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Everything posted by metcars

  1. That’s one webinar I’d have to watch! I’ve got his signature somewhere indoors. I don’t even like him?
  2. I’m guessing that when the restaurants and pubs shut down their wholesale suppliers had to unload their stock somewhere. Where else but Facebook?
  3. Are those the guys selling trays of manky sneezed on veg at £30 a go! I don’t think that will worry the supermarkets long term! And don’t get me started on the wholesalers who feel they can pass on manky trays of cheap sausages and Chops for £50 a tray (sneezing extra)!
  4. I wouldn’t want to treat this lightly. I’m a vulnerable person, I’ve had the NHS letter, If I catch it, i won’t bother buying a return ticket to the nightingale hospital? So I’m keen to support the ‘spirit’ of the lockdown instead of looking at it as a barrier to my business and trying to circumvent it. But, it’s pretty obvious that the exit strategy from all this is going to have to focus on businesses capable of minimising contact and dealing online. Ordering and delivering cars with little human contact (maybe a covid clean?) I feel that there is going to be a new ‘normal’ and the days of crowded car showrooms are going to be far far in the future. I’m sure a lot of guys thought we’ll sit tight for a few weeks and then be let out slowly, but that’s not going to happen. The virus has been shown to reinfect and to mutate. Vaccine is a year away? Adapt or die? opinions?
  5. I’m eating a lot of Chinese food in the hope of building up immunity?
  6. Be nice if Car Dealer Magazine could go definitive on this subject? What do the industry experts say?
  7. There timing is pretty good. Plenty of families will be feeling the pinch. Credit card racked up, bills to be paid. Universal credit doesn’t pay overtime? Didn’t take long for the vultures to start gathering.
  8. Someone I know heard an ice cream van?
  9. We all know Lings ‘rocket launcher’ is a phallic symbol?
  10. I know some clever finance guys and they are telling me to sit tight. Don’t throw investments on the fire. The economy will spike back up? heres hoping?
  11. It will go on my small but not insignificant trophy cabinet! Many thanks by the way!
  12. Im guessing that not being able to buy and sell cars and driving on deserted roads should lower our premiums this year?
  15. True story! Many years back a friend of a friend got himself a ‘Thai bride’. Super pretty and super clever too. When she misbehaved he’d call her mother and threaten to stop sending her the monthly cheque! It ended badly, she got half his house in the end! Sounds like you need to have a word with that creepy Dickensian villain Jacob Rees mogg? It seems it is possible for unscrupulous unprincipled investment banks to make money out of others misery, even during a pandemic?
  16. Try having a skim on the FB for sale sections to see how creative some businesses have become in trying to continue trading. And at the same time trying to make us feel grateful that they are doing it! Like local community heroes risking it all to carry on cutting hair and cutting grass! Mind you the supermarkets are playing games too. They are graciously allowing us to queue for an hour to buy limited, specially selected and overpriced stock. Like heroes!
  17. I agree. I get the impression from a lot of people that they are trying to think of ways around lockdown forgetting the reason why we are doing it! Treating it as a barrier to trading. This is not just the motor trade either.