New year revolutions......

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New year revolutions...... last won the day on June 15 2020

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197 Excellent

About New year revolutions......

  • Rank
    mr bigsie
  • Birthday 12/05/1894

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    location location
  • Interests
    sitting at home eating chocolate cake muffins and constantly being sick,cant understand why?I must be coming down with a virus or something
  • Your industry
    Independent dealer
  • Dealership/company name
    hmrc currently my employer,thanks rusti

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  1. I got a log book from Swansea last week, not bad really only been waiting since march
  2. I called the coppers out to work last week, when they eventually turned up it was in a 53 plate corsa, I guess funding must be tight
  3. I had a factor close my account when I went back to work, apparently I didn't spend enough on parts in lockdown, you really couldn't make this crap up, I'm now using eurocarfarts more
  4. felt it yet? battening the hatches? reading what's happening out there? just asking....... I'm working to see what happens come dec,anyone else afraid?
  5. to concur,you must have the complete v5c to hand to the buyer remember if he drives it to anglesey it must be on trade plates or taxed as the cameras approaching the bridge are anpr,not sure about fishguard it might not matter to your buyer about untaxed vehicles but dvla if you are down as in trade get shirty so make sure paperwork trail is impeccable as always
  6. what, you mean you are pulling it and then all of a sudden it breaks free and you go back 4 foot before you fall on your arse no never done that
  7. you wont get me going back the pub anytime soon im not part of the herd thinking no music no using the toilets mandy who pulls the pints is a right slut and never washer her hands im keeping to bottles at home
  8. that rings a bell said the headmaster it must be 30 degrees here hot hot hot car wash boss oh wrong programme
  9. when I used to work for a large plc we were always told not to declare our income to our compatriots I realised early on this was so they could pay us peanuts the insurance companies are the same they play on fear the bastards this year my renewal was cheaper but I bought it just before lockdown and paid in full so I'm still the fool
  10. whilst i wouldnt know how to flash an update on a bm i can advise if this is what you are trying be very very careful because flashing involves updating everything so before you flash you take a copy of what you have first just in case so you can hopefully put everything back as it was if it all goes t*ts the other most important thing is you must have a stable power supply whilst doing a flash ie a quality battery maintainer not something thats not smooth that was ok for old cars pre ecu
  11. this they used to do this to me after the event and ask me to wave a magic wand on it for them i stopped doing this a long time ago
  12. hi dave you ARE a key worker you are repairing dr kildares car at this moment and nurse gladys minor tomorrow you can quite rightly go online in dvla website and fill the details in as the car is registered to your business? no need to go to the private section for basic stuff like this you need the car to collect bits etc
  13. sponsor the darts team keep the regulars sweet and looking out for you