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Posts posted by metcars

  1. 49 minutes ago, BHM said:

    If they’re anything like me they;

    1) won’t look at Twitter.

    2) even if they did they won’t give a toss.

    Are we seriously suggesting a whinge on the internet will get the manufacturer to stump up? If that were the case the manufacturers would end up bankrupt.

    I'd assume most manufacturers, and large companies, have 'social media experts' as part of their management tools? And yes these things are important now

  2. On 23/11/2017 at 9:52 AM, MSP Motors said:

    Every household won't be charging a car tomorrow, in 30 years time when the whole fleet is electric and autonomous i can see the power will be drawn predominantly from renewable.

    The energy companies will be out to make as much money from consumers as possible. Especially and bearing in mind they will be having to invest a fortune upgrading the system. Thirty years is really not a lot of time.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    I wholeheartedly believed in the IMDA, I was one of the first joiners. But pertinent questions were followed by patronising and belittling, almost bullying public responses. At that point the IMDA lost all credibility.

    ...  you've done it now, mention IMDA too many times and they'll appear! The highlight for me was being accused of unprofessionalism, but on the plus side I got a lot of phone numbers just in case I want to "talk about it":D

    Seriously, and unsurprisingly I'm out. I actually think it's a good idea to have a trade association as a voice for independents, but it's all about personalities, and they're not my 'cup of tea':)

  4. 2 hours ago, trade vet said:

    If there could  be government grants available for charging stations,it may be worth looking at.There will be a huge demand in the future from those people with EVs who do not have off street parking.In some areas it will probably be quite lucrative to operate a charging station.

    You're right, but you can bet that when there's a 'huge demand' there's a huge price increase in electricity

  5. 1 hour ago, BHM said:

    Yep, people have been paying far too much and plenty of it is shite too. One thing’s for sure, at the lower end of the market these chancers won’t be prepping their cars to a safe standard.

    I've noticed a few 'proper' local forecourts with bangers at inflated prices. '02 Astra £1395 come on

  6. 15 minutes ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    Astras, don't go there....

    In my neck of the woods they are hugely popular with a 'certain' type of guy (I know I shouldn't stereotype). They have to be three door though. I can't buy them in anywhere near decent nick, they are always worn out, dent on every panel and broken interiors from amateur HiFi installs.

  7. 2 hours ago, trade vet said:

    I remember them.Mind you there were a lot of traders who had ' guide covers ' because it disguised the fact they nicked their guides from a main dealer whose name was stamped on the outside of the back page.


    I found all this stuff the other day, even the little book they produced listing cars that run on unleaded:D

  8. 6 hours ago, trade vet said:

    It's early 90s since I last subscribed,but out of interest I searched Glasses and it appears its inventor William Glass was an amazing guy .He invented all sorts of stuff ,it is worth looking up.However,he would probably ' turn in his grave' if he knew that the present owners of Glassses were producing these monthly market reports for the trade with crap information .You just wonder if Glasses got some fee from Dacia to promote them as the fastest selling range in the UK ?

    I used to have a fancy green leather case for mine:).

  9. 24 minutes ago, MSP Motors said:

    From the outside looking in, the above quote seems fairly harmless and playful to me. What has followed is petty and ridiculous. 


    14 minutes ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    David, it looks to me like you are being defensive and ganging up on Met. Also, the little patronising comments, and the underlying theme than we are the best blah blah..

    If you are going to self promote yourselves as the “magnificent 7” you are gonna get jibes, I thought Met was funny and he certainly wasn’t trying to be rude, jesting maybe....

    I admire what you are trying to do, and respect you all deeply, but as pointed out to you by Lawgistics, you need to be getting your house in order to be believable. 

    Just my opinion.

    I'm not sure why my opinion is so important to them? I'm not sure what they have all taken offence to? I didn't name them the 'magnificent 7' Umesh did. 

    All these snotty/barbed/patronishing comments remind me of the stories my dad used to tell about having to join Trade Unions back in the 60s?

  10. 18 minutes ago, cheshirecars said:


    Why make the comment to begin with? Right to reply both sides. If your feeling uncomfortable maybe you should consider a little longer before posting? 

    Should you prefer to speak about the association I would welcome the opportunity to chat with you. My number is 07774 464368. 



    This is exactly the sort of 'barbed' comment I'm talking about?

    13 minutes ago, umesh said:

    Met , You shouldn't feel uncomfortable .. no one is ganging up on any one as I said it's a choice - YOUR CHOICE  "   AS i SAID " And I really thought this was where the professional dealers gathered to help and support our industry.  " Does not mean you or anyone has to join simply that some people want to have a 'pop' at us for no reason - we are not attacking anyone personally merely offering solutions to dealers , the IMDA forum / this forum plus many others out there help each other - we give FREE advice to each other , support each other and I just find it sad that some see it justified to attack us. 


    You understand I'm feeling a little bit 'under attack' here, just for having an opinion

    23 minutes ago, cheshirecars said:


    Why make the comment to begin with? Right to reply both sides. If your feeling uncomfortable maybe you should consider a little longer before posting? 

    Should you prefer to speak about the association I would welcome the opportunity to chat with you. My number is 07774 464368. 



    Welcome to the forum by the way, where are my manners?

  11. 47 minutes ago, umesh said:

    And I really thought this was where the professional dealers gathered to help and support our industry. 



    So did I? And why does having the freedom 'not to join' make me unprofessional?

    I'm starting to feel uncomfortable about the guys on here 'ganging up' on others, it has the feel of the old Union 'bully boys' after their weekly subs

  12. 5 minutes ago, Rory RSC said:

    They are all individually decent guys who are trying to help the industry. You might not agree with it, might not want their services but I think fair play for them trying to make it a better place. 

    They have put quite a lot of hard work into something over and above running businesses which may, or may not bring you or I some benefits but give them a break.

    OK, Let's be clear. I never said I don't agree with them or doubted their abilities as business men. All those guys are giants in this industry and good luck to them. I may or may not join, I'm going to see how it all pans out.

    Is that OK with you?