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Everything posted by EPV

  1. You had a low ball offer from someone off eBay and you’re still seething? Yesterday my trusted garages set fire to one of my cars. It’s a long story but the story still ends with a giant hole in the engine bay where an engine used to be. Accidents happen and i’d forgotten about it a few hours later. You could always just delete his email and forget about him.
  2. One away but quiet otherwise.
  3. Several i’d say, along with various other farmyard animals
  4. My thoughts are is that he is probably 10 years too early with this. But he is on the right path.
  5. Definitely get it done at a MD at that age. I’d say anything up to about 5 years it’s worth keeping up the MD history, beyond that, it won’t stop you selling it imo.
  6. Well done AD. Having such good presentation clearly helped!
  7. Just end the thread now. This cannot be beaten! Classic!
  8. Indeed, something like 60mph + for 30 mins.
  9. Words to that effect mate. I realise it’s not a regen in the true sense of the word.
  10. Yeah personally I don’t stock the diesel version of these 4cyl engines but i’ll take the petrols all day long. They have their problems but find me an engine that doesn’t. The risk vs reward is in my favour on the petrols.
  11. I don’t want to sound like i’m taking the piss but have you used the correct oil? I’ve had this exact problem 3 times and twice putting the right oil in solved the problem. The other time it was the pick up blocked (from memory) If it IS the strainer blocked with mashed up plastic timing chain guides then be prepared to change the guides as well or else this one may come back to bite you. What’s the mileage? Ignore that just seen the 70k.
  12. Blocked strainer possibly. Also you say no codes but what have you scanned it with? There is a code that relates to the NOX Sensor that inexplicably puts the oil pressure light on. You can try a forced regen by driving the car over 60mph for 30 mins (I think) which can sometimes help. Its a common problem on these engines. They’re crap, frankly but they sell well! Drop the sump and look in the strainer would be the first thing to do i’d say. Does it put the light on under certain driving conditions? Under a load, high speeds, idling?
  13. Like any politician, there will be some that love him, some that don’t mind him and soms that outright hate him.
  14. Identical to what happened to me. Except he was a she.
  15. I'm saying I'm still loving your photos, the floor/background etc.
  16. Well, I don't park any at home as it is, so no I wouldn't. However, if I had a big drive, I'd park 6 on the drive and rent some cheap storage/scaffold storage type land for the rest, have a desk in an office building etc. If I were the OP I mean. As it is, I'm currently signing up for a unit that will hold 15 so my doorstepping days will be behind me. The council visit wasn't the reason, it was a consideration, but I've had enough of being here there and everywhere, having to always move cars etc.
  17. Secluded? An office in a rented building? Yeah, well dodgy! I'm talking about hiring a desk or small office in a large building, you meet the punters there, ask them to call you when they are near and you'll make your way down etc. You don't meet them at your house and then take them off to an office.
  18. Well easier perhaps for most of us but if the OP has family concerns (his Dad's sad ill health) then maybe that barrier between work and home may be beneficial. Thanks for the kind words about the video.
  19. OP, have you considered renting a desk in a local office? You could then park the vehicle in question outside, take the billies to the office (will look good and profesh) and if they want to buy it, take them inside to do the paperwork?
  20. Well, I'll take your advice at face value and say thanks. There you go OP, disregard my first post, the thing to do here is nothing other than a little bit of housework (reduce the number of cars) and carry on regardless.
  21. It's on the street, smart repairs, mate. I don't have a drive and even if I did I wouldn't be painting cars full time on it. So, I need to understand what we're advising our OP here. If we're saying he's doing nothing wrong and the government are encouraging people to work from home etc then he is best off basically ignoring the neighbours? If the council DID turn up, similarly to my scenario, if he can convince the visiting officer that he isn't either changing the material use of the building, or causing his neighbours a grievance, he should be sweet? And that applying for PP would actually make things worse?
  22. Interesting thread. Haven't some of you ever considered that a car sitting in stock for say 12 months, at a cost of say £50 per month in advertising (assuming you don't actually advertise on AT in which case it would more likely be £100 per month and some) that this car has cost you £650-£1200 in advertising? If so, do you still consider it has made you a profit when it eventually sells?