Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. If you just want "last price" you miss the point on quality. The UK offers quality. Our economy doesn't work on a barter society, the UK is one of the most advanced economies in the world, that's why you came here so don't compare a UK Retailer to your country. Show some respect.
  2. Mat, the pig **** ignorant low ball "give you £300" by text are the epitome of scum. The inquiry they have sent isn't an inquiry, its them personally spitting in your face by text. Dealing with cretins like that isn't worth a second thought apart from DELETE. If they really want to buy the car they will call and correspond in a polite effective manner.
  3. Take a deeeeep breath, I'm 100% with you Unfortunately they have no respect. They compare the uk to a Market into Scummystinkybad, or wherever they are from and think we should do business their way. The arrogance / disrespect really grains me, that's why I won't appoint anyone until they've paid a deposit upfront.
  4. Were "Wet behind the ears". If you need advice on how to pass your gcse look elsewhere
  5. Dave, I admire your enthusiasm. But you are just "Dave" an anonymous phishing researcher. Or pretending to be. Let's be frank. Your anonymous build up is BS, if you want people to get behind you, show us proof, you show your cards, otherwise your just a dreaming faker. Don't say believe in me or it'll take time because that's BS aswell. Proof..........
  6. Dave, I'm not negative, I'm a realist. You ultimately are researching here with the potential to trial a product which you hope to sell to us. So far, from your approach you haven't given me the slightest confidence to believe in you. You sound to me like a market trader trying to offer an "amazing" new product, then when you show the product it'll be an apple peeler. Big build up with a huge let down. I wish you the best of luck and would love to be proved wrong I mean that. Simon
  7. This sounds just like a dreaming student writing a thesis Which will inevitably turn into a quickly disappearing flop.
  8. The ones who just look at photos, then........wait for it.......send an long have you owned and why are you selling ?
  9. Peace pipe maaaannnn We can all disagree, but lets all agree with only low level offence... If you want to start offering people out, its for you to show your prowess and Show us how big they are.... Me thinks you have marbles...My friend.....PEACE James, I like the fact you actually let this forum be a forum and let the boys have a scrap, you only start to knock heads when its heading the wrong way.
  10. Look, if you buy crap expect crap. It's there because it's crap, it amazes me the "no reserve" line, I watch sometimes and it's like watching flies attracted to a freshly laid turd.... No offence intended:)
  11. Caveat Emptor. You rolled the dice.....
  12. Hate the liars that BS and say the deposit on its way. I won't let them get off the phone until its arrived.
  13. YOU are playing the RACE card, the discussion is about about cultural differences and the difficulties. You clearly don't understand the difference and are now specifically and TYPICALLY using the RACE card as a defence
  14. MUZO, You are now trying to play the RACE card. Aren't you original......
  15. And we didn't die for them as well ?? Show some respect !!
  16. "What iam saying is they all not bad maybe some irritating ones but generally they are good people you have to give take mate" I don't have to give or take, why should I ! This is the UK. A culture and democracy which should be respected by it's guests, we don't operate our economy on the basis of a street market in Pakistan (for example). You simply don't appreciate how deeply offensive it is in our culture to be so offensive and rude. End of !
  17. Don't waste your time with them. Tell them, you value your time above theirs and unless they they confirm they are a genuine buyers you won't appoint them Take control. If they won't to buy the car they will pay a nominal deposit to confirm intent, wasters won't pay a deposit.
  18. I just say this is the UK, we sell on quality. Explain Mr foreign customer would you buy the cheapest parachute ,Erm no !! So why would you want to risk the life of you and your family in the cheapest car you can find. If you want cheap, that means YOU are cheap, if you want quality YOU are quality. Huge difference !! Believe me, they have no answer to that ...............
  19. For all the above reasons, I only sell to customers who are polite and respectful irrespective of race. I'm not racist but I do find a lot of UK born Asians intrinsically disrespectful and obnoxious. I simply won't entertain any of the "last price" mob handed, speak in their own language, cannot read brigade if they aren't respectful. I treat people how they treat me, end of.
  20. XFS, your a man out of my own book. Your approach is very similar to mine, however I'm even more protective of my time I only appoint people who have watched my full video appraisal and have confirmed with an (upfront deposit) their intent to buy on the basis of my description. I never appoint anyone who just wants to "av a look". They have to confirm with a deposit that they are genuine buyers.