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Everything posted by EPV

  1. EPV


    Of course, little point otherwise
  2. EPV


    You self nominate. Pretty common with awards across all industries, particularly when you're in an industry that you fly solo most of the time. You can of course nominate and employees would most likely be nominated, rising stars etc. Once they have a list, they do some research on you, mystery shop you and get a list of five finalists. From that they have two highly commended and one winner. There's little difference between the two really but I'd rather win than not of course. I still get the PR paraphernalia which is all I wanted really. Whether you agree if it helps your business or not is subjective but there's a reason why Nike paid Tiger Woods hundreds of millions of dollars and why they pay Rory Mac the same.
  3. EPV


    I didn’t know that! Congratulations. I hope you shout about it on your adverts and website?
  4. EPV


    None taken. Hopefully you won’t take offence when I say you’re wrong
  5. Dave, when are you moving down South?
  6. EPV


    If people don't get nominated or self nominate then it's not that surprising!
  7. I'm not. I'm pontificating on an internet forum. I still think they are wrong!
  8. It's a weak radio signal, 100% of the time this is a failed diversity amplifier, it just needs a competent auto electrician.
  9. No mate, an e93 is a vert. Thanks anyway though!
  10. Anyone in Kent got a reliable Auto Electrician please? I’m on the verge of sacking mine, i’m a good patient customer of any trade person and I understand that sometimes cars don’t want to be fixed easily but this chap I use is becoming a liar, dodging phone calls and worse still letting customers down by cancelling appointments and dodging calls. I don’t seem to have much luck with Auto sparks, the two I have used have both been very unreliable and can’t seem to keep an appointment to save their lives. Also anyone in Essex please, I have a customer in Southend who has a weak radio signal on a bmw e93 so I need an auto spark down your neck of the woods. It’s already been diagnosed as the diversity amplifier so I just need someone to go and finish what my less than reliable auto spark started. Cheers in advance.
  11. I think TS are wrong here. I realise that is very bold statement but it’s perfectly acceptable to sell an old knacker to anyone for spares or repair under certain circumstances I.e. trailered away, clear advert stating it’s SOR and not phrases like “long MOT” or “drives nicely” which could mislead someone into thinking it is a retail car. In the scenario yes, you are depriving someone of their rights but you’re on the right side of things if you make the advert clear that the car is being sold as unroadworthy, fit for spares or repair and that the car must be towed or trailered away. Whether you choose to enforce the last part is obviously up to you!
  12. Well, I can see there are opportunities to sell to the right person, in a retail environment. I don’t think we’re talking strictly about pure scrap anyway.
  13. You won’t do if you sell them as SOR but I think TV is referring to selling them as a retail car.
  14. EPV


    I got a highly commended spot! better than that, Matt from Supermini won the used car dealer of the year (under 50 cars)
  15. EPV


    C*nt of the year. I’m a shoe in. He also just got highly commended in Used car sales team of the year. Bearing in mind that’s pretty much Rory on his own! Two highly commended spots!
  16. EPV


    Rory just won a highly commended spot in the dealers dealer category
  17. Welcome to the forum. Nice to have someone different around
  18. I do mate thanks. My trade insurance covers anyone else moving cars for me as long as it’s exaclty that, motor trade purposes. That and they are over 25 with a full license held for more than 2 years. Will the second set of plates have the same number as my first or will I need a separate set of plates and put those on the MID? Cheers chaps
  19. Is it possible? In theory I would like to have two cars being collected, one by me one by an employee say, will the DVLA issue two sets of plates if I apply for them? Cheers in advance
  20. I’m not saying you don’t know mate, I also know what I need to make to cover my bases. What I was wondering is WHY you look at it as a weekly “loss” as presumably you have weeks where you sell a dozen cars and make a huge “profit” but I’m sure you don’t get all excited thinking every week will be like it? I just thought it was an odd way to look at it that’s all, we all probably have more losing weeks than winning ones but the winning weeks make up for the losing ones at the end of the year.
  21. Let’s just call them overheads. A fixed cost is something that doesn’t change, month in month one. Petrol and mileage clothing vary. Overheads will do! Month in month out*
  22. You was doing alright until then. Petrol, lunch, clothing ain’t fixed AD. Advertising, insurance, trade plates, website costs yes. Everyone has fixed costs of some sort.