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Posts posted by metcars

  1. Same for me. In fact I was told by a manager that I was "at work" when I woke up!

    Although I do remember back in the day about "smoke breaks" and how sympathetically smokers were treated. The "smokers" would work at least an hour less than the rest of us per day, especially when the management were smokers too!

    While we are on the subject of timekeeping, I remember when banks opened at 9am sharp. Not 9:02am or 9:04am. It might seem petty but 9:00am is 9:00am. They used to be able to manage it. And opening at 10:00am on wednesdays because of "staff training!" Come on!

  2. 6 hours ago, grant8064 said:

    I love how cheap those seat belts and clasps look...think Maranello have been nicking bits of the Panda production line!

    I can't believe anyone would spend £3.5M on that thing? But ...?

    Although it will probably be bought a 'youtuber', and then we'll have to endure endless boring videos of these 'trust fund kids' "downshifting" and gurning while driving through tunnels:rolleyes:

  3. Poor Frank being 'ripped off' by the dodgy car dealer, typical. You know they buy those cars cheap because they're all clocked/wrecks and sell them for 100 times what they cost. It's about time something was done about them. I hope Frank gets his money back and compensation for the massive inconvenience!

  4. 1 hour ago, betginge said:

    Heard things about the gasket fix, does work to a degree on some types of HG fails.

    Also agree the wynns or tin of wynies as i call it for the lifters is a good.

     always flush the oil with an additive on the vauxhall engines that are prone to non regular oil changes due to long life oil used, which punters think lasts for 500 years. 

    Funny how just the mention of Steel Seal on most motoring forums starts WW3!:D 

  5. 7 minutes ago, betginge said:


    It will be the forte cleaner thats done its magic. great stuff that cleaner 

    On the subject of 'additives'. Other than Wynns upper cylinder lubricant (works a treat for noisy hydraulic lifters), has anyone had any success with anything else. I was very surprised to find my local Ford main dealer selling some of those snake oil type additives, one that supposedly cures leaking oil seals, and another similar to Steel Seal for curing leaking headgaskets. I asked the parts guy if Ford recommended those additives, unsurprisingly no reply?

  6. 1 hour ago, Ocsltd said:

    Does it have tinted windows by any chance?

    You mean Gangsta' glass!:D

    1 hour ago, Rory RSC said:

    Was it one of those cars that comes in as a PX and the customer plucks a figure thats about a £1000 higher than you think and you trot our the old  ' why has it got £1000 of XXX in the glove box' and the customer says 'well actually ....'



  7. Weird one this but we've just got this Astra in and when its warmed up you get the ocassional smell of 'weed'. I'm starting to think there's some hidden in here somewhere. I'm guessing if I were pulled over it would take a lot of explaining at the side of the road?

  8. We're probably all going to disagree, but in my opinion Car Auctions can be an expensive way out of anything; weigh in transport, sold commission, entry fees, unsold cars. Personally, I prefer Ebay, but with an "honest" description. Bidders seem to love broken cars and fixer 'uppers and I've always managed to move stuff on. Interestingly I don't sell any of my stock on there, just my 'mistakes':D I appreciate Ebay has its own issues, nothing is perfect.

  9. 3 hours ago, Mikey said:

    Yep totally agree with your last sentence as I have witnessed that on here in the past, and it did put me off posting initially due to some hostility towards new members. I've never understood the mentality to be honest, as firstly there is no such thing as too much competition when it comes to business, and secondly as you say we were all new once and needed advice or guidance.

    I don't think the forum being private would make any difference from a help and support perspective to established or new dealers for that matter. It's just a few formalities regarding proof of trading to gain access and if everyone's a bonafide dealer then that shouldn't be too much of a hurdle to meet the criteria. Anyway it's kind of immaterial now with the private lounge I guess!


     Ironically, no special requirements to qualify for a subscription to Car Dealer Magazine, but then "dodgy dealers" probably can't read:D

  10. 12 hours ago, Mikey said:

    Ha I was only thinking the very same thing!! If it were me because the forum is so open I wouldn't have posted that saga in the first place. Even most FB club's are set to private these days and some require proof of xxx to gain entry. I've always been puzzled as to why this forum is so open and am not sure what the benefit is and to whom?

    That's one of the reasons I hardly post anything of real importance... and that's a shame as it's good to share!

    I didn't agree with the 'secret club' and debated against it, but I do think the 'general discussion' section should be hidden without signing in. I like to think that other motor traders can find help or assistance on this forum from the Car Dealer Magazine "collective", even though they might have just started up, we were all newbies once after all! I've met some really nice guys on this forum that are hugely intelligent and successful, and good for them, but sadly there are also a few guys that appear to be unwilling to contribute and view anyone other than their 'clique' with paranoid suspicion and derision?


  11. Along the lines of other forums, would it be prudent to make the General dealer chat section only visible after you've signed in to the website. I personally argued against a private members section, but I've noticed a thread running on here that really shouldn't be on an open forum and where the poster doesn't qualify for the 'secret' club?

  12. It's not what I was expecting. Assuming that it's not been 'edited' by OP.  In my experience of dealing with the legal profession, letter writing is an art. They are usually 'anal' about detail, I think it's module 101 when studying for a law degree. If I represented lawgistics I would be concerned that a letter like this was being shown as an example of the standard of my work?

    Just my opinion...

    • Like 1

  13. 1 hour ago, betginge said:


    If your Wife is giving you grief, spending your money on F*king shoes etc, 

    Quick Fix 

    Take a Spade To the back of her Skull and bury her under the flags, I saw it on brookside, Not yet gave it a try myself but any day now :D

    Tried marriage twice, never worked for me:D

  14. Probably a bit off topic by a few years back I had a Ka that came with bills for new lower arms/ARB bushes top mounts the lot. On a test drive there was a heavy metallic knock drivers side. Everyone had a look at it. Eventually it was diagnosed as driveshaft/diff and the box came out. Still the same. Until someone noticed whoever did up the lower arms on the drivers side hadn't 'fully' tighten them up. Must have been about 1mm of gap. Hated that car