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williamblackshaw last won the day on September 26 2016

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About williamblackshaw

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    Franchised dealer
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  1. Heres one to make you laugh guys - so due to working from home i had on my shelf next to me, loo roll, for my cough and sneeze, and also due to washing my hands so much, some cream for my hands as they were drying out - i had a face time with a friend who all he could see was loo roll and moisturisour next to me - so he pointed out i clearly haven't been working LOL
  2. If i had enough land at home it wouldn't be full of cars, it will be quad bikes and karts to play on ;-)
  3. I am just wondering though, if everyone is a little shy of going out to busy shopping centres etc, maybe cancel holidays abroad, then people might fancy going to view cars in open air forecourts etc like the olden days? Just a thought ?
  4. We were thinking before the handover do a delivery handover video with all the features so they can watch it on their phone so that the sales person doens't have to do it (not as personal granted) but to start with people as you say will be cautious
  5. Sure, drop me your number and can facetime cheers - hope your safe and well
  6. Just thinking about when we finally reopen, i will be adding hand sanitiser stations in waiting areas, wipes for the touch screen coffee machine buttons, can we offer test drives without a salesmen, (currently insurance only covers accompanied test drives) , re spacing our waiting areas out by removing a car from the showroom What other ideas are people considering for the reopening of showrooms?
  7. Think we are all entitled to our opinions, as the above post says it's not just car sales, estate agents spring to mind who will also be effected, i guess it could be aruged all day basic salary v commissions etc, but i think everyone is just trying to protect themselves as we enter an unknown period of life sure is scary. I am guessing there will be other industries too effected and as said you can't protect them all - i am yet to work out if i can get any personal income in my position as my efforts have been spent trying to communicate with staff and customers and ensure there are jobs for all to return too. But i guess if i was a salesmen on a low salary and had paid thousands and thousands in taxes and then be told others are getting a higher 80% than me, despite me paying a much higher amount each month, year - i would for sure be fighting for extra income to support my family, and don't forget there are single parents out there with kids who all they will be doing is looking to pay their rent and feed their kids, come on guys no one would have seen this scenrio ever arrising Umesh i am sure is just trying to help promote this for those in the industry he loves - and yes when this is all over, i have no doubt many will be looking to change pay structures Hope everyone is safe out there - stay safe, Will
  8. Tester is correct on this as mentioned above, unable to check seat belts and locks from inside,
  9. Personally i wouldn't bother, a study a few years back showed this actually put customers off as it was seen as you were trying to hide something, each to their own however But i personally wouldn't do it
  10. Reminds me of an old manufacturer follow up process where there was such high money riding on the follow up. One dealer that I shall not name, had ten spare pay as you go mobiles for these calls so when they rang they knew who was calling. As it was a 3rd party company too they never realised they rang the same people each time and always scored a 10/10. And for th record no it wasn’t me :-)
  11. We use a company called Prospecting Dynamics. Very reasonable costs to do our calls and the feedback is always superb. Don’t under estimate the value in a call. They also check we can use their details to send a feefo online follow up so it doubles up nicely.
  12. We’ve our annual account review tomorrow. Gulp