James Baggott

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Everything posted by James Baggott

  1. If you want an honest and interesting take on just how all this will affect the industry you'll like today's Car Dealer Live, that's not live anymore, but still just as good to watch. It was 40 minutes or so of very interesting chat with a team of people who really know this industry. Autocar editor, editorial director and MD all joined me. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot - if you have some time over the weekend you can watch it here... https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-26-autocar-editorial-director-jim-holder-editor-mark-tisshaw-managing-director-rachael-prasher/191297
  2. Morning Been working on this - crystal ball time, but some interesting comments in it nonetheless. Investigation: Why car dealers need to hold their nerve on used car prices - and what happens next to values? We've taken a close look at the used car market as fears of dealers liquidating stock could see prices tumble. Dealers tell us the trade needs to hold tight and stay firm. https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/investigation-car-dealers-need-hold-nerve-used-car-prices-attention-turns-happens-next/191381 Let me know your thoughts as always
  3. Glad you liked it! Thanks for the feedback. Unfortuantely reliant on good broadband connections at the other end
  4. Warnings and warning... just getting the word out there. Equally I would say by them breaking the lockdown it should be easier to sweep them up... If it does happen at all.
  5. Breaking news just published https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/extinction-rebellion-activists-target-car-dealerships-factories-today-warns-leaked-document/191262
  6. Former car journalist turned car dealer Phil Raby joins me at lunchtime today on Car Dealer Live Watch it here https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-25-phil-raby-specialists-cars-phil-raby/191210
  7. After the great work of Jim and Umesh at the IMDA getting clarification on this, we've followed it up with the DVLA tonight and they have confirmed dealers can let customers in the future go out unaccompanied on test drives using trade plates - insurance permitting. Story here https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/dvla-confirms-car-buyers-can-take-unaccompanied-test-drives-trade-plates/191239
  8. After nine days back at work, German dealers are reporting business at 40 per cent normal levels. Full story here: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/investigation-german-dealers-suffer-collapsed-car-buyer-demand-week-theyre-allowed-back-work/191222
  9. Couple of updates here that people may find interesting: Are dealers allowed to offer click-and-collect for cars during lockdown? https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealers-allowed-offer-click-collect-pick-cars-lockdown/191091 And for those who still want to do it after reading that... Guide: What dealers need to consider if they're planning click and collect sales https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/dealers-need-consider-theyre-planning-click-collect-sales/191116
  10. For those that do decide the risk is worth it, I've just pulled together this guide on how it could be done following the government guidelines for retail https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/dealers-need-consider-theyre-planning-click-collect-sales/191116
  11. ... it's not quite as simple as you may think. Tried to find out the rules, but as with everything right now it's not black and white https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealers-allowed-offer-click-collect-pick-cars-lockdown/191091 Let me know what you'll be doing. I'm interested to hear what you're planning, or doing, at the moment.
  12. This one may interest you guys... https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealers-allowed-offer-click-collect-pick-cars-lockdown/191091
  13. Following the NFDA statement I've been subtle but you'll see in this story they have been today told be BEIS that they need to amend what they said... I buried that news in this piece, because I didn't want to laud it over them, but still it had to be said... https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-manufacturers-unfairly-pushing-dealers-reopen-following-government-clarification/191015
  14. Update on this - it's now a group. The Broadcast List fired the messages into people's personal inboxes from me, rather than kept them all together in one place. So I have started a group instead. If you want to join, then please send me a message and I'll get you in
  15. Morning Vines boss Sean Kelly Live with me at midday today - watch it here https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-22-sean-kelly-md-vines-bmw-live-midday-today/190913 Thanks to all those who have joined my WhatsApp group for Car Dealer News - if you want in drop me an email with your number via this page and I'l get you added.
  16. Yeah I’ve found that too. On desktop for me. I’ll get it looked into tomorrow as it’s frustrating. But yes, you’re right, without the adverts we wouldn’t be able to host this forum for free. And on the article front, just trying to summarise findings from a cross sections of experts. If you take a look at it you’ll see I’ve canvassed a lot of opinion so as to not rely on one source. The more expert opinion in my mind the better. I can’t say I agree with them. I think working at home will be far more likely and could reduce the need for cars but it’s not my opinion I’m reporting in the piece it’s that of others. Enjoy the painting
  17. Morning all, I hope you've got a relaxing Sunday ahead planned. I've been working on this piece this weekend which gives hope to the trade that a fear of public transport could fuel car sales. I'm undecided. I take the points, but think home working could mean many stay at home - not to mention a possible prolonged downturn as many people lose their jobs. However, the surveys in this certainly point to some positive signs. Investigation: Fears of public transport could fuel new and used car sales when lockdown lifts Let me know your thoughts below. Enjoy your Sunday James
  18. Please email me at the above address and I'll add you to the list
  19. Hi all I've been investigating WhatsApp broadcast lists which would allow people to: 1. Get breaking news from Car Dealer (well me) to their phones 2. Other users in the group cannot see other users' numbers 3. Other users cannot reply - it's simply a way of you hearing about news when it happens I’ve had some good feedback from dealers and have set it up. You'd have to tell me your mobile number privately and add mine to your contacts and then away you go. Send me an email to james@blackballmedia.co.uk if you want to be added with your mobile number, full name and then I’ll reply with my number. Thanks for your support and I hope you find it useful
  20. This is a ridiculous statement. If you read it it simply confirms exactly what I wrote while libelling us at the same time. I got it from the government press officer at BEIS. I standby what I wrote. And as you’ll see above - despite having a pop at me - they’re confirming exactly the same thing...
  21. Glad you all enjoyed it. He was a great guest. More to come next week. Might try and have some time off this weekend but already got some features planned so doubt that’ll happen... enjoy the sunshine all
  22. Morning all Coming up at midday, I'l be chatting to Peter Vardy on Car Dealer Live - join us here https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-21-peter-vardy-ceo-peter-vardy/190819