James Baggott

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Everything posted by James Baggott

  1. Coming up at midday on Car Dealer Live, I'm chatting to Perrys Motor Sales Ltd managing director Darren Ardron. Join us at the link below to hear him chat about how his business is coping with the crisis https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-20-perrys-md-darren-ardron-live-midday-thursday/190735
  2. A digital signature system could be considered - I'll add that in
  3. Indeed. We covered someone similar doing exactly that here: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/rs-car-sales/190144
  4. Chatted to some experts to give us some advice on this. Here's what I have pulled together. https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/safely-deliver-car-lockdown-click-collect-isnt-allowed/190755
  5. An update here. Got up early to write this guide - How to safely deliver cars during the lockdown: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/safely-deliver-car-lockdown-click-collect-isnt-allowed/190755
  6. My hassling of the government has paid off - finally. Only six phone calls a day since Sunday morning, but I'm pleased to report the following: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/official-government-confirms-car-dealers-can-sell-cars-deliver-lockdown/190704
  7. Latest from Big Motoring World: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/big-motoring-world-launches-free-home-delivery/190662
  8. Big Motoring World has today started selling cars online and delivering them to customers' homes https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/big-motoring-world-launches-free-home-delivery/190662
  9. Morning all, Kia UK execs are joining me today on Car Dealer Live - you can watch it here at midday https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-kia-uk-aftersales-sales-directors-live-midday-wednesday/190606
  10. Want an update on the sunflowers? I bought the 'seeds' on Amazon. Thought a fiver was pricey for them. They turned up huge 500g bag... of sunflower seeds to eat, not plant. My nine year old was not impressed Not yet - I could try and get them on
  11. She was good wasn't she! As a las minute stand in she did very well. Thanks for your comments about the piece - hope it helps some people. And interesting points on the DSR piece. I'll keep an eye on that
  12. Afternoon all Been busy hammering away at this one, which might give you some ideas on how sales and deliveries could take place now or to prepare for the likely changes in the future. https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/investigation-can-car-dealers-start-selling-delivering-cars/190618 Hope it's of interest. As always, let me know your thoughts
  13. Just published this news story - NFDA says it thinks dealers CAN sell and deliver cars during lockdown https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/nfda-issues-advice-whether-dealers-selling-delivering-cars-lockdown/190452 No official word yet from the government but I am pushing them
  14. Neil is always very outspoken and honest - it'll be an interesting watch today at midday on Car Dealer Live. Check it out here: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-17-neil-mccue/190351
  15. I think what is clear is we need a specific comment from the government - can dealers deliver or not. It should be quote simple. I've emailed the business department and treasury today to ask them, and the SMMT. I'll see if any of them come back with a comment. Might try and hound them on Twitter too. Glad you enjoyed the article and thanks all for your comments
  16. The industry is split on this - selling cars, and whether you can deliver them during the lockdown. As Cazoo restarted sales and deliveries this week, it was met with some shock and anger from others. Here's my Sunday read for you on the topic... https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealers-selling-delivering-cars-lockdown/190334 Let me know what you think as always
  17. @New year revolutions...... Thanks for this - was this sent out by Auto Trader? I have just published this investigation piece and it would be good to include those comments in it if I can. Could you send it to me directly? https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealers-selling-delivering-cars-lockdown/190334
  18. Brilliant! Thanks for adding thoseBrilliant! Thanks for adding those
  19. Maybe one to ask the experts today on Car Dealer Live - join me here at midday: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealer-live-16-uhy-hacker-young/190179