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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Just watch your step when you are advertising stuff SOR and it's priced more than a few hundred quid. Trading Standards may interpret that as you trying to mitigate your risk of a comeback and take a dim view. If you're advertising as SOR, you need a proper sales receipt as suggested above and to cover yourself further, insist the customer trailers it away or, writes a short note and signs it to confirm they know they are buying an unroadworthy vehicle. If you're selling something at £1500 yet it's SOR it doesn't appear to be scrap or SOR only does it? That's a retail car, which you can't sell as an unroadworthy vehicle. For me, I'm either retailing it (to a sensible customer) or it's scrap and off to the scrapper. There are too many fuckwits out there who see a very cheap vehicle, ignore the VERY harshly worded advert and ring you to ask "is there anything wrong with the car?" "No sir, it;s mint and it's £1000 behind recommended retail for no reason and you're just very lucky to have seen the advert"
  2. You’ll be in the multi vendor section mate! You’re better off finding another way to sell I reckon!
  3. There must be loads of independent small auctions near you. Where are you based?
  4. As I said. More money than sense.
  5. As above anyway, when they are re-registered or imported BCA just clarify that it’s up to the buyer to make their own conclusions about the spec, model etc.
  6. Sound advice in my opinion.
  7. Seems to me Lucas has a load of money (good on him) and can afford to lose a fair chunk of it whilst he learns. Must be nice.
  8. You do of course have the right to inspect the car mate. My initial reply was probably a half hearted one as this sounds like a right headache. Get the car back, with a working key, explain you will be inspecting the vehicle and if the only issue with the car is the glow plug one you will refund but after you have had the car delivered back and inspected. Pretty much ignore his rants and threats and get on with your life.
  9. I’ve had an afternoon off and probably a bit too much goodwill to all men. I suppose when I read the car was “sold without warranty” and “sold with a fault” I lost enthusiasm for doing anything (in my mind) other than getting rid of the bloke and car. I don’t retail stuff with significant faults like this so i’m definitely the wrong person to give advice so i’ll stay out of it.
  10. The car sounds like a fucking shed. Refund the customer, put the car in the bin and remember that this has never happened in 10 years and put it down to experience and move on?
  11. The CRA states that a fault is defined as “unsatisfactory quality or unfit for purpose or not as described” It also states that if a repair is made and it doesn’t fix the problem the customer can take their short term right to reject. I’d say in both instances (the fix not working and it being entirely arguable that an airbag light repeatedly coming on constitues as unsatisfactory quality and probably unfit for purpose) that if the punter chose to, they’d be well within their right to a refund and I doubt many judges would rule in your favour given the circumstances. I’d say all the while the customer is happy for you to fix it, then fix it. As for the deduction for usage, there’s nothing written anywhere but the only rule is you can’t offer them trade money. Everything else is up to negotiation. Me personally, given that they haven’t had the car long and particularly if they have been reasonable with me, i’d refund them in full and just accept it as one of those things.
  12. I’ll be down your neck of the woods again soon mate, Totnes in a fortnight!
  13. A few more solid enquiries and a couple of appointments in the book. Signs of things changing.
  14. All of them, because one feeds one which feeds another. Searched>purchased>advertised and on it goes.
  15. Check the tyres as an obvious and easy thing to do, correct spec etc. If all looks well then this is the rear diff. Common place with these. Changing the diff oil can help.
  16. The dealer should have counter sued the previous owners for knowingly selling him a faulty car
  17. I connect my phone to every car that I retail, it’s a good little demonstration during the test drive that it works
  18. EPV


    Possibly? If your photos are crap in the first place?
  19. I assume you mean me? If so i’d like to hear where my ignorance is, as my advice is pretty much identical to Funny Farms which you seem to agree with? Ok, i’ll concede that, would a judge?
  20. You know what I mean! The deteriorate over time and don’t go from perfect to fucked overnight
  21. Good first post, welcome to the forum! Makes a change to see some advice offered rather than sought as a 1st post! What’s your setup, unit, pitch, doorstepper?