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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Mate I feel so bad for you, if something like that happened to me I'd be absolutely livid.
  2. I'd have killed him there and then
  3. My neighbour has one and the sound reminds me of how the original VW beetles sounded. They had the excuse of being produced 50 years ago and at least looked cool. The Peugeot has no such excuses.
  4. Exactly how I operate. It gets the bejeeesus shined out of it for the photos and videos and not washed again until the punter arrives, at which time they have more or less bought it in their minds..
  5. Nice report Dave, to be fair you've done more prep on that thing than some dealers do a piece of stock
  6. Probably saving us all the indignity at watching such a hideous car
  7. Each to their own mate. I don’t think it’s a vast waste of money, clearly it’s not. Especially if a car needs fresh plates anyway. I cheat slightly as I cover the plates for my photos and by the time the punter has looked through them, read the advert, watched the video and travelled, they aren’t going to walk because of a shabby plate. I can see how the pitch boys like a fresh plate with their logo or name on. It does look profesh.
  8. We certainly think alike in this respect.
  9. Another away today so 7 from 9. If things fall into place in terms of getting problem cars back to retail ready I could squeeze one more in this month I reckon but if not, I can have no complaints. Making a living, happy in life and paying my way. What more do you need.
  10. Like Turkeys voting for Christmas
  11. Cheers Si, I know it isn’t your thing and I understand why.
  12. Just take all photos in the same location with the same background and Photoshop the background to whatever you want.
  13. Industry standard shall we say, it meant I could give the billy a little back his way and make him feel he'd won.
  14. I've just had my first finance approval, handover this weekend. So from the 4th July, when I wasn't VAT registered, and bereft of an FCA license, to the 23rd August, when I've just sold a car on finance, is what, 6-7 weeks. 1) VAT registration. 2) FCA license applied and granted 3) Set up with Close 4) Car sold on finance This will be a great reference point for anyone wondering what can be done with this process given the right attitude and help from your rep.
  15. Ahh, so you're not actually buying the printer and kit?
  16. Nailed on. Baloons and bunting.
  17. For looks, I think is about right. Don't take offence those that do this and I didn't want to say it earlier but I think the plates, key rings, stickers, it's all vanity. I don't believe the outlay is paid for by business returns as the internet just makes the country a shoppers playground but perhaps 20 years ago, loyalty existed. These days I think people shop around more and the internet allows them to and if they can find a car £250 cheaper they will go and look at it and not even bother looking at yours. Each to their own though, no doubt one day I'll indulge myself and brand meself up..
  18. Honestly, if people are going to buy something to impress the neighbours then they will get something German and put a private plate on. The last thing they will want the Jones’ to know is it’s “preowned“ Each to their own but for me, it’s not creating new opportunities and therefore a waste. Putting new plates on however does lift the car’s appearance, no argument from me there. I didn’t know you could do this, could you explain a little how that all works Mark? What are the set up costs etc?
  19. People who ask this are not buyers. They are people who have £5k to spend and are looking at £6k cars, hoping the dealer will come down £500 on the phone and they can get another £500 in person. There's a word for them, dreamers.
  20. No and no. I detest window stickers and the company name on the number plate is so small no one can read it anyway. I cannot possibly imagine anyone looking for a car will notice such things. So if it’s not working as a marketing tool there’s little point
  21. Agreed. People seem to think cash is an elixir we crave. Actually it’s just an easy way to ask for a discount, the done thing, the old school method. When they can’t find anything wrong with the car it’s the last act.
  22. Abstain? It's an opinion Si, I'm saying I think it should be a private forum for trade only, I've given my reasons, you think differently. I don't need to abstain, just offer a differing view.