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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 9 hours ago, betginge said:


    Stand your ground and go all the way lol :D Turn up for it asking for the keys. 

    ... but be prepared to have your account deleted!:D

    Seriously, Manheim have done huge amounts of work to their internal systems, but in my opinion they have never been worse. This is the problem when customer interfaces are designed by 'engineers'. It's not just me, card upgrades don't happen. My buying account should show all purchases but their are some missing? All pretty basic stuff to fix I'd have thought

  2. 22 hours ago, Daylight said:

    This. If I have my mrs as passenger in a car on trade plates taking her to work on occasion, I'm also testing the vehicle for a potential underlying fault before sale. Very grey area surely?

    Does your wife 'freelance' because I have a bad wheel bearing I'm trying to diagnose?:D

  3. 4 hours ago, betginge said:

    Learn something new. To be fair I have borrowed a plate to a fellow trader once or twice think twice next time. We have always been lucky round are end of the country, never seem to ever get pulled on trade plates. Plod just doesn't seem bothered in traders near us, to busy dealing with the local youth sniffing sellotape and stealing chomps. 

    Plod have a quota to gather in. It's much easier pulling guys with trade plates than chasing bank robbers with shotguns:ph34r:

    • Like 1

  4. 4 hours ago, RobMS said:

    I've not really dealt with them as yet, hopefully won't have too unless it's to renew my plates!

    If you turn the scenario around, and cover the car's plates with your own... and then get stopped for doing so. You'd be in a worse position, as you're clearly going directly against the official guidelines. I'd need to see some  guidelines that clearly tell you to cover the plates (which is therefore contradictory) and then at least you can challenge them. It's pointless phoning the DVLA - if they tell me to cover the plates, it means nothing unless it's in writing.

    To me it doesn't make any sense to cover the plates - if you do, you're obscuring ANPR capabilities for spotting stolen/marked/non-MOT vehicles.

    Infact! If someone can point me to a document that says 'cover plates' then I will take both documents, and my plates, and raise the confusion with my local MP. See what he says.

    I think the government tend to listen to the police and local authorities as far as trade plate useage is concerned, not the motor trade. If the police make a case for trade plate use being abused then they'll be withdrawn. Don't forget that 'road pricing' is coming, that was the primary reason for updating the DVLA website; to allow for monthly payments as well as paying VED. Who knows how these changes will affect the motor trade, and In the great scheme of things trade plates are a minor issue.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Motorsell said:

    I've been using plates for years and never covered the vehicle's original plate. Apart from being so time consuming to fit everytime, I'd be worried that I'd get to my destination and find I've left one of them on the M62.

    The DVLA guidance notes in VTL301G are very clear - you cannot cover a plate, and it's an offence to alter, deface or damage a plate. Imagine taking smashed plates back to the DVLA because they'd fallen off a car? Or handing them back with stress cracks from clips, or bracket drill holes etc? The safest place for these plates is inside the car.

    Having said all that - drove past a roadside ANPR yesterday. So expecting that some pain and hassle is coming my way!!

    What you're saying is common sense, but common sense does not apply with DVLA

  6. 2 hours ago, Motorsell said:

    Hello all - will post a couple of specific posts in a moment, but as a small car dealer, cannot say how pleased I am to find this forum! I think it's rare for motor dealers to interact with each other, and this will be just great to bounce ideas and get feedback about motor related problems. I'm a small-sell-from-home dealer, but looking to rent to a compound fairly soon - and have been trading on and off for 25 years or so.

    Hi there, always nice to see a newbie on here. We are mostly a friendly bunch:)

  7. 4 hours ago, betginge said:

    Don't be Daft, Jesus is a left wing green party voter, Have you not seen that beard and sandals , NO NO NO!!! Jesus buys his eggs from waitrose's 

    Giving back to the community and supporting employee ownership, Something that scares me terribly

    That'll be a 'vegan' egg then!

  8. 11 minutes ago, Jon Hickey said:

    The other one is rental cars - I used to share an office with a franchised car rental company and it was common practise that they would run cars over the agreed mileage limits and then before any event that would lead to mileage being recorded - service, MOT etc..., a man would come in and adjust the mileage back to a suitable level for the contracted mileage.  These cars would be happily sent off to the block for the  unsuspecting bidders.

    One of my ex wives used to run a hire car company. "If the devil were to cast his net there, what a catch he'd bring!".

  9. 6 hours ago, justina3 said:

    I am somewhat skeptical why the manufactures haven’t stamped this out, there must be an advantage to them not doing so.



    Maybe with the massive growth of PCP deal and the likes, it isn’t in there interest to have cars come back with high miles, whilst they can charge for the additional mileage what do they do with them then? I bet they would rather have a low mileage example come back in which they could retail on through there dealer networks.

    Call my synclinal.





    You're not being cynical. Manufacturers could do a 'lot' more if they really wanted to, which does make you wonder?

  10. 2 hours ago, DHill said:

    Hi guys, first time poster been looking at this forum for over a year or so, decided to sign up and share my thoughts.

    I find BCA alot more forgiving when it comes to problems under the mechanical report, have had various payouts and cars taken back no quibble when a major problem has been spotted. It does beg the question who is checking these cars as recently bought a car with clean bill of health only to have a severe vibration on the clutch plus flywheel rattling away. I've had too many problems with Manheim so just scares me when buying from them, the last time I bought an Audi A3 with a gold check, every box ticked yet pulled it out and it was in limp mode, EML light on. Went through SureCheck and they declined saying they only do a static check and the EML light was not on at time of inspection. I think it does depend on how well you know them, as I don't buy many from Manheim. 

    Both BCA and Manheim are very keen to develop online purchase. They have both invested heavily in it and as far as they are concerned, it is clearly the way forward. The issue is whether the auction houses inspect vehicles to satisfy the 'vendor' or the 'buyer' or themselves?

  11. On 05/04/2017 at 8:34 AM, Mikey said:

    They are in the middle of nowhere lol... I can't count the amount of times I've said balls to it, and had a car delivered as the auction house in nowhere near the bloody train station, and the journey would have been like a john candy clip out of trains planes and automobiles just to get there! :lol:

    Ha! Manheim Colchester. I have brisk walk to tube station (10mins), central line tube to London Stratford (30mins), Stratford to Colchester (1hr), Colchester main station to town shuttle (10mins), 76 Bus from Colchester town to Manheim, which runs every 70mins! (30mins), Oh and then 20mins to get from the key office to 'top field' where my cars always end up!

    Even John Candy couldn't make that journey funny!:D

  12. 1 hour ago, Rory RSC said:

    Saves hanging around in the auction hall at one auction all day and only buying the stuff one place has to offer when you can be in 3 auctions online picking the stuff best suited to your business.

    Works for me in the time poor world we live in. 

    I agree completely, but It's a bit like online banking, fine until there's a problem.

  13. 1 hour ago, s and b said:

    to be fair it cant happen can it

    so many people see selling cars as selling beans

    as said in other threads its not

    cars are unique in that theres a million things to look at once its not brand new and kevin and his clipboard hasnt got the experiance or training to fully appraise all cars

    i got a car back from the mot today and found the heater motors not working so ive taken the dash out as you do,how would you find that by buying from your office laptop:lol:

    That's all very well, but the auction houses clearly feel that online selling is the future (as they're investing a lot of money into it, and it makes life hugely easier for them) so we'll just have to get used to it!