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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Ok, so the other criteria then, such as traffic, noise etc is a consideration, its not just the material use of the building. So with that said, should the OP go for planning then, given that he would likely get it? This would basically shut his c*nt of a neighbour up? When the council visited me, they closed the case as they could see no evidence of a motor trade business being ran from the premises. I've always gone out of my way to keep it on the QT as much as possible, it would appear one of my immediate neighbours have taken offence at me having the odd car painted in the middle of the day
  2. Sober as a judge, squire. So, the only "planning" restriction here then is if the use of the property is changed? The stuff about number of visitors, unusual activities in a residential street etc is all academic? Good to know because I had a visit from the council myself not long ago in the exact same set of circumstances....
  3. Yes but it will be much more fun than giving him a Toblerone
  4. So the other criteria (the stuff about number of visitors etc) is academic? If so, great! I did say I wasn't sure about the credibility of the site quoted.
  5. I get the feeling you may be a reg on here who wants anonymity and I think I've sussed out who you are but I'm not blowing your cover! I'd be more tempted to iron this c*nt out rather than give him chocolate
  6. Ok, well you didn't state that appointments would be off site. The question is "will the business result in a marked increase of traffic to your property" and until you told me that all appointments will be done away from the premises, I have worked on the basis it would be easy to demonstrate that if you had say 3 visitors a week, and you then had 6 per week because of the business, thats a 100% increase, or "a significant increase" Secondly, I think you will struggle to convince people to commit to buying a car from you if you are meeting them "off site" as it looks, well, how it looks. Your business WILL involve activities unusual in a residential area. Car sales in a residential area is unusual. Most pitches, lots etc are on business estates etc. I'm not here to deflate you mate, I'm here to open your eyes to what may happen. Get in touch with your council, explain what is happening or what will happen (make out like you are considering it rather than doing it) and you'll know where you stand.
  7. You WILL need planning. I have no idea on the credibility of that website you have quoted but seen as you seem to be clinging to it, it clearly means you will need planning; Will your home no longer be used mainly as a private residence? No Will your business result in a marked rise in traffic or people calling? YES Will your business involve any activities unusual in a residential area? YES Will your business disturb your neighbours at unreasonable hours or create other forms of nuisance such as noise or smells? MAYBE You are in my opinion, in the wrong and need to go about things in the right manner. You have a neighbour who has a hard on for you, there's nothing you can do about this and the days of keeping on the QT are gone. Apply for planning and if you obtain it, carry on about your business as normal. If you don't, well, get some premises. I think you have potentially gone about this the wrong way. You should have made every effort to keep it on the lowdown and instead you have filled your drive up with a load of cars. It's advertising to all and sundry what you're up to. Unfortunately you have a busy c*nt who has made it his business to be a hero on behalf of mankind so you better do something about it.
  8. Actually, there are now machines that can do turning on a van, mobile. But as MOTORS says, a good wheel repairer can make them look diamond cut. My chap is very good.
  9. I never have any issue with getting hold of at least two people including my account manager, whenever I need them. I rarely call her though. I’m too busy selling cars through them.
  10. This. Black is a no on multi spoke wheels imo.
  11. That’s not got anything to do with people being skint, that’s just the way the country is. People don’t go to the pub anymore, they stay in and talk to each other on social media.
  12. Fuck me you’re one depressing c*nt to read. You want a loan of length of rope? Actually i’ll probably not want it back.
  13. Actually he’s referring specifically to a 7 year old BMW which will almost certainly draw a customer more focused on looks than running costs and reliability. If this were a Ford Focus on the other hand....
  14. Ferric Grey. Just sold that exact car a couple of weeks ago for £500 over AT’s recommended retail price.
  15. EPV


    Well, I see what you are saying but I'm not sure how much credibility there is to be found in bottom lines when the awards are essentially geared towards how quickly a dealership answer the phone, how easy to use their websites are, how they handle your enquiry and what their reviews are like on the internet. That's mainly the criteria for these awards, I don't think the general public (those who might look at a company with an award and take comfort in that fact) would care about whether the dealership is profitable or treading water.
  16. Mechanical prep really sells YOUR type of stock mate. Someone selling 3 year old prestige won’t get away with leaving bumper nicks and alloys with lumps missing from them? Horse for courses!
  17. My thoughts are that he’s guessing, like everyone else.
  18. EPV


    It’s really not about the award. I’ve lamented the point what it is about.
  19. EPV


    I can’t see a photo of a rosette having the same impact on the media obsessed publi as a photo with an automotive celebrity. Call me a pessimist old fucker if you must.
  20. Piss easy touch in on the bumper and leave the wheels. Anyone fussing over light kerb rash on a 7 year old car will be a pest anyway
  21. EPV


    Not quite. But finalists have been checked through for their website content, social media presence, reviews, how quick you answer the phone, or how long it takes to get back to the mystery shopper and how you handle the enquiry. The points are accumulated and the winner has the most points.
  22. EPV


    You know what Mike Brewer looks like and some of you know what I look like and those that don't, won't want to know either! We're in suits, shaking hands. Use your imagination...