trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. I wouldn’t worry about losing that deal.Anyone paying in full on a credit card has got ‘nowt’ and you could be storing up future problems for yourself.We have always chased them.
  2. You need a card machine especially to make it easier to get deposits from punters on the pitch.We use Worldpay which RBS recommended.So if you do 10 £5k debit card deals a month with the machine rental and their fees it might cost £200.It can take 3 or 4 days to show up in your bank even though it’s debit cards.Another downside to consider is tracking the money when it shows up because it can be in a lump sum which might include a full deal or a deposit or 2 which they told me specifically would not be the case.That was my main grouse from my old pitch which does a lot of business.We only take credit cards as a small deposit which cost a bit more than a debit card......I will be interested to see what the others say on this topic.
  3. What we want to know is,have you repaid your grand parents yet for letting them down.?
  4. My understanding is that you are expected to upload daily/weekly all your income and expenditure into ‘the cloud’ so HMRC can keep an eye on your business and probably compare VAT calculations with similar size businesses.
  5. I hadn’t noticed the £4m ! The Bradford area might be a DMZ for local government trading standards officers,if anyone plays the race card etc I imagine careers could be in ruins.
  6. Motorsure T/A Motorhub of Keighley
  7. Not so sure Andy,the company Motorsure is worth £1.7m down from £2.5 a few years back.They got off lightly it seems.
  8. Hi Mojo If you have ever rented property to DSS tenants you would know exactly what I mean regarding Universal Credit and giving them a lump sum every month.Most of them are incapable of managing there own affairs so getting paid is a problem.Regarding MTD,there will be 1000’s of non digital older generation self employed deregister for VAT.I think there will be lots more tax fraud because HMRC will be looking at purchases and sales on line rather than physically looking at your actual paperwork.The mind boggles what people might get up to in order to keep their VAT bill down by’ imputting errors’.
  9. We are with Sage,£15 per month,but I am not doing it because I basically think MTD is crap and might turn out like Universal Credit.There is apparently a problem with margin scheme stock.It just seems to me that if you were into fraud ( not meaning car dealers ) it could be easy to scam HMRC with reclaims and apparently fraud is rarely prosecuted these days. It is interesting that something important like MTD is not discussed much on here,yet if someone posts what type of spanner do I need becomes a hot topic !
  10. Ha Ha,when ECU’s were introduced you learned very quickly.If they got wet you we would take them off and place on top of a radiator for a week a so to dry them out.BTW Nick I don’t believe that any of your stock has stone chips on the bonnet.
  11. Unless you are doing cheapies,if you skimp on valeting or any prep you will lose business.It was instilled in me when I worked on an open pitch when I was a boy that your stock had to look mint at all times,be off the button and smell nice.How often when you leave a stonechip on a bonnet thinking it will sell and it doesn’t.You then get it done and it sells quickly.I know a lot of punters don’t open the lid to inspect and listen before buying these days but for the time it takes,I think you have got to do it.
  12. Hi Dave I was referring to car traders in general exagerating profit margins,it must have gone on forever.There cannot be many like you who can resurrect complicated ‘Fartherland’ stuff.I imagine if you factored in the hours involved you deserve/ need a big margin. Too many people enter this job after being badly influenced by flash traders who usually ‘ don’t have a pot to P in ‘.
  13. Your right,a relative of mine recently damaged the bonnet,grill and bumper on his £7000 A6.I have bought worse at the block.His insurance company wanted to write it off.They gave him £4000 back and he got it repaired for a grand but it is now on the hit list. There is a hugely successfull claims management company near us called Wynn’s,they make millions.A friend of mine had someone run into the back of his old 3 grand X5.Wynns rented a Range Rover for him,he had it 2 months ! I now understand why insurance companies are quick to write off.
  14. DISCLAIMER./ Reality check Cautionary note for anyone thinking of starting up in this job after reading posts on this forum.Car dealers often have a habit of exagerating their profit margins.For instance I know of no one as previously suggested regularly retaining 3 grand margins per sale and operating alone and making £90k per month ( or even divided by 9 ). So any wannabes please don’t get the wrong impression......Thank you.
  15. I don’t agree.For example in Lex at Wolves next week there is a 65 plate diesel Zafira Tourer with 100k.( Cap Clean £5500).If you could buy that to retail at £5950 it would be worth buying.
  16. Good luck,but if you are working from home I would stick to what you are good at.
  17. It has always been the same with advertising,trade pays more.
  18. Nice Doblo at Ingleston Tues,if you have a BCA account,I know a good pro indi buyer who will be there who would check it out.10 plate,it should be 2 grandish
  19. I had forgotten about Pendle.I recall it was a disaster,the best sales guys walked.I have no idea how it worked,you must have a few more gems to enlighten us.
  20. Carefull you don’t lash out.....£5.99 bottle at Majestic ! Don’t tell me,it is from the north side of the vinyard. Have a good weekend !
  21. BHM’s successfull returns policy is probably helped by the large Alsatian he has chained to his fence..!
  22. Either your quality control is second to none or you are selling none runners !
  23. I have had any car cover with the RAC for over 25 years.
  24. I usually say,we sold it to one of our regular customers for the full price and his part ex looks better than when he bought it from us.We actually have someone to buy that and they are on their way now.....We much prefer part ex deals....That usually confuses them.
  25. BCA branch network must deal with hundreds of complaints per day.They cannot pay them all or get their vendors to pay so by not cooperating with dealers saves them a lot of money.If I was with BCA,I would be in favour of the system knowing that most dealers are fickle and will just give up.