Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. ASP, you are doing the right thing, it’s called “retail back”. It’s standard practice, simply look at your local competition and price accordingly.
  2. Re chain I call them (strings). They can go on for 5/6 cars, after the 1st deal the car owes you no money, it’s profit all the way. Spreading the risk is wise advice. You don’t already know your market, you’ll need to learn it....
  3. To be fair, the lowballers come from all cultures. The generic trend is they are all morons. However, I can confirm when I used to auction cars on eBay 60% on my auctions were ruined by bidders who had no intent on purchasing, of those wasters 90% had Asian names. I used to dread a foreign name as a winning bidder....
  4. To all my friends on this forum I hope you and your families have a great new year and very prosperous 2018. Cheers to you all Simon
  5. 5k cars will usually yield 1-2k. The Merc might sell immediately or it might sit around for 6 months or more depreciating @ £300 a month..... If it was as simple as you think we would all be doing the same. Don't buy cars just for vanity, you will get sick of seeing your 20k sat there doing absolutely nothing for you, when you have had numerous £500 PX's which you have flipped for £1500 in a few days, you will then appreciate you might not want 20k sat in a car which is waiting for a 20k cash buyer (not many of those around).
  6. I'm with you... I would be looking at 4/5 cars to spread the risk and maximise the profit, of course you have to know your market but for me when I invest 20k I'm looking for al ot more return that 3k, especially after Mr VAT man takes his 20%.
  7. Please accept my apologies from the sunny SouthWest, BTW another 2 sold today that's 9 in 9 days.......I'm down to 13 advertised.......
  8. Moron. Real mechanics know exactly what to look for. I can tell a charade straight away and I let them know, I know its a farce.
  9. It’s crazy down hear, I’ve done 7 in the last 8 days
  10. TV, it was a bit like that on the early days of ebay, I was there at the start with cars, it was the first net medium where you could write a proper description and be honest and upfront.... Sixteen years later classified ads is the only way.
  11. I also can’t see that, with Brexit looming this country needs to attract investment by business and business needs long term stability.
  12. Show plates with your business website and logo looks good imo. A genuinely interested customer will call for more information, you can then sell yourself and the car to them
  13. Never on my First and most important lesson, don't piss off the neighbour's. Second lesson, don't advertise your cars with the registration. 3rd etc, don't take the piss by parking outside someones house, keep changing where you park and rotate every 2/3 days. Be discrete and park every car in excess of 500m of each other.
  14. Time very dare you....... I sold a car on Christmas day
  15. Grant, 80k turnover is nothing, if you think you will easily exceed it you should register for VAT straight away.
  16. Hi Grant, just over 150 so far this year, including taking a deposit yesterday
  17. I like the sounds good with palm trees and naked women....,mmmmm
  18. Hi ASP, I have no intention to change my business ethos. I’m just going to keep trying to improve and simplify.
  19. Hi Grant, I'm in exactly the same position as you, but with more like 15 - 25 cars trading from home, logistics is a nightmare. The MOT center, mechanics garage and valeters I use are based on a small industrial estate 5 minutes from my home. I'm constantly back and forth.....anyway a unit came available right next to the garage with 3400ft including office space, I'm completing early in January, its £13000 a year with no rates. However, I'm paying nearly £900 a monthly VED car tax payments Its gonna make my life so much easier.
  20. Andy, I can’t see what’s wrong with speak to AT, they’ll tell you why.
  21. Well done Dean this time next year you’ll be a millionaire !!