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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 55 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    It's funny how differently we all seem to be treated.

    Generally I find Manheim much better than BCA. Manheim generally have looked after me quite well, apart from not explaining the 180 day on-line rule as mentioned above. I tend to buy only from Manheim now if I do buy from auction that is.

    The reason I've stopped giving BCA any business is that they never get back to me regardless of what the enquiry is, and they truly give me the impression they don't give a stuff about there customers as there is always someone else to replace you. I also prefer the auction timings at Manheim and find that trying to fit in an evening auction at BCA a PITA...

    I had a huge falling out with BCA many years ago. They would have to do something really nice to win me back. Although I still feel that BCA has better stock and a better website, but ......

    14 hours ago, GreenGiant said:

    ...until you mentioned it here....


    I think they know exactly what they're doing. Drawing attention to it is just a consequence. I'm under the impression that large companies have access to sophisticated software that sweeps the internet for mentions of their business. Can be useful for everyone?

  2. 12 hours ago, M.J said:

    It's  not in Manheim's interest to automatically upgrade you to the next tier up as then you will be spending less in buyer fee's.

    I've have had to chase each one of my account upgrades, i've paid a lot more buyers fee's than i should of due to being on a lower tier when i should have been on a higher tier.

    Yeah, since they changed to this system they must be earning a fortune. I have to say BCA seem able to upgrade cards without being chased

  3. Apparently the cars only show for 180 days on the website. But they told me you have to chase to get your account upgrades, it does NOT happen automatically

    1 hour ago, Mikey said:

    Try this:  or 0333 136 1750

    I'm having issues with them too, as in most of the cars I've bought this year no longer show on my account, and apparently this has happened to lots of dealers. Obviously this effects my membership level so am keep to get it sorted, but although having been promised once it's still not been rectified...

    That's my issue. When I called buyer services (weeks ago) they advised me to chase it, as for some inexplicable reason, not all the accounts upgrade automatically? You would have thought that it would be the first thing to build into a new tier card system, to send out new cards automatically when the requirements are met. Beggars belief.

    I have to say that, BCA are not perfect either.

  4. Hi guys. I'm useless with these things. I'm trying to find a 'proper' email address for Manheim buyer services, not the message thing on their website. I understand that all the accounts are dealt with at Leeds branch? I'm being 'ignored' for some reason and I want to send a email to "a suit":angry:


  5. 18 minutes ago, Phil H said:

    when they call me and tell me their name is David, I reply " whatever it is you're calling me about then I'm not interested as you've lied to me in the first sentence by telling me you're name is David when clearly it isn't, so therefore you can't be trusted and I'm not interested". Sometimes the phone goes down straight away, other times they try to explain that it's a synonym, just they trying to pronounce that is funny enough.

    Usually it's "can I speak to Phil" to which you say "speaking" then they go straight into their opening gambit "I'm calling you from" which cannot be stopped without just hanging up.

    Only once have I had one that called back after I'd hung up to try again! I have a mate that keeps a football whistle in his pocket for these calls, but has been reliably informed that it could lead to a claim for compensation for damaged hearing:D

  6. 22 minutes ago, betginge said:

    Didn't see the stock bit, I thought it was just the one add. But Met Cars this makes the situation worse surely they should no better than to picture a banger like this, and £395 lol if that what crappy astras are selling for down south am moving.

    I think he's being a bit optimistic, although its a starting point for negotation.

    If it was auto it would make double that, people like them?

  7. 3 minutes ago, betginge said:

    I do fit into the 20-30 demographic, Only just mind i'm 29 next month.

    Metcars, the government keep moving the pension age further back, I wouldn't bother thinking about retiring lol.

    I doubt I will ever get my hands on a state pension.


    Well, at the moment I'm being bombarded  with cold calls from "" about releasing cash from my pension, as though I didn't know. Shocking really that my pension provider, a huge player in the market, has effectively just sold my details on. Makes a change to PPI and faux accidents?

  8. Just now, tradex said:

    yes, heard that a few times when going over a p/x, rightly or wrongly seems to be a single woman thing...."any service history?"..."ohh yes always MOT'd every year without fail":unsure:

    Sadly many  treat cars like white goods. Buy, use, never service, replace when broken

  9. 3 hours ago, tradex said:

    I know it's frightening at times.....whenever I wait for an MOT I amuse myself by looking at the 'just changed tyre pile' (I'm easily pleased!)...I'm always stunned by some old tyres thinking, what if that idiot had to pull up quickly in the rain behind my wife and kid or had a blowout on a fast road....or for that matter their own families safety....frightening.

    My mate runs a local workshop, had a FIAT 500 in the other day where one of the front brake pads had fallen out it was that thin....I was amazed, but he told me its quite common to see them like that:unsure:...had a rear disc on 4x4 last week so thin it had almost seperated from the inner hub and did on removal....I could go on.

    It may not make me popular but I would be in favor of 6 monthly MOT's.

    And its not about 'old' cars its about relatively modern vehicles getting no regular maintenance. I had a woman here a few months back that argued having an annual MOT was the same as a service?

  10. 2 hours ago, betginge said:

    My other business is a Mot Station, I am also a Tester although  don't do much testing these days.  At our last refresher meeting we were told that they are looking at scrapping the mot certificate in a couple of years with account of it being all online. I can't see them doing this as it's not mandatory to give out a certificate anymore although everyone expects to get one.

    DVSA work in strange ways so don't be surprised if they do get withdrawn.

    My mate Tony runs a workshop/MOT place. I think anyone that thinks its a money making scheme for garages should be invited to spend a day watching the 'death traps' that people present as roadworthy!

  11. 42 minutes ago, betginge said:

    That one is beyond a decent backdrop, Right bloody Bean Can on wheels. 

    The dealer selling that is a fool, some fly by night who wouldn't know what Vat or Consumer rights were if it hit him (or Her) in the face.

    I wouldn't mind his stock. Apart from the Astra:D

  12. I remember when 'cap clean' meant ready to retail, ie no remedial work all ready to go. But now 'cap clean' is the auction house reserve price.

    IMO the real nonsense are the guide retail prices which are usually a giggle. Most of us set our retail prices by the market place? We all play that game on AT, put in your car details inside 30miles and see what else gets 'burped up'


    21 hours ago, barlos1973 said:

    Dont worry. You still have to show trade insurance, trade plates, recent sales and in my case forwarded then my FCA approval to show that I was a genuine trader and not some private buyer hoping to save a few quid;)



    Might I be the first to welcome you to the forum. Good luck, newbies tend to be viewed with suspicion until they've passed the test. "The twelve labours of Hercules" springs to mind:D

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  14. We've had this discussion before. We were all 'new' once and just because somebody is just starting out doesn't mean they aren't "bonafida". Plenty of home traders been working for 30yrs+, plenty of experts with 250k startups fail in 12 months? Who is worthy?

    46 minutes ago, M.J said:

    Fair enough, just suppose it depends on how open you would like people to be in that section of the forum. 


    I'm quite happy to talk to newbies or empire builders. It's private individuals and customer/punters that I don't want to have access. Talking about selling cars to other guys that sell cars is not in itself highly secretive.

    This forum needs to decide if its happy to support new business or just look after "the old guard".

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  15. 5 hours ago, James Baggott said:

    How about we do it the same as the Buy & Sell section - a copy of your trade insurance to prove you're a dealer gets you access? 

    This is sensible and 'realistic'. I can't see the point of endless security requirements just to talk about selling cars? We're not opening a bank account?

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