James Baggott

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Everything posted by James Baggott

  1. This should cheer some people up... https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/chinese-car-industry-sees-rapid-recovery-lockdown-lifted/189701 Let me know your thoughts
  2. Right, you lot. I know there's a beef online between Ling and others - and I'm sort of fed up playing the referee in the middle of it all. @LINGsCARS - pick up the phone to me - as per my DM - and we can have a chat... I love your passion and your business. Please just try not to wind people up. Let's all try and be nice to each other. The world is a crap place right now and dirt slinging simply isn't needed. I get that the above maybe intended to be lighthearted, but come on, let's think about things before posting. I've spoken to all others concerned and agree there has been fuel added to the fire on all sides. Let's shake hands, nod in that way you do in the playground when the teacher has told you to kiss and make up - and concentrate on building all our respective businesses so we can crack on when we all get back to normal. Here's an idea - let's all go outside for Easter and enjoy some sunshine. Maybe the Vitamin D will chill everyone out. Much love, peace, etc James
  3. In half an hour I'm hosting a chat with ASE Global and Lawgistics taking your questions live. Log on here and you can submit them - if you subscribe you'll get a notification every time we go live
  4. Cheese and pineapple on sticks a must in the shape of a huge silver hedgehog
  5. Just click on the ads once a day for me and we'll all be happy! Haha!
  6. They're Google Ads and right now we need all the money we can get to keep the business going... sorry about the intrusion but needs must right now...
  7. Here's today's show with Will Blackshaw if you missed it
  8. Love it @New year revolutions...... - customers for life!
  9. No worries - plenty more coming. Learning as we go Will Blackshaw from Blackshaws tomorrow
  10. Here's another thread to cheer us up - and I'm filling the pages of the mag right now so if you tell a good tale I'll include yours in that. I want to know: What was your best ever car sale and why? Was it the car, the money made, or the person you sold to? Tell me.
  11. You guys asked for some advice on this. We've devised this with Lawgistics and there's a template letter to send following the link in the piece https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/ask-landlord-rent-cut/189489
  12. Thank you! That's very kind. I worried when I saw my name on the subject for a minute. I'm back at my desk and working again. Tried to take it easy for a few days but it hasn't lasted. I've just chatted to James Cameron of Mission Motorsport if you fancy some inspiration this sunny Monday morning. He had some interesting stuff to say. If you have any demands for people you want on the show just shout:
  13. In other news, I've removed the post about the IMDA earlier. I am happy for open debate on this forum - but bad language like that will not be tolerated. Especially in the current situation, let's try and keep things nice and support each other. Now isn't the time for vitriol and hate.
  14. I hope I'll be back Monday. I'll pass the comments on to Rebecca
  15. This just in - released by the government this morning https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/sales-staffs-commission-can-included-furlough-payments-confirms-government/189391
  16. Thank you - and glad I got your questions in @have a word with the wife It's keeping me busy and the business (sort of) alive at the moment. We're feeling the pain as much as everyone else but trying to all I can to keep the information flowing