxed and MOT'd, just missing the for sale sign. He has 3/4 up for sale, god knows where because I've never found the ads. Although he seems to deal mostly with Eastern European buyers, and I think that they ignore the write-off and just buy what they see? But as has been mentioned before, the market for German Performance saloons is full of greedy people with no money.

    Interestingly, the paint is excellent. I don't know anyone round here can paint like that?:unsure:

  7. 56 minutes ago, Mat C said:

    tax it on the green slip but put the first digit in differently to the one on the green slip, tax it on a dd an if you're like me, it'll sell before your first payment comes out!

    Sorry, I've got to ask, why change the first digit?

    And on the subject of cancelling the direct debits, be careful with the timing. not too soon not too late.

  8. 2 minutes ago, BHM said:

    If they can't scrape together the money for a banger then they certainly wont be able to afford to maintain it = sort of punter likely to come back. 

    To be fair, not everyone aspires to own or wants to have lots of money tied up in a "German performance saloon". Lots of punters buy bangers because they do their own servicing/repairs, and know exactly what they are looking for. It's not about buying 'anything' for 2k, its about buying another 'focus' 'clio' 'mondeo' like the last one?

    In my experience:)

  9. 10 hours ago, have a word with the wife said:

    claimant vs defendant, we need to start a new thread :lol:

    in a recent poll 96 out of 100 would never buy a used car again :D

    case dismissed 

    News just in:

    "Car dealer found innocent of anything!"



  10. 54 minutes ago, Stephen said:


    Looking for some help and advice really, thinking about trading from home not massive probs 6 cars total at anyone time ive got enough space on drive. 

    Looking to sell cars 4-6k roughly and nothing special standard cars really. 

    I know I sound massively naïve, but do you think this can work from home part time? Ive got a contact at a big vw chain that I can get their trade ins at good prices also got friend with a garage for repairs and valets. Not trying to make a killing just something extra to give me a few comforts in life then who knows if I can build it possibly get a unit and change the day job.

    Any help and criticism would be grateful just want to pick brains of experienced operators

    Thanks in advance


    Everything you need to know is probably already here and accessed by using search. You may be treated 'robustly' by some members who feel that everyone needs to spend a minimum 4 years purgatory working at a large dealership before venturing out on their own. The reality is that many started the same as you, but don't want to admit to it.

  11. 11 hours ago, grant8064 said:

    That's priced at a place in Brighton so second only to London in terms of running costs.

    Don't want to take this thread in the wrong direction, but I was in Brighton a few months back with my daughter, and parking in the town is hugely expensive, maybe on a par with my local parking?

  12. 3 hours ago, Dealer research said:

    Hi Metcars, 

    Cheers for the reply. I thought that but wondered if it was too cheeky!

    My main question was really about AT, Car gurus, e bay and Motors. The positive and negative of each of them or if that was too much....AT only. 

    Plus....(just said this in a previous comment) AT is a bloody basic platform but has the power of so many dealers on it that no one will go cold turkey with another platform but then, wont (i presume) want to run another platform and pay for it as a viable alternative to AT. So dealers are caught. (not to say AT is all bad BTW. im on it all the time looking at cars)

    So suppose.....What features from these platforms are missing? or a nice to have? 

    AT are in trouble. Other platforms are sitting on the fence like vultures waiting to pick the bones out of the fallout. These same other platforms can also see what some traders could/would pay for their advertising? It would be incredibly naive to think that these 'other' platforms won't be 'adjusting' their pricing when the coast is clear?

    Just my opinion

  13. 59 minutes ago, Daylight said:

    I was going to suggest a good and a naughty list thread for DA sellers so we can try to save a tiny bit of sanity dealing with our "fellow car industry professionals" in the main dealers.

    I recently travelled a long way for an old RAV4 based on the superb description and photos, I was so confident I could have just paid the money & driven off. Everything was listed, even a correct guess on the EML fault!

    On the contrary I bought a Transit again from miles away, I just asked the selling dealer if it was smoky at idle or any oil contamination before I travel and was met with "It's an auction mate". The price wasn't in question but surely checking the basics of correct fluids in correct holes shouldn't be too big an ask :rolleyes:. After I verbally leant on him a bit he tucked his tail between his legs and checked for me, I travelled with confidence and drove the van away :)

    Some of the photos & descriptions (if they can be bothered to write one) are a joke, they deserve to keep those cars until the end of time

    So I'm getting the impression that even though its supposed to be a "trade/professional" deal, some of the vendors are treating it like a pot luck or Ebay sort of thing?

  14. Engines are a ticking time bomb, and engine swaps are part of ownership. Especially when young guys start driving them 'hard'.  If he wants something quirky buy a beach buggy